Dan Sanchez at theantimedia.org
Pembroke Pines, FL — Police Sergeant Jennifer Martin rolled up to an Arby’s drive-thru Monday night, presumably hungry after a long day of menacing peaceful people with extortion threats.
Unfortunately for her dinner plans, she encountered at the window a young man whose moral sense and powers of observation somehow survived his American childhood intact. Much to her indignant surprise, instead of being offered the usual complimentary side order of “thank you for your service,” she herself was refused service by the 19-year-old clerk.
After being addressed curtly while placing her order, the salivating sergeant drove up to the pick-up window where she was informed by the manager that the clerk, “doesn’t want to serve you because you are a police officer.” Admirably, the manager even added that the young man had a right not to.
Shortly thereafter, Sergeant Martin returned on foot, demanding a refund over concern for the food’s safety — perhaps projecting her own profession’s standards and presuming that cop critics must be as willing to contaminate food as cops are to contaminate evidence. She petulantly collected the manager’s information for tattling purposes, along with her money. Meanwhile, the clerk continued to refuse to speak to her.
The Arby’s CEO later called Martin’s chief to apologize, and the company promised to “…be sure that our policy of inclusion is understood and adhered to.”
Of course, for the local police unions, this is not nearly enough groveling and punishment for such an egregious act of lèse-majesté. One union official shamelessly referenced “the fatal attacks on the men and women in uniform in America” and the president’s lack of leadership while simpering about the roast-beef-related incident.
He insisted that it “…warrants much more than an apology. […] Until corrective action is taken and the employees involved in this incident are terminated, we are calling for a national boycott of Arby’s.”
Wouldn’t it be something if this call had the same opposite effect as the 2012 attempt to boycott Chik-fil-A? What if supporters of the brave young drive-thru clerk flocked to Arby’s, driving up record sales to make a statement? That would certainly amplify his act of protest, and foil yet another attempt by police unions to bully and silence critics.
Call it #SandwichSolidarity. When police accountability activists risk their jobs — and worse, incur the indignation of vindictive cops — surely eating a few times at Arby’s is not too much a sacrifice to provide one of them with support.
RELATED: We Need Cops Like a Hole in the Head
This article (Would You Eat at Arby’s to Stand Up to Bully Cops?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dan Sanchez and theAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email [email protected].
I have to admit I am dissapointed by this post.Things like this should not be marked as a good act.Yes, some cops in the US did and do despicable things, that does not mean every cop Is an asshole, I don’t know if it was here but I remember a post about a cop that helped out a kid because his parents where poor, does that guy, a cop, fall under “presumably hungry after a long day of menacing peaceful people with extortion threats”? No he does not, and I am sure alot more don’t. Some white people think black people are slaves, should all white people be considered racist? No!, some black people think white people are trash, are black people racist? No!, some cops are racist assholes, are all cops like that? No!. But whit this post, and that mans attitude that is what you are saying happens and should happen.
Obviously the fallout from the incident proved this cop is an “asshole”. Instead of blowing the incident off and moving on she decided to make a federal case out of it. They are ALL assholes.
but it is the clerks right to not serve him it could of been another clerk it is our right as citizens i could care less whether or not it was a police officer he should not of tried to boycott because the clerk did not want to serve him its like me trying to get everyone to boycott a hat company because the G in SWAGG offends me lol
How is this different from discrimination due to sexual orientation, race, etc.? I don’t support this because its just another broad label by the actions of some of a group. Another way to divide people.
heres a broad label..humans are basicllypetty, scared little animals..we’re just smart enough to self=realize, and not smart enough to kno different isn’t danger…come out of the caves…EVOLVE OR DIE!!!
Well, because when you discriminate against someone who is fat or gay, it usually isn’t because they randomly murder and rape people with the same skin color as you.
But all american cops are bullying. I applaud the refusal of service.
You white people accuse all muslems , Islamic, black people and brown people of being terrorist.
The jews practice collective punishment, the jews kill and bomb ALL Palestinians because someone that looked like them did something wrong.
I know aye I’m Asian and I know it was you Americans and your pride who illegally invade Iraq for what you already liberated Kuwait, that is the purpose of sending troops to the middle east. These terrorist happened because you assholes destroyed the only thing that held Iraq together!!! Granted Saddam is not a great leader, Hell he’s a dictator but at least he managed the country well. Blame yourself if every country starts to hate you!!!
Stop talking and go do some math
Wow you are a fucking Id10t really. Thinking that cops are good think again. You now have to justify the following. Fail to do so in 72 hours results in you and you’re family’s well being. Let see if you are intelligent enough to go forward. And yes you will have to look all of this up in 72 hours or be shamed publicly.
