Police brutality across the United States is seemingly not to coming to an end. After going on a ‘killing spree’ of unarmed black men across the US, they have now turned to physical torture of citizens who commit minor traffic offences.
A new video released by The Free Thought Project shows a police officer from the Virginia Beach Police Department pepper spraying and using a taser against a teenager, accusing him of resisting arrest.
The video is said to have been recorded in January of this year by one, Courtney Griffith, who was pulled over by police for the light on her license plate being out. At that time, the teenager, Brandon — who suffered the abuse — was accompanying his friend Courtney to an event.
When the officers stopped the car, Courtney, sensing that something might happen due to the aggressive nature of the officers, secretly propped her cell phone up on the dashboard to record the incident.
But she was unlucky, when after brutalizing her friend and taking them both into custody, the officers saw the video and deleted it. The video never got deleted permanently, however, rather it went to a ‘recently deleted’ file on Courtney’s iPhone which made it possible for her to retrieve the video, exposing the police.
Courtney said that when she was stopped, the issue was initially about her light above the license plate being out, but later some officers joined the traffic stop and said the vehicle smelled like marijuana, and demanded that they step out of the vehicle.
At this point, an officer moves the front passenger seat forward and instructed Brandon to keep his hands visible at all times, but Brandon protested that he is teenager and that he is not dangerous.
As he was speaking, he is shot in the eyes with pepper spray. “I’m seventeen years old, stop!” Brandon cried out as the pepper spray burned his eyes. Moments later, he is hit with another round of pepper spray and tased four times.
“Get out, or you’re going to get it again!” the officer threatened. Other officers joined in and began beating him. Eight cops were on the scene, at least five of them were involved in the assault on the unarmed teen.
Courtney told The Free Thought Project that the officers made fun of her when they saw the video and deleted it, hoping that it would never got leaked.
“They arrested me, never Mirandized me or Brandon and they sent me off with a summons. When I went back to my car, my phone had been brought off the dashboard and was on the driver’s seat. I asked the cops who deleted the video, after looking for it in my folder, and they all started laughing. It was sickening. I later found it in my recently deleted folder,” she said.
As we speak, Brandon is currently imprisoned until July on charges of assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest.
Please share this story and call on the Virginia Beach Police Department to demand they conduct an independent investigation into the incident.
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I am done with this shit! I don’t care if a couple cops are bad. Fuck allllll of them.
Fuck you. The police are who u call when you need them!
Fuck the cops rather call a Crack head
LOL your funny f… the police.
Yet they are never there when you need them.
I had my home invaded and the cops and forensic team were able to snatched up two of three. I recognized each in line up before I even looked on it was so badly engrained. At the time one was “ready to kill” my 17 yr old Lil bro, my ear was cut in half (in shock and wouldn’t cooperate”) and the dude who hit me with glass mason jar cut his hand slightly… but of course I live in syosset, NY probably top segregated areas period. I’m white all 3 were a.a. it didn’t seem to matter in this case because I had problems with them before and knew I had no fans there. point is there are always good with the bad who can argue that u know?
Kill all the cops, what are they really? paid MAFIA/GOONS
Casey, you’re a fucking retard…
Agreed 🙂
Fuck all of them hell yhea
I f*cking hate those nazi cops in your country. Come here to Italy mother f*ckers and we will see how long time you will live if you behave like in the US.
They will 100% get murdered within 48 hrs if they would behave like this in Italy.
It is your american people’s fault you let these child of whore’s behave like that. because you don’t do nothing about it… that is why they continue treat you like homeless dogs on the street.
even though the guy is high as fuck, that doesn’t give the officer the right to do any of what he did, hell, even if he was shooting heroin in the car while getting a blow job from a prostitute that doesn’t give him the right to do that, the boy DIDN’T ARREST.. and what make it even sadder is that the officer knew that what he is doing is wrong, which is why he tried to delete the video.
my conclusion : he has mental problem.
Wow American democracy?
