“We don’t need a warrant.”
Clark County, WA – After receiving a call from Kentucky about a domestic disturbance, police in Vancouver, Washington, forcefully entered a family’s home, ripped an infant from a mother’s arms, and later choked the woman until she was unconscious. Police did not have a warrant or apparent probable cause to enter the premises, and they later tried to collaborate stories and destroy the evidence of their attack, unaware that a video of the incident had already been uploaded to iCloud.
The altercation took place on February 16, at the home of Ilya Petrenko and his wife, Stephanie. According to reports, the caller from Kentucky claimed Stephanie’s hands were broken (it’s unclear whether the caller referred to her by name), however, after Stephanie confirmed that she was unharmed, the officers refused to leave and tried to gain access to the house.
After more than an hour of politely (it’s true, watch the video) asking the officers to leave, a bewildered Ilya began recording the incident. The police had tried to coerce the couple into letting them into the house until Stephanie started to become increasingly (and understandably) agitated, at which point the officers forced their way in, stating “we don’t need a warrant.”
After climbing through the window, one of the officers grabbed Stephanie by the hair, pulling her back. Moments later, officers pried the baby from her arms and then assaulted her.
Although the altercation cannot be seen in the video, you can hear Stephanie in the background struggling with police. After her voice goes silent for a few moments, you can hear her exclaim to the officers that they almost killed her. Stephanie claims that the police had choked her until she was unconscious.
In The Free Thought Project’s report:
“According to Ilya, Stephanie was strangled until she lost consciousness and when she awoke, the assaulting officer was taking pictures and verbally conspiring with the other officers to imply Ilya had caused the injuries. However, video footage from before the police assault clearly shows that Stephanie’s neck and arms are free from bruises or marks.”
The couple was arrested after the altercation, and although the children had gone into the care of a family member, police arrived at the relation’s home without a warrant and took the children into custody. There were not any circumstances of neglect, abuse, or exigence.
Ilya and Stephanie are still in the process of trying to get their children back, and are taking donations to help with court costs and lawyer fees.
While in custody, police apparently deleted all photos and videos from Mr. Petrenko’s phone; however, luckily, the video above had already been uploaded to iCloud. According to information provided by the couple in their YouTube video, at least one of the officers involved, Sandra Aldridge, has been under investigation by Internal Affairs due to numerous complaints. These include perjury, falsifying reports, fabrication/planting evidence, suppression/destruction of evidence, unlawful surveillance, cyber-stalking, criminal impersonation, harassment, and retaliation.
In a later video, Ilya and Stephanie gave an account of the events:
So to wrap it up: after confirming that Stephanie was safe and uninjured, officers swarmed the couple’s window with guns and tasers drawn—thereby risking the lives of the children within—and escalated a situation which had begun over a false report of domestic abuse. Then, after assaulting the mistaken victim themselves and collaborating stories, they illegally took the children. Once the officers had gained access to the property, police blamed the couple for not opening the door to the mob of cops in their yard, stating that they hadn’t illegally entered the property. Towards the end of the video, Officer Sean Donaldson and Petrenko have the following conversation:
Donaldson: We came to talk to you guys.
Petrenko: Yeah, but what about this now? What’s all this?
Donaldson: We offered to [unintelligible] open the door.
Petrenko: So you break in?
Donaldson: We didn’t break in. We went through the open window.
Petrenko: Oh, wow.
Donaldson: The window was open.
Petrenko: We tried to close it and you forced entry. Okay, this is stupid. Look, God’s watching everything. All the people online are watching all of this. Everybody sees it. Everybody hears it.
Donaldson: Is there a YouTube username that you’re gonna post it on there?
Petrenko: No.
Donaldson: Oh. Where you gonna post it at then?
Petrenko: Doesn’t matter. You guys are probably gonna try…
Donaldson: Nowhere?
Nowhere indeed, Sir.
Smile and wave to the world, “officer” Donaldson—you made it to AnonHQ.

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Thank fuck i dont live in america.. These lil piggies would get fucked up.. The Cheek of them
These cops honestly believe they’re the good guys. Most of the evil committed in the world is perpetrated by people who believe they are the good guys. Adolf thought he was the good guy.
