The US Is Now Spending $20.5 Million On Super Fast Hypersonic Missles


Another story that regards DARPA this week, besides trying to manufacture auto-aim bullets and robotic soldiers they are now wanting to fund super fast hypersonic missles that can allegedly hit any target in the world in an hour or less.

DARPA sent a $20,489,714 contract to Ratheon to develop the fastest missles the world has ever seen [too fast to see?]. Ratheon is one of the largest corporations in the US and is responsible for many of today’s modern and advanced weaponry, they call themselves a defence agency but we all know what comes from that.

These missles are said to be faster and more effective than any other missles currently used, they will be extremely difficult to take down due to their hypersonic speed and will apparently take out anything in the world in an hour or less with great devastation.

Last year these missles were tested but failed, however, DARPA does plan on having these missles fully developed and functional by the year 2020.

Many sources are now starting to say that a new Cold War is slowly “heating up” between Russia and the US. Both the US and Russia are now starting to develop these hypersonic weapons, however the US is in the lead.

According to The Moscow Times, Russia feels threatened as the missles pose a significant threat to their own nuclear weapon force. The director of the Moscow-based Centre for arms control, Energy and Environmental Studies, Dr. Eugene Miasnikov, stated that “Russia considers this trend as a path to obtaining [non-nuclear] means of depriving Russia of its deterrent capability,”


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