This isn’t well-known, so you should probably share this with your friends, family… Really anyone who has used PayPal in connection with a website providing online content. On July 1st, 2015, Paypal will update it’s TOS agreement… to take away any and all intellectual rights to any content you provide online. If you use Paypal or accept PayPal, they will attempt to take ownership of any online content you add to your business or website. Read this easily-overlooked section of the new PayPal TOS:
Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement
Intellectual Property
We are adding a new paragraph to section 1.3., which outlines the license and rights that you give to us and the PayPal Group (see paragraph 12 below for the definition of “PayPal Group”) to use content that you post for publication using the Services. A similar paragraph features in the Privacy Policy, which is removed by the addition of this paragraph to the User Agreement. The new paragraph at section 1.3 reads as follows:
“When providing us with content or posting content (in each case for publication, whether on- or off-line) using the Services, you grant the PayPal Group a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against the PayPal Group, its sub-licensees or assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property right: your provision of content to us, your posting of content using the Services, and the PayPal Group’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the Services.”
We’ve covered this sort of corporate overreach for awhile now, what with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a secret agreement that would greatly strengthen the power of corporations over consumers and even governments; multi-national businesses are working with governments to take control of internet usage, regulations, and even local government utilities through international treaties like the TPP. The TPP is being secretly being constructed, without public or legislative consult, and is a massive outline of future controls by businesses on many aspects of your life.
The fact is, the only reason they kept the TPP secret was because they KNOW that the average person like you or I will be harmed. They can’t even give it a political spin, so they’d rather not have to even discuss it. Search online for more information on the TPP, and check WikiLeaks for information on what little has been leaked about this attack on our freedoms.
It looks like PayPal has decided to work against our interests too; you really have to ask what sort of info they would be interested in obtaining “non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future”, and just how they hope to profit from it.
By being purposefully all-encompassing when speaking about “content or posting content (in each case for publication, whether on- or off-line) using the Services”, we have to understand that it could start stealing the consumer’s data for their own profit anywhere at all, whether it is sent directly to them, or while “using” their services… Which could mean simply having Paypal on your website would give them access to and ownership of it.
Paypal looks ready to confiscate your online content, and your business if you let them; as with most tech businesses, they won’t “be evil” until they become the huge monopolistic corporations that everybody has to use because there is no close rival. Be vigilant.
Source: Cryptocoins News
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I use paypal to purchase items online. I don’t use them on my website for any purpose. I only use them in lieu of providing credit card info to every Tom Dick and Harry asking for it. That said, what does the change in terms really mean to me? Will paypal now be sharing my buying habits? Will they share my feedbacks that I offer for the items I’ve purchased? Can you folks address how this change in policy will affect me; if at all?
My same thoughts. Is it actually going to affect me as a consumer, or only those who use Paypal for their business?
it’s there
15.5 License Grant from You to PayPal; IP Warranties
When those that sell things stop using Paypal as a way to sell then you will be giving tom dick and harry those #s that you seem to not want to give. Also you just may loose access to items you want to purchase. So it will effect you. Also what its really saying is that they own what you purchased and can use that to come take it away. They own the rights you think you bought and you only have the privilege of using their item.
I don’t see it there.
You’re right, this post is bull.
Wrong page, that’s the current, it’s future dated if you acually read the article:
This is because, that is the TOS as of right now for PayPal, not what is going to be change. And it is only in Ireland atm https://www.paypal.com/ie/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full , here is the USA verson https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full
Its there in the user agreement 13.6 license grant from you to paypal
If you used your brain you could see it says: “As of July 1st 2015”.
No it isn’t. https://www.paypal.com/ro/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full.
When you log onto your paypal it should say somewhere in on the right “Policy Updates”.
hack paypal
Switch to cryptocurrencies !
I just got done reading the changes coming in July. So I ask: where the hell are you getting your information? I read no such provision in the published changes.
Here is the true changes if you want to read them. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full
Lol, your source you sited is a spoofed page no less. I want that app too.. then I could yank everyone’s chain as well.
Not true for US, this article applies to “GB”, which is Great Britain. So true to an extent.
To: PayPal Group, & All Sub-Licensees or Assignees.