I get so Angry seing stuff like these, How the people are treated, “Robbed of Their freedom” Police officers not following the Law they are “making sure everyone else” is supposed to follow…
Marshall Law at it’s start ppl open your fuck’n eyes! We have No Rights! !
Police officers like that are really pathetic, and at some level I do feel sorry for them. It’s a struggle for power in a big bad world, and many opt for the dark side if they didn’t start off on that side to begin with.
Lol, smartasses. They thrive on emotion and fear. Brainwashed by media like Pavlov’s dog.
How can you have the audacity to pull out your gun and start peeping through the window like a fool when there is a baby?
If this were a serious domestic issue, there are better ways of handling the situation.
Having said that, there are many brilliant people officers who do actually care about justice and genuinely want to be part of the solution and not the problem.
So I guess it’s in our hands to be cautious of stereotyping, and not consider all the boys in blue to be mindless power-hungry idiots.
That was America, that is America, that will America be in future – a country with no culture. The last country I´ll goto – ever.
there is a culture here, that was almost erased completely. believe it or not there are many Native American tribes that survived genocide a few hundred years ago, and we are still here surviving, i was born and raised on one of those reservations and i can be one to tell u our culture is still very much alive
Im not going to comment the obvious madness in this video as we all know how fucked up police in the u.s can be by now.. but this bitch really pissed me off during the entire movie, i just feel like letting that out rofl :p If that was my girl i’d tell ur to calm down and shut up and let me handle the police instead of screaming like a pig constantly.
You didn’t comply immediately so they are fucking you as hard as they can.
This is what I see in the video. Police arrive to check out domestic abuse call. You refuse to let them in because you feel it’s your right? Well your wrong they have probable cause because of the report of abuse. Women have fought for years to get the laws changed. Years ago cops would question the woman in front of her abuser, so out of fear she would lie about her injuries and refuse to press charges. The police would leave, even though they knew the truth, but they were not aloud to intervene without the woman pressing charges. After they left the man would continue to beat her and/or kill her! Now the police have to question the woman alone so she has a chance to speak without her abuser glaring at her. They can now arrest the abuser without the woman pressing charges, which takes the blame off the woman! You two by thinking you are fighting for your rights may well be harming a woman down the road who doesn’t get the help she needs because the cops will be wondering if it’s worth the hassle. If you had let the cops in to question you both separately and they found there was a mistake or no evidence it would have ended. Lets put it this way. If the cops had decided to leave without investigating further because you said you were “fine” (with your husband standing there listening) and then your husband proceeded to beat the living crap out of you or even kill you. Who do you think would be blamed for that? The cops would, because it has happened way too many times in the past! Women are dead because the cops (could not) intervene due to the laws of that time!
Dumbass. First off, when they just came to their house, they talked to just Stephanie alone for a good 30+ min. And later, they made the call back to the station saying they had arrived, checked on the female, and she appeared uninjured and the domestic violence allegation appeared to be false. At that point the cops need to leave the damn property. For any kind of further search, they need a warrant, and without reasonable grounds for suspicion, they can’t get one. Also, these dumbasses, that said they’re there to protect the lady, were the one that beat her up. Do your damn research. What the cops did is in no way justified and they should all face time in jail for this
Wow! I wrote a comment about how the laws have changed to help protect abused women and how the cops were doing their jobs. This is a quick short version of what I wrote. My comment was deleted within an hour! Why? I guess because the person running the site doesn’t want intelligent comments that might make people think about the whole picture. They want people to see the cops as the bad guys again!
Sorry there must have been a glich as soon as I posted this my first comment reappeared!
What a bullshit. Just open the door and let them in.
This guy arrested me last Friday and he told me lied on the police report told them all sorts of crazy stuff. Being a cop is all about having integrity and knowing your limits and listening for the truth.
Walking piles of white ash, destined for the Void.
Illumina’s wrath will not spare them; Eden will take the entire family into her care.
What happened to the video? Does anyone have a link to it? I’m trying to show my wife
This was the officer that arrested me Friday night the 21st of August when I was in a parked car in a parking garage cited me for DUI now I have to come up with money for an attorney that I don’t have and when I read the police report I was shocked at what he said This guy is a dog.