This kid deserved it, Him and the girl where being very disrespectful to the cop. They where not listening to him, and questioning his authority. I don’t know the law, but i think he has a right to search a vehicle if he smells marijuana. Now, i just looked up some pages (I dont know the integrity of these pages, but they seem legit) and what i saw here matches with what these pages say. http://blogs.findlaw.com/blotter/2012/09/when-are-police-allowed-to-use-tasers.html
That cop did everything right. That kid was an asshole.
YOU are an asshole.
Even tho i respect you’r opinion, and i agree the kids were beeing kind of assholes. THat does not give the officer the right to pepperspary a seventeen year old boy, just because he wants to wait until his mother comes. The officer even tazed him for no reason, the kid was in pain because he just got peppersprayed and he didn’t resist arrest or anything. American democracy at it’s best.
“Get out of the car” while being tazed. Dumbass cops.
Hiding a quarter pound of drugs in your underwear and refusing commands from a police officer to exit a vehicle they suspect of having drugs, is definitely a reason to pepper spray and taze this 17 year old drug dealer…who incidentally has already pled GUILTY to these charges. This “news” site is a joke, why would they intentionally leave out these very important bits of information? To get the weak minded ding dongs out there to knee jerk without knowing the facts. Looks like its easy to manipulate you people
How’s that war on drugs goin’ these days? Cause it doesn’t really seem to be working, does it.
Who invited this pig^^^?
Then why did he try to delete the video?
The coo needed to control his temper and he let it get the best of him where he was just enjoying taking the kid 4 times and pepper spraying him and then making fun of him and LETS not forget beating him along with other officers.
Kids will be kids. Just take him into custody without uncessary tactics. That was stupid and uncalled for. Both parties are wrong in my opinion.
You are dumb ass hell!! Go watch some YouTube videos on common law, the nitty gritty law school
Yeah maybe he was acting like a dick in the beginning, but that doesnt change the fact that the police officers used excessive force, there was no reason to keep tasering and spraying pebber spray on him. He was obvious fucking scared, and with good reason, based on all the stories about insane police. These kind of police officers, should never have been police officers, they obviously got no idea how to handle an escalating situation. If anything they are making things worse, this kind of behavior only increases fear and hate towards the police.
It would appear that they were waiting for someone’s mother to arrive, which as a minor is his right. Marijuana or no. This is an abuse of power.
You obviously don’t know the law. A few pages that aren’t legit will not back these tool bags up. The cops where in the wrong. And being underage, if a child ask for their parent the cops have to oblige just like if an adult were to ask for their lawyer.
The kid absolutely did not deserve it. Are you crazy? It is not illegal to disrespect someone. It is not illegal to question a persons authority. So if someone disrespects me I can beat the shit out of them? If I did they would arrest me. Just because someone disrespects you that does not give you the right to assault them. You are either a troll or one of the cops involved. No one in their right minds would think this behavior is acceptable. You say the cop did everything right? Including trying to delete the incriminating video? Why did he delete it? Maybe because the cop was not acting in accordance with the laws he is supposed to enforce. The cops did everything wrong. You are an asshole.
You sir, are an idiot. Questioning the authority of a stupid cop is your American right. Assaulting a minor with pepper spray and a taser is cowardice of the first order. Have a nice day. Dickwad.
The problem with your thinking is… it is not the cop’s job to decide if the kid is disrespectful. His job is to investigate and hold the kid, if he has the grounds to do so, even take him in. BUT, it is NOT his job to be judge and jury. Neither is it yours. The cop went way over any action needed to control the situation.
These Officers are racist and idiots.
JAke there is no excuse for using violence against anyone for simply disagreeing with you or not obeying you, or questioning what you are doing. The kid was seated in the car with his hands visible as instructed when the cop sprayed him, he was still seated and unarmed when the cops tased him. They included assaulting police officers in his arrest record when it is obvious that is not what happened. I worked in corrections for 3 years and I would not care if every second of the footage from my job showed up on YouTube. I always behaved lawfully while working so film it all you want. This piece of shit knew what he and his friends were doing was wrong and illegal. That is why he tried to delete it.
ive been a security guard for a couple years now and even tho im in Canada the law is very clear what this kid was doing was passive resistance at most the cop should have been in whats known as a green situation nothing more than gentle guidance of movement and verbal commands should have been used even when the kid pulled away to escape the tazer it was still passive resistance and the pepper spray wasn’t needed let alone the tazer those are for when the kid moved against the cops in an aggressive manner unarmed. these cops were way out of line and should be under investigation, fired, and even sued if the kids parents wanted and they would probably win. we had a cop come to one of our calls and try to jump the situation we ended up restraining the cop all the call was was two 12 year olds trespassing and the cop was going straight for his baton. had our supervisor not showed up the cop wouldve gotten away with it as none of the guards on duty had the training or equipment to detain this cop when he resisted.
