The current climate of US politics, government agencies and mainstream media ‘fake news’ content is aligning with the recent WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 release. Simply put: A context has presented itself.
The release of ‘hacking tools’ and what the CIA is capable of highlights to each and every individual the necessity to re-evaluate government and corporate agenda; why are certain ‘fake news’ pieces published by the Mainstream Media?
Late last year, the ‘fake news’ campaign, propagated by the Mainstream Media (MSM), spiralled and turned against the very corporations who perpetuated it. Washington Post, the New York Times and CNN discovered backlash unfamiliar to the once considered backbones of ‘journalistic integrity.’
The media industry flipped onto its head, with some alt news organizations taking the lead in the trust stakes.
Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange both had interesting takes on the ‘fake news’ media war occurring.
Pulitzer Prize winning Greenwald, along with other well-known journalists let loose on Washington Post over its piece about Russia leading the ‘fake news’ campaign while the US elections were taking place.
Greenwald, in a series of tweets pointed out the shortcomings of the report, criticising the Post for not checking out sources responsible for the PropOrNot blacklisting of over 200 websites. Journalist Craig Timberg and Trevor Timm also criticised the report on Twitter.
That WPost story on Russian fake news is total journalistic garbage, but it serves various agendas so it’s being uncritically passed around.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 25, 2016
More astoundingly, the Washington Post published this black list while concealing the identity of the “researchers” who compiled it: https://t.co/HrfVibjqXN
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 25, 2016
Funniest part: the ones who spread this thought they were exposing “fake news” when they themselves were exhibiting all the hallmarks of it. https://t.co/Ij4uMKBewf
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 25, 2016
Three months later, Julian Assange also commented on the ‘fake news’ propaganda, but praised its existence, hinting that true journalism will now rise to the top; and if reports are authenticated then there is nothing to worry about.
“WikiLeaks is very happy that there is a narrative about fake news out there because we have a perfect record of having never got it wrong in terms of authentications,” Assange told Australian comedian Chas Licciardello in a video link to Sydney in February.
Assange took it one step further, calling out the “opportunistic snipers” of the press who publish “weaponised text.”
Discussing WikiLeaks’ role, Assange defended his organization. “You’re not reading pre-weaponised knowledge. When you read a newspaper article, you are reading weaponised text that is designed to affect a person just like you.”
Vault 7, arguably, is another piece in the puzzle. Leaving ‘fingerprints’ behind to frame Russia another country of possible election interference misdoings – provides the necessary ammunition a government corporation requires in order to systematically perpetuate propaganda; eventually leading to international tensions.
The well-oiled machine is slowing down in this techno era – the puzzle pieces are aligning – and for once, the people are a step ahead of a government that’ll do everything it can to shut it down.
What are your thoughts on this entire situation?
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