1. Why are over 800+ people killed in 2015 where LEOs are less to parish and has dropped 25% from last year.
2. Why are 136 cops up on murder charges in the country?
3. Why are there over 18,000 cases that cops are pedophiles? But do not serve time and get out on bail. But never charged considering Joe Blow will be charged? and you think that is far? nice shows that you like pedos should we give you a white van and spray paint free candy on it so we can show that you love having sex with children under the age of 10. fucking Pedo get the fuck out of here bitch. Yes I am calling you’re ass out on this.
Also why are LEOS on a 2:1 scale for domestic, where the average citizen is a 4:1?
Yep keep holding that flame high for the cops there follower. Really considering now you are a PEDO. nice You earned that bitch.
Had you studied to a higher level you would be aware of the burden of proof. You have made several claims within your post and provided no evidence or links to said evidence. Simply stating your “facts” and then challenging others to prove/disprove them is intellectually immature. Your similar to the theist who claims there is a God and then says it’s not my job to prove my statement. If what you say is true provide evidence. Than and only then do you get taken seriously. Also it would help if you conveyed your statement in a way that was not remanicent of a child.
Fucking Id10t???? really? Why is it always Idiots that call people idiots?
Lets see if you can use your intelligence…
Explain how this makes you sound smart –
” Fail to do so in 72 hours results in you and you’re family’s well being. ”
Is their well being going to improve?
1- Of the 806 people killed so far in the US by LEO, 601 of them had some form of weapon. That’s 75%.
2- So if 136 cops are up for murder charges, that’s 16% of the killings. That mean AT LEAST 84% of the people where because they where doing something illegal.
2a- 83 LEO killed in the Line of Duty so far, that 100% of cops killed for doing their job.
3- What does pedo’s have to do with it? Who’s ass are you calling out? How often does Joe Blow go in for psych eval? Here’s some stats for you, it’s estimated that 1-5% of the US population has molested a child. US pop = 318 Million. That’s 3.18 MILLION child molesters ON THE LOW END. And your worried about the 18,000 cops? WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR PRIORITIES???
4- What does domestic violence have to do with anything? Ok, so cops are 2:1, they have to deal with idiots like you day to day. And how is 4:1 accurate? 70% of domestic violence isn’t reported. So lets take that 4:1 ratio, add that 70%, and that brings you to a 3:1 ratio.
You keep on holding that flame of hate. How the FUCK does any of this make some one a PEDO? How about you pull you finger out of your own daughter, quit beating your wife, stop carrying around your “black lives matter” sign, and take responsibility for YOURSELF, and let Law Enforcement Officers just go to work and do their job.
And FYI All Lives Matter! Stop chanting your hate, and start acting like a HUMAN, and learn to live with each other.
That is about the most incoherent post that I have ever had the displeasure to attempt to read.
Stephen, if you’re talking about Eric N’s post, I totally agree with you. This guy sounds like he works for the police and is one of the corrupt pigs that have taken out a promise to hurt those that he was hired to protect all for the betterment of the top 1% of the population which is wealthy. I hope something terrible happens to Eric and he’s left crying in the streets begging for a cop to help him and has to sit scared wondering if this cop will also be a bad cop.
You know what mr DavidNGG, how about if you think about things in this way? What would I feel if the bad things that the so called people hired to protect and serve us, decide, today is the day I just start shooting and hurting the people you loved, than honestly, how would you feel? I know what your answer is so don’t waste any more peoples time with you bullshit stupidity just because you have your head shoved so far up the asses of the government or police force. Keep your ignorance to yourself, we are all finished listening to idiots that can’t see the truth for what it really is. Since you are so blind, here is the truth. THE POLICE ARE BECOMING MORE AND MORE MILITERIZED AND THAT THREATENS HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE AMONGST OURSELVES. God I wish a bad cop would come to your house and light your ass up already to prove it to you. And than come out on social media how hurt you are.
Seriously? Why would you reward Arbys? Arbys didn’t take a stand, some minimum wage friar jockey did. Arbys is just another massive corporation content to fatten up uneducated consumers with inhumanely raised, hormone swollen animals and chemicals and GMO garbage.
I like this site overall, but I question MUCH of what I see posted in articles here. Don’t eat at Arbys. Eat something healthy, or at least eat at a local Mom and Pop restaurant and support small business in your community.
Fryer Jockey, A Friar, is a church posting, much like Friar Tuck from Robin Hood. As for the health of Arby’s, well I’d rather eat reformed roast beef, then a burger bathed in ammonia.
How amusing, you jump on to correct someone for using “friar” instead of “fryer”, but in the next sentence you use “then” instead of “than”. #irony
Hee hee. So you would eat “reformed” roast beef (presumably from a penal system I have not yet encountered) “then” (next) an ammonia laced burger. Bon Appétit!
