By: boncho via abovetopsecret.com
Floating around the inter webs are numerous accounts of the explosion at Cape Canaveral today, a UFO can be seen in the official video of the test fire, which passes over the space-vessel just as it explodes. After going through numerous sites, and looking at many different analysis, it does appear this is not a bird, or a bug (though some can be seen in the video at earlier and later times).
There was also a post on reddit from someone who claims they work on site (as a welder) and earlier in the day (prior to launch) they witnessed UFOs in the sky. They are not allowed to bring phones on site with them, so they had no videos, but offered an account of the disastrous morning:
(Edit: Warning, the quoted text is claimed anonymous internet writings, the authenticity remains un-established)
So This is my first post here long time lurker, But today the Space X rocket blew up on the launch pad if you weren’t aware. I am a welder at Kennedy Space Center and before launch a lot of us were noticing strange lights in the sky above the pad. About 20 minutes before launch there was an impression in the clouds (its rainy here) of a oblong shape you could almost see the blue sky through it then 3 white lights appeared in the center of it and then just disappeared with a blink of an eye they were visible for maybe 20 seconds. 20 minutes later the rocket explodes on the pad maybe it’s a coincidence I don’t know but hopefully some of you have insight unfortunately I have no pictures. (We are not allowed to have our phones on us in our hanger due to “safety reasons” they stay in our locker till we clock out.)
The payload was officially the Satellite Amos6, a 200M Sat which Zuckerberg/Facebook was launching to “give the world free internet”, or at least thats the PR spin on the project.
The Sat was built by Israeli Aerospace Industries and was to be part of the Spacecom satellite network – Check out the coverage map here, operating in the Ku bands, and Ka Spot beams, it was going cover areas which already have Spacecom coverage, mostly Europe & Eastern Europe/Russia.
It’s precisely this reason I think there is something more to the story. Supposedly Amos6 would offer redundancy, backup services and increase reliability. Maybe there’s something more to the frequencies they are playing with? Anyone got any ideas? I haven’t had a chance to look at possible uses yet. They do mention ‘New Services’…
Scheduled for launch in 2016 to the 4°W orbital position, Spacecom’s AMOS-6 satellite includes 3 Ku-Band beams: Middle East, Central East Europe (CEE) and Pan-European; and 36 HTS Ka-band spot beams over sub-Sahara Africa and Europe.
AMOS-6 strengthens 4°W orbital location with wider coverage and new services. AMOS-6 high power and large amount of Ku-band transponders offer Spacecom’s existing and new customers a reliable growth-engine for their business. AMOS-6 enhances Spacecom’s existing service offering by supporting a full range of services, including Direct-To-Home (DTH), video distribution, VSAT communications and broadband Internet.
so what motive would someone have to blow it up?
perhaps it was to keep Israel from continuing their unholy holy war and destroying our world.
Looks like a bug in front of the camera
Note the pictures 2,3 and 4 all listed at 0:41. The smoke or vapor forms are identical but the dots or UFO’s or whatever they are, are in different positions on the photos. The photos were probably edited or doctored.
think one step further…
if all pictures have the same time stamp , this means that all of this happened in one second (nobody faking these pics would forget the timestamp , ist way to easy to manipulate).
also, if you look closely , the fog and the fireblast is changing slightly , so your argument is none
Its the ironman thingi Suparco made.
There is also a low flying object that comes in before the upper one! Can you please freeze frame that one too??
I’m sorry guys but that’s obviously a bird, if you watch the original video you will see there are a lot of them flying around… and we see only a round object when we pause because the frame per second of the camera is low and you can’t see the bird’s wings.
I initially thought the same… but wait.. a bird making such a distance at that high speed? Watch it again without a slow-mo effect and you will realize that cant be a bird. Neither a drone nor a plane…
it is my dreams and hopes flying away.
The camera is a couple miles away from the rocket, and the “object” could be anywhere between the camera and the rocket. Without a second camera to render a three dimensional view, you cannot tell how far away the object is. Nor can you tell how large it is. And, without that information, you cannot tell how fast it is going. It could be a small bird near the camera or a large bird near the rocket. It’s moving across the frame too quickly to be the latter, but you cannot tell if it is the former.
Uh no a bird is not that fast. The camera is far away and the object is even further than the rocket. A bird could not cross the screen in that amount of time being behind the rocket. Nor would it be as big as the object we see. Also given how far away said bird is even with a low frames per second we would see wings at some point if you had zoom on but a bird that far away would look like a tiny dot and you couldn’t see wings due to distance.
Also a bird is not round even when you cannot see it’s wings even in a specific position.
You are SOOOO paranoid.
#Trump blames illegal aliens.
May be someone didnt want lex luthors i mean mr zuckerbergs spy satellite to get operational.
it is a fly near the camera …. watch the explosion reflected on the object (fly)
Look at all the other birds that appear after the explosion. They look like birds whether paused or not. This thing is clearly a ball
Fake news and fake photos pls check video buffer timing all 0.41 seconds in all photos.