The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters


10 Rules For Dealing With Police. Watch The Video Below:



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  1. Love this! There are too many people who don’t know their rights well enough to protect themselves from the police! Hopefully this gives information sticks with all of us who need it!! thank you!

  2. My ten rules for dealing with police;

    1. Avoid talking to them.
    2. Avoid being seen by them.
    3. Avoid driving near them.
    4. Avoid people who like them.
    5. Avoid calling them for help.
    6. Avoid eye contact with them.
    7. Avoid thinking they can be trusted.
    8. Avoid pissing them off.
    9. Avoid looking like a criminal.
    10. Avoid places where they go.

  3. Avoid police??hmmm.It’s practicly impossible.They are everywhere looking for victims.Police cruisers speeding,turning on red without stopping,going on red light without sirens on,using cruisers for private business,cheating on time shits ,pocketing lot of overtime and they are untouchables.Taking home our cruisers is like $4 bucks more an hour and lot of them driving 50 miles and more.Where the hell is a business in having police like that.Police unions corrupting mayors,councelors,interna affairs swindlers,oversight commision investigators and lying like press secretary.All things theu using are public property and they suppose to be public servants in stem with their communities.This is hellhole full of crooks.


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