To whom it may concern:
Please be advised and acknowledge that I [ Colin XXXXX XXXXX of XXXX X/XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXX ] DO NOT AGREE to the Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement text section 1.3 that reads as follows:
“When providing us with content or posting content (in each case for publication, whether on- or off-line) using the Services, you grant the PayPal Group a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against the PayPal Group, its sub-licensees or assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property right: your provision of content to us, your posting of content using the Services, and the PayPal Group’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the Services.”
I DO NOT GRANT the PayPal Group ANY RIGHTS over the content I have, in any media known now or in the future.
I DO NOT IN ANY WAY waive my moral rights NOR DO I promise not to assert such rights against the PayPal Group, its sub-licensees or assignees should it be required.
I DO NOT IN ANY WAY represent or warrant that any or all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights I have in the content, in any media known now or in the future do not infringe any intellectual property right. I do not in any way provision content to the PayPal Group, or authorise the use of my posting of content as a result of using the PayPal Group’s Services, and the PayPal Group’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the use of the PayPal Group’s Services is not authorised.
PAYPAL Member: Colin X XXXXX.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015.
Yeah, “I DO NOT AGREE” and “I DO NOT GRANT” statements like that don’t work as long as you are using the service. As long as you continue to use it, you automatically “AGREE” to their ToS.
If you don’t want a service taking your things, don’t provide it things to take.
Don’t use PayPal.
Lol You do realize as long as you acxet their TOS this little spew of”I do not agree” is 100% worthless.. If you don’t agree, don’t accept their TOS.
This is not a new thing, its been in the user agreement for sometime now. However your section is wrong, its not 1.3 it is 15.5 under IP Warranties.
Here is a link to the full document, not just updates as the other posts have been https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/ua/pdf/US/ints/ua.pdf
However regardless of how new or old it is, it is there and we should always ask these questions to keep ourselves ahead of the corporate entities.
I have a minecraft server and a website, and I receive paypal donations using buycraft how would this affect me?
What it actually says:
1.3 Privacy of Others; Marketing. If you receive Information about another User through the PayPal Services, you must keep the Information confidential and only use it in connection with the PayPal Services. You may not disclose or distribute a User’s Information to a third party or use the Information for marketing purposes unless you receive the User’s express consent to do so.
You may not send unsolicited email to a User or use the PayPal Services to collect payments for sending, or assisting in sending, unsolicited email to third parties.
As to the section David is talking about, it’s still not quite how they wrote it above:
15.5 License Grant from You to PayPal; IP Warranties. Subject to section 15.6, when providing PayPal with content or posting content using PayPal Services, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, and sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against PayPal, its sublicensees or its assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property or publicity right: your provision of content to PayPal, your posting of content using the PayPal Services, and PayPal’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the PayPal Services.”
Maybe you should educate yourself before writing something that is not in your competence! The legal terms used in such documents often sounds scary to most of us, so here is a link explaining the text …. http://www.thelawtog.com/what-do-paypals-proposed-terms-changes-mean-to-photographers/
Another one … http://rachelrodgerslaw.com/the-new-paypal-terms-of-service-probably-not-that-big-of-a-deal/
So this is either creepy or explainable…
If you sell something with an UP that is easily transfer, such as photographs/e-books/etc
Does the new T&C mean that they essentially have open season on anything purchased using paypal services….
OR, does it mean that they need open season so that they can legally process these things, in the same respect that if you have a photobook printed, that they require these rights also to reproduce your material on your behalf.
That would make sense if Paypal are looking to host and distribute your IP on your behalf as part of the service of deliverable electronic-goods.
I wonder is this tos same for big companies like Blizzard they use paypal, menaing paypal now own Blizzard and all their assets…
Hey guys!
I have started my own little “business”, buying and selling car stuff, and i use PP to pay and get cash for my items through..
I also seen in ebay, that they stops working with PP..
Does this touch me in a bad way?
Best Regards
I’ve always gotten laughed at for not using pay-pal, facebook, tweeter, linkedin, google and all those.
Slowly but surely, I am having a last laugh.
We need social media as a means to find the necessary patriots to re-establish the legal, constitutional State Militias called for by the Second Amendment. Revitalizing the Militias returns the power of the Constitution to those whom the founding fathers intended it for — We the People. With government oversight restored, the People take care of business. Of course, we need to be aware of who is behind the Internet, social media, etc., and be prepared for when they crash the system. The sooner the People put pressure on their state legislatures and governors then once the Militias are reactivated the People take control of the Internet. Join my FB page…and find out what 15,000,000 Texas Militia recruits know.