Google’s Artificial Intelligence Has Defeated Go Champ & This Is Just The Start


Google obtained the United Kingdom based artificial intelligence business DeepMind on 26th January 2014; however, up until this moment, it was unclear what the reserved organization had been perfecting. Google has revealed a DeepMind investigation that has significantly raised the artificial intelligence benchmark.

The latest system, known as Alpha Go, was created so that it could defeat a skilled human professional in a complex game of Go. At first glance, this achievement may seem minuscule, however, this is something that no machine has done before. We are all familiar with examples of computers defeating humans at recreational games — Deep Blue magnificently mastered Garry Kasparov some twenty years ago. However, the board game Go—which was developed around 2.5 millenniums ago in what is now called the People’s Republic of China—is known as a considerably immense test for artificial intelligence, given that the complicated sophistication of the game renders it as a perceptive sport.

The object of Go is fairly simple: players must place their “stones” on the designed board with the aim of surrounding and catching the rival’s “stones”. It is a sport of pattern identification and talent; there is no element of chance in this game. As a result, the game provides an excellent means of evaluating artificial intelligence. The complexity of Go arises from the great volume of board setups.

In a game of chess, you’ll find thirty-two overall items, plus sixty-four – commonly – black and white squares on the chess panel. When playing chess, every piece is only allowed to move around in specific ways. It is easy for a machine to brute force all of the possible board layouts, and prepare many techniques beforehand. However, Go’s pieces are all indistinguishable, and are positioned on a nineteen by nineteen grid with three sixty-one possible adjustments. As the range of panel options is so big—much greater than the number of particles within a galaxy—it is unlikely that a machine would be able to hack or brute force the game. In order for a machine to be able to play the game, it must be able to play like a human being, and that is precisely what Alpha Go accomplished.

Many dedicated Go professionals can not precisely clarify why specific tactics are considered the correct solutions. Until lately, many software engineers felt that Go was so confusing, it could take years for a machine to beat a person. Subsequently, Alpha Go conquered reigning European Go champion Fan Hui, scoring five – zero in an interesting contest.

In March, Alpha Go will take on Lee Sedol, a professional Go player from South Korea, who is considered by many to be the world’s strongest player. Google is not the only artificial intelligence organization that’s been enthusiastic about breaking Go – considering that it has achieved just that – a number of the identical methods may be employed on other issues.

DeepMind scientists created basic artificial intelligence practices, which indicates that they are not just focused on acing Go. Presently, there are two basic studying systems within Alpha Go: one learns the network and forecasts plausible forthcoming movements, and the second one states the end results of several measures of activity it is participating in. Due to the games infinite board options, Alpha Go does not attempt to replicate a full game; instead, it simply perceives a variety of steps in advance, like a human athlete does.

Image Source: Google Image - Fan Hui 2p was defeated 0-5 by Alpha Go.
Image Source: Google Image – Fan Hui 2p was defeated 0-5 by Alpha Go.

With a distinct knowledge set, such formulas could possibly handle gigantic issues such as health analysis and weather possibilities. For the time being, DeepMind is working on the contest, alongside Lee Sedol. Alpha Go is able to operate on countless games each day, which will ultimately enhance its knowledge. Although this technique will help Alpha Go understand and master a number of other games, it should be noted that games are only the beginning for this machine.

Source: Business Insider

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  1. Fan Hui is like a child competing against a pro sports player when compared to Lee Sedol. Really interested how this will work out. I obviously root for the human 🙂


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