Your ignorance makes me shiver with anger. I can’t believe you actually think that he has the right to treat an under-age citizen like that… “I think he has the right to search a vehicle if he smells marijuana.” Yes, he has the right to search the vehicle if the presence of marijuana is easily detectable or acknowledged. Sadly, we can’t smell the car through a video to tell if the car did smell like weed; ignoring that fact, the police officer has no right to tase a minor when he represents no threat, as he screams “He’s a 17 year old” you can tell, he’s just claiming he wants to wait until his parent/guardian has arrived. I barely have knowledge on law and I can tell how cruel and illegal the actions of the officer were. I tell you this in hope that you can gain some knowledge.
Are you saying that disrespectful kid’s should be pepper sprayed and tasered, what sort of a sick fuk are you? You should be lined up next to those cops and dealt with in a fitting manner of your crimes against children
Wait, authority!? Who the fuck do you think you are punk! They got no authority! They may have some rules and law to follow, but overall they cannot… and i repeat, CAN FUCKING NOT! Rule over your own FUCKING LIFE! This is getting out of hands!
I mean, if i was the kids i would probably go take the closes gun and point it at the officers face and just pull the trigger. Almost same thing, they “demand” you to do something… what the fuck? JAke… you are a slimey little punk-ass that dosen’t knows shit! Hope you die! -.-‘
Smelling like marijuana is not a crime, and that has neen established on a federal level. This cop was just trying to push his weight around.
You re clown too
Your a complete idiot, that lad did not deserve that brutal treatment. He was asking for them to wait for his parent to be present.
absolutely correct
Your the asshole. If that is protocol, FUCK PROTOCOL!!!
Lol at u fools taking these filthy cops side of things.. wtf is wrong with u, “he deserved it, didnt show “RESPECT” yada? for real? no wonder USA is the most fuckin fucked up country in the whole fuckin world. these storys are endless, so glad i dont live there..
If you don’t know the law read it,they had every rights to question his authority, they had every right to not show their id and or give the cops information about who they are !Now i don’t know if your American or not but this was cure and the beginning stages of Martial Law in America!
Wouldn’t that be tampering with evidence? And if no Miranda right was said they get off anyways right?
No. Miranda rights are not required for an arrest, only prior to interrogating/questioning.
The police in VA beach are ruthless anyone who has ever dealt with them knows this. But what do you expect from a bunch of cousin fucking rednecks?
I sent Virginia police an e-mail demanding an investigation and I posted this link on their police department’s Facebook. Anonymous should take over their police department’s facebook and post this video on their site and facebook.
Police is getting out of control. They are or too scared and react unaccordingly or on a power trip. It’s time for a revolution.
Jake you are clearly an idiot if you think that was fair. The kids have all right to question these inhuman officers. People like you defending them when they are in the wrong is another reason these idiot cops get away with it day in and day out. I have been a victim of a wrongful arrest and it ain’t nice having 2 cops beat on you when you haven’t done anything wrong. I am currently pursuing a big payout and all the evidence is their that the cops were in the wrong. What gives a group of humans the power to attack and abduct kids off the street. It’s a joke that you even defended them buddy.
Viva la revolution
Cops are the worst criminals on earth! It’s not human :/
Keep fucking with the wolfhounds, and one day we may not have them, and then… The wolves will eat you.
Keep fucking with the wolfhounds, and one day we may not have them, and then… The wolves will eat you.
