Who Is The IMF And Did They Cause A Famine In Africa?


The video below analyzes the cause of a great famine in Africa and what the IMF had to so with it. Truthloader is a channel dedicated to covering stories in a way the mainstream media does not. They provide content and analysis on the big stories but they also look at things like the history of war, corruption, dictatorship and financial ruin.

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  1. IMF destabilized Jamaica, went after coffee markets in Columbia, just ridiculous contigencies on their loans which go to rich institiutions of governance fully laden with corrupt kickbacks and over pricing in their payoff laden contracts. when they have a program that works like Bolsa Familia they fucking abandon it…but then I went after them and got a fucking failing mark from an asshole political science professors who liked big soccer in Brazil (FIFA)? I should have known early on that when I went after one and it angered him I shouldnt go after IMF…. oh well, i make so many wonderful grades I am happy with at clown college one bad one was too be expected.

  2. IMF didn’t make those people live in areas where they cannot grow food. nor cause starving people to decide to reproduce and share their misery with the next generation..I have watched the ads for the starving in Ethiopia my whole life..instead of food or money..we should have sent condoms…as I have now seen 3-4 generations in the same sad state…so by feeding them 30 years ago..we have in fact only caused more suffering

    • hi terry-i’d like to see you in the shit and have people walk by with such blase statements.personally i think it is better to stick up for people than such legal loan sharks as the imf.


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