Watch: Philadelphia Man Dragged Off Bus By Cops For Not Wearing Face Mask


A video clip shows a man being dragged off a bus by police in Philadelphia because he was not wearing a face mask to protect against coronavirus.

At least four officers are seen attempting to remove the man from the bus as he resists and is dragged onto the platform. One of the officers appears to verbally threaten to tase the man.

The man drops his phone before picking it up and recording the officers while demanding, “I want all your f**king badge numbers too.”

“They just kicked me off the f**king bus,” the man tells someone on the other end of the phone as the officers walk away.

The rule on wearing a face mask was brought in after at least 16 SEPTA employees working at different sites tested positive for coronavirus and three died.

Police are also checking if riders are making essential journeys.

“We are going to enforce. Not only can an operator of a vehicle refuse a rider who doesn’t have a mask on, we will also have members of our transit police making sure,” general manager Leslie Richards told CBS 3.

Under Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney’s “stay at home” order, citizens can only leave their homes for “life-sustaining activities,” including buying food, medical supplies and exercising alone.

Police can issue on the spot fines of $100 dollars to those who flout the rules.

China Begins Mass Deletion Of Online Research On Coronavirus Origins

From perfectly-natural Chinese bat-soup to American bio-engineered depopulation bombs, the origins of COVID-19 (Kung Flu, the Chinese Virus, CCPandemic, or whatever name is no politically-correct) remain a riddle, wrapped in a propagandized mystery, inside an increasingly opaque enigma of facts and fallacies.

However, one thing seems clear, as The Epoch Times specifically notedthe rumors aren’t by accident and are a one-way street from Chinese officials mouths to western media’s ears: The CCP has been actively engaging in a disinformation campaign, and media outlets around the world have parroted the propaganda. As a result, entire nations have been operating under false information as they try to battle the pandemic within their borders.

Many countries have accepted China’s narrative and “they’re getting duped,” Joshua Philipp said.

“And, of course, this is because they don’t understand the Chinese Communist Party, they don’t understand how [the CCP] works, and, even as we speak right now, the Chinese Communist Party is claiming it’s over in China when it’s not.” 

And just in case you were in any doubt about China’s efforts to hide the truth – whatever that truth may be – none other than the western establishment’s most righteous mouthpiece, The Guardian, is reporting that mass deletions of online research related to the origins of the coronavirus suggest China’s efforts to control the narrative are escalating wildly:

China is cracking down on publication of academic research about the origins of the novel coronavirus, in what is likely to be part of a wider attempt to control the narrative surrounding the pandemic, documents published online by Chinese universities appear to show.

Two websites for leading Chinese universities appear to have recently published and then removed pages that reference a new policy requiring academic papers dealing with Covid-19 to undergo extra vetting before they are submitted for publication.

Research on the origins of the virus is particularly sensitive and subject to checks by government officials, the notices posted on the websites of Fudan University and the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) said. Both the deleted pages were accessed from online caches.

From the beginning, the CCP has not been forthcoming:

“We don’t know what’s there, but the fact that the Communist Party is covering this up should trouble us deeply,”China affairs columnist Gordon Chang said.

Additionally, Prof Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute in London, said the Chinese government had had a heavy focus on how the evolution and management of the virus is perceived since the early days of the outbreak.

“In terms of priority, controlling the narrative is more important than the public health or the economic fallout,” he said. “It doesn’t mean the economy and public health aren’t important. But the narrative is paramount.”

“If these documents are authentic it would suggest the government really wants to control the narrative about the origins of Covid-19 very tightly,” said Tsang of the reports of new regulations.

It goes deeper, however, as  a separate document obtained by the Guardian, which could not be independently verified, appears to be from the Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and also said publication of research into the origins of Covid-19 would need approval from the science and technology ministry.

Another notice, which appears to have been published on 9 April by the school of information science and technology at Fudan University in Shanghai, called for “strict and serious” management of papers investigating the source of the outbreak.

A source who alerted the Guardian to cached versions of the websites, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they were concerned by what appeared to be an attempt by Chinese authorities to intervene in the independence of the scientific process. The person said researchers submitting academic papers on other medical topics did not have to vet their work with government ministries before seeking publication.

A technical analysis of the cached websites indicated that the posts were published on verified university websites before they were removed.

As The Guardian’s Beijing bureau chief Lily Kuo tweeted:

“Where the coronavirus originated is becoming more and more political…”

Finally, this escalation is notable in the context of comments from now outspoken China critic Kyle Bass, who tweeted:

Secretary Xi is in trouble within China. According to my sources within, the party elite want Xi gone. The Guangdong elite (Uncle Deng’s family) are beginning to rattle the cages of change against the supposed ’emperor for life’. #XiJinping #china #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied”

And, to be brutally frank, if China is now anxiously deleting (or banning before issuance) any research on the origins of the deadly pandemic, it appears to be pretty clear what those origins are likely to have been… no matter how many people get permanently banned from social media for mentioning such a blasphemy.

Kevin Carrico, a senior research fellow of Chinese studies at Monash University, said:

“There is a desire to a degree to deny realities that are staring at us in the face… that this is a massive pandemic that originated in a place that the Chinese government really should have cleaned up after SARS.”


Amazon Bans Sale Of N95 And Surgical Masks To General Public – Where Can I Buy N95 Masks Now?

Amazon has banned the sale of N95 and surgical masks to the general public, claiming it would restrict sales to hospitals and government organizations dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ban took effect April 1, according to Recode, after the company said in a forum for Amazon sellers that the ban includes “facial shields, surgical gowns, surgical gloves, and large-volume sanitizers.”

Ok, but where can I Buy N95 masks now?

With Pharmacies, Walmart and nearly all other physical stores out of stock, Amazon out of the game and ebay selling mostly gas masks from China, there’s not much place left to buy N95 masks to protect yourself in th Covid-19 crisis and even if they claim to sell N95 masks, it’s mostly cheap fake masks that won’t offer any protection at all:

Even on ebay, N95 masks are sold out.

As you may already know, the Darknet is selling pretty much everything that is hard to get by in stores or completely illegal. So even if you come by to find a shady shop or entity selling overpriced masks, you never know if they really are what they are advertised (N95 standard) and work and you also never know if they will ever arrive. However, there are still some online shops that are selling the very last N95 masks, one of them being a small company called  

With the coronavirus pandemic quickly spreading, U.S. health officials have changed their advice on face masks and now recommend people wear cloth masks in public areas where social distancing can be difficult, such as grocery stores.

Research on SARS, another coronavirus, found that N95 masks were highly effective at blocking transmission of that virus. Even ill-fitting medical face masks have been found to interrupt airborne particles and viruses, keeping them from reaching as far when someone sneezes.

The universal use of mouth and nose covering with masks is a low-risk intervention that can only assist in reducing the spread of this terrible illness. If everyone wears a mask, individuals protect one another, reducing overall community transmission. It could even remind people not to touch their faces after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.


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  1. Bill Gate id202 Event 201. All the answers to the riddle begin here. . blaming China is a distraction. . Truth is even stranger. This is all published online and yet I keep reading how it must be the communists. . for those of us outside the US the word communism does not hold the same emotional response as it does for the indoctrinated US. Therefor we are more inclined to look for truth away from ideology


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