The Anoncast Episode 3 Featuring Mike Berger of 911TRUTH.ORG

SEVENTH IN A PACKAGE OF NINE PHOTOS.–– An explosion rips through the South Tower of the World Trade Towers after the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175, which departed from Boston en route for Los Angeles, crashed into it Sept, 11, 2001. The North Tower is shown burning after American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the tower at 8:45 a.m. (AP Photo/Aurora, Robert Clark)

Mike Berger was born and raised in New York, about 20 minutes from Manhattan. He earned a degree in Sociology with a focus on human motivation, currently calls St. Louis home, is married and owns a plastic recycling company and video production company. Mike enjoyed visiting the Manhattan to watch the building of the World Trade Center complex. On Sept.11th, he had family who lived and worked in lower Manhattan. His cousin actually saw the first plane fly over his head while walking his dog in lower Manhattan. More than 14 months passed before Mike began to question the official story. After reading about significant purchases of put options on American and United airlines as well as several companies that occupied large portions of the WTC Towers, implying that identifiable parties may have profited from foreknowledge of the attacks, denial transformed into curiosity. He began researching the critical issues surrounding the failure of government officials to perform their sworn duties and defend us from attack. After all, according to George Tenet, “the system was blinking red.” What went wrong? Why were we so unprepared for the attacks in light of numerous, documented, specific warnings? Why have we not held a single person accountable at any level, considering the magnitude of these failures?

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