(PNO) Despite widespread disapproval from constituents, S.J.Res 34 has passed the United States Senate with a vote of 50-48, with two absent votes. Earlier today, at 12:25 Eastern March 23, 2017, the US Senate voted on S.J.Res 34, and will use the Congressional Review Act to strip away broadband privacy protections that kept Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and telecoms from selling your internet history and app data usage to third parties. S.J.Res 34 was first introduced by 23 Republican Senators earlier this month and its blitz approval is a giant blow to privacy rights in the United States.
The resolution, which is now effectively half passed, will hand responsibility of broadband privacy regulation from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and disallow the FCC from making any rules protecting Internet privacy ever again.
The 50 Senators that voted for S.J.Res 34 are (thanks to happyxpenguin):
Senator Roberts (R-KS)
Senator Lee (R-UT)
Senator Boozman (R-AR)
Senator Blunt (R-MO)
Senator Crapo (R-ID)
Senator Scott (R-SC)
Senator Cotton (R-AR)
Senator Hatch (R-UT)
Senator Capito (R-WV)
Senator Alexander (R-TN)
Senator Toomey (R-PA)
Senator Perdue (R-GA)
Senator Cochran (R-MS)
Senator Inhofe (R-OK)
Senator Ernst (R-IA)
Senator Lankford (R-OK)
Senator Collins (R-ME)
Senator Sullivan (R-AK)
Senator Thune (R-SD)
Senator McCain (R-AZ)
Senator Graham (R-SC)
Senator Wicker (R-MS)
Senator Grassley (R-IA)
Senator Burr (R-NC)
Senator Hoeven (R-ND)
Senator Tillis (R-NC)
Senator McConnell (R-KY)
Senator Heller (R-NV)
Senator Cruz (R-TX)
Senator Daines (R-MT)
Senator Portman (R-OH)
Senator Murkowsky (R-AK)
Senator Cassidy (R-LA)
Senator Flake (R-AZ)
Senator Johnson (R-WI)
Senator Rubio (R-FL)
Senator Corker (R-TN)
Senator Risch (R-ID)
Senator Gardner (R-CO)
Senator Young (R-IN)
Senator Barasso (R-WY)
Senator Moran (R-KS)
Senator Cornyn (R-TX)
Senator Enzi (R-WY)
Senator Kennedy (R-LA)
Senator Shelby (R-AL)
Senator Rounds (R-SD)
Senator Paul (R-KY)
Senator Isakson (R-GA)
The FCC broadband privacy rules are closer to ending – allowing your private internet history to be sold
The Senators that voted for this have been lobbied by the telecoms and ISPs. Those in support of this stripping of privacy rights have even filed with the FCC attempting to claim that web history and app data usage information is not sensitive information. The EFF put it concisely: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy. Now, the only chance to maintain the hard earned FCC broadband privacy rules lies in defeating H.J.Res 86, the House version of this resolution, which will likely be voted on in the House of Representatives within the next month. It’s up to us to Save Broadband Privacy and make sure that we Don’t Let Congress Undermine Our Privacy.
By Caleb Chen / Creative Commons / Privacy News Online
I have been reaching out to America for help vie the internet, but our society would have me be a criminal; in order to convince themselves that they are not part of or are ignorant to this true level of corruption in America. All that I have stated is documented in letters, on voice recordings (some are on my public sound cloud you can hear their own words), on legal documents and on film. As I have said many times I will not hate. But as long as I can draw a breath, I will never be deprived of my freedom, or be denied protection of the US justice system or the US Constitution, I am not allowed to live peacefully as a law abiding US Citizen, and I have done all that is humanly and legally possible to get into a court of law. This leaves me with only one option, the original right of self-defense.
“Generally speaking, courts rarely have to decide whether there is a constitutional right to self-defense, since all states generally recognize a statutory or common-law right to use force against another person in self-defense. All men … have certain inalienable rights — among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, [and] acquiring, possessing and protecting property”.
“The Washington Constitution expressly secures a “right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state.”
The court concluded that this provision and the Second Amendment “are most reasonably read not as creating a right of self-defense but as lending support to the existence of an un-enumerated right to self-defense retained by the people or fundamental to due process,” though the court also noted that some other courts “have read constitutional guarantees of a right to bear arms as implicitly guarantee-ing a right to self-defense.”
Please remember these legal decisions as your Government attempts to take away your RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS; while protecting and empowering the “BAD PEOPLE”, who are allowed to keep their weapons.
I have no, guns, but that doesn’t mean that I cannot fight back, and when I fight, I will be fighting for my life, property, liberty, in the attempt to get fair and proper Justice and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americas. Until the laws and/or the US Constitution are changed to allow for the unlawful and corrupt “BAD PEOPLE” to prevail over law and order and/or take away our constitutional rights, I am within the law; even while I lose my life at the hands of our government, in defense of our written laws and our U.S. Constitution. As every American should know there is only one price to be paid for our freedom. I am willing to pay that price. Will I then be protected as those “BAD PEOPLE” have been?
Please study my (Eldoris Gardner) public face-book and the voice recordings at my public Sound cloud.