@Jake…yes they do have the right to search the vehicle if it smells like marijuana it was the way they choose to deal with the situation that was problematic….firt off the intial cop that was on the scene didn’t smell the marijuana it wasn’t until another officer arrived that they were accused of this which in and of itself seems highly suspicious second they were not resisting arrest the guy who was a minor was simply waiting for his parents to arrive on the scene the cops got impatient and decided to pepper spray him to speed up the process as far as questioning there authority the questions that were asked here legitimate and they refused to answer any of them…I agree the kids could of handles this a little better but they are kids, the cops are suppose to be adults as well as professionals kinda obvious who went over board here lol
it’s a well know fact that all cops use that line now ( i smell weed in your car) no longer matters if it’s true or not, they use that excuse and then can and will do whatever the fuck they want. and there is NOTHING… you can do about it.
cop kills you and your family, he might get suspended…. you shove a cop, go to jail for 20 years
This was tough to watch.
The kid just had to get out the car and the officer wouldn’t have tased or sprayed him he looked like he wanted trouble he was talking back and refusing to step out and the officer didn’t beat him or make fun of him. Honestly this article is just propaganda show true police brutality to make a point not this whiney brat. Thanks
The cops who did this should be fired, arrested for felony assault on a minor, filing a false police report, perjury, these felonies should keep them out of law enforcement and keep them from owning weapons for life. They are 8th grade bullies in grown up bodies wearing uniforms.
2:45 cop says “Last time it was underhis nuts”
about 4:06 they find the drugs
I highly doubt that anyone tried to delete it. The only proof of that is the girls word, we already know shes a liar as she was in fact caught with weed in her purse, and the boy found with a quarter pound in his pants, and a large scale recovered too, for weighing it out and packaging it for sale…….yet remember from the video, she doesn’t allow it in her car. Also a the very end, you never actually see the cop messing with the camera? Why is that, if he turned it off? How come we don’t even see the camera so much as shake a bit? We see it shake briefly when he opens the door, so we know its not mounted on anything so sturdy that it doesn’t move???? How come we dont see his hand zoom up next to the camera?
Remember the cops are supposedly so technically inept that they couldn’t delete the video properly right? So how come the video is edited right as soon as the cop sees it with his flashlight ? IMO its because that’s where the girl snipped it.
Its not the only video of the incident. The officers own tazer recorded the incident too, and contrary to public opinion, there was no complaint of excessive force from what I understand. the investigation that is taking place was initiated by the officers own Use of Force report and the video taken from the Tazer weapon. The police didn’t even know of this other video till recently. Once the video was known to the police, and then went viral, they placed the officer on Admin leave (paid vacation basically) while they investigate (probably more for his own protection than thinking he did anything wrong).
i understand police doing there jobs. but may be its because im British but our police wouldn’t dream of doing this sort of thing. honestly im shocked and appalled by the actions taken by these police officers. if its true that 8 officers where involved in this over ONE teenager damn what would they of been like in the uk London riots a few years ago. so glad i live in the uk after hearing of these sort of attacks.
Im from Europe and just wanted to say it to the American Police:
There’s a reason why being a cop is the main job psycopaths are “attracted” to. You get to torture and kill people, then get away with it. I’m all in for a revolution.
Lol, just another day in Amerika
Typical stupid American drug kids. If u don’t have anything ilegal in your car, then just step out, and let them cop doing his job.
Excessive use of force. The kid stated he was only seventeen and kept his hands in an obvious location. The driver was inquiring the integrity of the stop and in the end the police will get what is coming to them. They knew they were wrong, most of them do, but they don’t care. They are only in it for the power and the pay. 1 video deletion later and refusing Maranda right, which is not optional you have to be read those rights when placed under arrest or it is an unofficial arrest, can get you out of a crime, and can lead to issues for the cop(s) that refused the rights. Then they ‘delete’ the video and they are off scott-free. Or so they thought. I can only hope that cops like these get to experience jail time for what they did. Maybe if they were put through the conditions or a prisoner during training? Ah well. Maybe someday…
What happened in the video doesn’t really matter in the end. It’s the fact that the cops tried to delete the evidence. Murder trials end entirely when cops tamper with evidence. The contents of the video is moot due to the fact that cops tampered with evidence. If they thought what they did was to the book they never would have deleted the video.