When the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump made the disparaging statement that Muslims around the world should be banned from entering the United States, many social commentators observed that his statement will play into the hands of self-proclaimed Islamic radical jihadist groups.
Unsurprisingly, this observation by commentators has recently come to pass. Al Shabaab, a self-proclaimed Islamic jihadist group based in Somalia, has just released a propaganda recruitment video featuring Trump’s statement about banning Muslims from entering the United States.
The video was published by Al Shabaab’s media arm, Al Kataib. Al Kataib has been very instrumental in delivering the messages, and projecting the values of the militants.
Al Shabaab is believed to have links with al-Qaeda. The group rose to prominence in 2006, after a devastating civil war in Somalia. The group’s main objective is to create a so-called Islamic State in Somalia. Al Shabaab opposes the Somali Federal government, and all Western interests in East Africa.
Their recruitment propaganda video is a little over 51 minutes in length. Some scenes in the video show Donald Trump calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States, at least until the country’s representatives figure out what is going on between Muslims and United States citizens.
After this scene, Anwar Awlaki, an American terror leader who was killed in a drone strike in 2011 by US Joint Special Operations Command in Somalia, is also seen talking about America’s racial history, and predicting doom for Muslims who are living in the US and refuse to embark on Jihad. Awlaki is an American-born Muslim who grew up in Yemen, and eventually joined al-Qaeda.
In the video, Awlaki states: “My advice to you is this. You have two choices, either hejira or jihad, you either leave or fight. You leave and live among Muslims or you stay behind and follow the example of Nidal Hassan and others who fulfilled their duty of fighting for Allah’s cause.”
Nidal Hasan, a former member of the US Army who killed 13 people and injured more than 30 others in a mass shooting at the Fort Hood military base just days before he was due to be deployed to a combat mission in Afghanistan, has since been sentenced to death.
According to the Daily Mail, this propaganda video is the second part of a recruitment drive created by the militants to recruit and exploit racial tensions in the United States, by encouraging black youths to convert to radical Islam.
In other parts of the video, Al Shabaab shows images of black teenagers who have been shot by police officers such as Michael Brown and Walter Scott. The group then presents Islam as a color-blind religion, appealing to the black community to join jihad and carry out attacks on Western interests.
Some parts of the video also show prominent black rights campaigners such as Malcolm X, who preached a philosophy of armed rebellion against what he saw as systemic racism in America in the 60’s and 70’s.
The video also features images of American teenagers who have left the United States to join Al Shabaab in its fight against the government in Somalia.
According to observers, Trump’s appearance in the video would have been avoided if Trump had not stated that all Muslims should be banned from entering the US, due to the actions of the few among them. Since Trump made the statement, he has faced intense criticism worldwide.
In December 2015, the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton stated during an ABC hosted debate that Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims in the United States, would be used by radical groups to recruit jihadists.
“He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists,” Hillary said.
Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader in the United States, has also criticized Trump, branding him unjust and saying he is dragging America into the abyss of hell with his reckless statements about Muslims.
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