My only problem is that the Corporate office ended up firing the manager for upholding the clerk’s right to deny service. Otherwise (were there an Arby’s in my area) I’d be flocking there myself as a show of support… but the company has now proven itself to cater to terrorists, and I refuse to negotiate.
Cops don’t like being held accountable, they’re used to almost complete impunity from the law, whether it comes to using excessive violence (beating, tasering, shooting, even killing non-violent unarmed people) to forcing prostitutes to give them free sex, to stealing drugs or money from drug dealers, to lying to cover for other corrupt cops. It’s high time we held them to the same legal standard they hold us to. If you feel like sending them this message, good for you. Until every one of them wears a camera with mic that they can’t turn off, and tampering with the device is a felony, we should continue to tell them that we aren’t happy with their abuse of power. When they abuse their position they’re just another organized crime family
Finally, a brilliant person speaking absolute truth without doubts. Bravo ac bravo. Now, can you make other people think the way you do?
Is this a fucking joke? Why is it that stereotypes are fine when addressing some, but not others? This is what happens when the ignorant sheep who can not think for themselves are given a moment of perceived control.
The fact of the matter is this: Change the Sargeant to to a 19-year-old black male and the drive-thru worker to a white pre-med student working his way through college and all of the sudden stereotypes are egregous, racist, blah, blah, blah…ACLU, Al Sharpton, MSNBC, blah, blah, blah…
By printing/posting this kind of crap, you are perpetuating stereotypes and creating further division in this once great nation. There are good and bad people in every demographic. Use you brain for sometng more than crafting sarcastic comments and trying to figure out how to piss off the most people at one time
Completely agree. This webpage preeches anti racist materia and then then around and post blatent anti authority. I’m starting to think the admins are less pro-justice and more pro-chaos.
Justice and Chaos does not correlate with each other you must say justice and injustice. Justice is to judge with fairness and chaos is a way of life that bound by no limitations by destroying things around you and yourself.
I expect more from you anonymous. Your capable of greatness. This is unacceptable to say the least. I cant repost this. Step it up. Quality not quantity.
If this is what it means to be anon you can count me out.
Well we can expect a difference in the way they write this article different from what we use to when we looked at the news paper article we see the view point of the person with Authority instead of the person with no authority. When I read those news papers from mainstream media’s and trying to correlate the difference with this one I see no different in how they set it up, the only difference is that this anon article is based on the view point of the person who are not in power. You could say that we grew up in a world of biased views whether they are from the mainstream media or other non-affiliated government type of news like this one for example… So instead of looking at this article and basically commenting it 1 second prior to reading it I suggest try thinking about it. Like actually thinking about it SERIOUSLY Ask this question: “What is this person trying to point out?” Don’t give me this bullshit about white and black but actually look at their character, how one person treats the other and so forth.
if the cop is actually paying for the food this is kinda ridiculous,when i was younger i worked in fast food and they would give cops free food and drinks one time when i was working cashier i tried to make them pay for it since they have jobs and shouldn’t get special treatment and my manager at the time yelled at me for it and took me off cashier. i think it would be more of a statement if the cop was trying to get free food no freebies for cops
more wasted drama
what is this? some kind of misguided attemot to get black people to stop eating chicken?
Give this message to that cop and all those coppers who is willing to use extortion on innocents come to Australia and you shall see how we deal to those cops who would extort peaceful people. Act like a mafia or a gangster we will bash-em.It will be a brawl not between 2 people but a mob against 1 or 2 of those cops.
Look at that picture you know I like fast foods and all but COME ON do you think that that’s just overboard how many bacon’s do you people stuffed in one burger? I can see why America is considered the most obese in the world. I wouldn’t want to go there anyway. Seriously look at that if you think that is normal I think you need to get your eyes checked and go to a doctor and check you blood pressure just to be safe…
Wait, are you backing up chik-fil-a?
It’s trouble making. That’s what it is. No more, no less. They’re condoning it. Sad. Someone should have beaten manners and respect into that kid years ago. This would never have happened.
Well – Arbies have rolled over, fired the manager, suspended the worker and grovelled appropriately to the Coppers and their union.
Maybe that boycot is in order?
I won’t be eating at Arby’s anymore. That was bull shit what they did to the cop. My brother is a cop & I back cops 100%. So screw Arby’s. I’ll eat a McDonald’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., etc. but screw Arby’s. I now have a bad taste in my mouth for their food & service always sucked there anyways!!!!
I hope that’s a promise C.D.S. Go eat all that shit and wind up with diabetes or a heart problem and die so the rest of us smarter people can advance beyond all this bullshit and then, we can put better more honest people in uniform to truly serve and protect the people that really pay there wages, that would be us the taxpayers who your so called family of pigs is supposed to protect instead of abuse. Wake up you fucking moron!