Written by: Cassandra Rules at theantimedia.org
Damascus Township, PA– In early October, 10 year old Tristen Kurilla was charged as an adult in the murder of 90 year old Helen Novak, an elderly woman in his grandfather’s care.
When his grandfather found Novak she was injured, but declined going to the hospital. She later died from her injuries.
After confessing his crime to his mother, she brought him to the state police barracks where he confessed to the crime. The child told police that he had put a cane around her neck and punched her repeatedly after she had scolded and yelled at him. The 5th grader told officers he was not trying to kill the woman, but wanted to hurt her. His mother then waived his right to an attorney.
No details have been released on what would cause such a young child who likely has not even entered puberty to snap in such an extreme manor. His mother did tell police that she has had trouble with her son in the past however, and that he has mental difficulties and has been previously violent. It is currently unclear if she ever sought help to get to the root of her son’s issues.
While Kurilla is one of the youngest children to sit in an adult prison in Pennsylvania, the state has a mandatory law that all acts of criminal homicide must first be filed in adult court by the prosecutor, regardless the age of the perpetrator. Only Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin lack age thresholds (typically 13-15) so that a 10 year old may be tried as an adult.
Juvenile detention facilities in the state will not accept children charged with homicide. While this state’s laws are extreme, every state in the country now has ways of transferring juvenile cases to adult court- with estimates of minors tried as adults annually as high as 250,000.
Kurilla has now been sitting in an adult prison for over two months, since the October 11th incident.
His public defender told Fox2 that the child is scared, lonely, and misses his mother.
While Kurilla is currently housed away from the adult population, any logical human being should be able to acknowledge that prison is not a place for a child, and it is unlikely he will receive any effective treatment or the counseling he clearly needs.
A petition was originally filed to have the child released into parental custody or moved to a juvenile facility. Sadly, the petition was withdrawn when the family decided they were not comfortable having their child in their care, and upon realization that the closest juvenile facility was 80 miles away.
There is no question that the crime this child allegedly commit is atrocious, but when the justice system is charging children who are still years away from being a teenager as adults- we may have a problem. The child is currently facing a minimum of 25 years in prison.
Heartbreaking. Poor scared, lonely child. Yes, he did a wrong thing that resulted in ending a life. He wasnt being surpervised,he is not to blame solely since they knew he had issues. SHAME ON HIS FAMILY- they shouldnt even use the word “family”. May GOD hold him in the palm of his hand and comfort him and guide him.
Oh for gods sake.
A 10 year old child might not be the brightest around but knows damn well what he or she is doing. I find it discomforting that people still want “GOD” to hold him in the palm of his hand bla bla bla. The child has been raised horribly. This is not heartbreaking, this is a disgrace. The mother should be to blame and the child should be taken from home and put in a proper family where he can live happily while getting raised properly. A 4 year old is clever enough to find a way to get the cookie jar, we are not in the stone age anymore. Kids are smarter than you think
You find it “discomforting” that people pray to God to help him through this? and you say the boy knew exactly what he was doing, yet you say he should be free to live and be raised by a better family? (No mention of getting him some help) You are clearly contradicting yourself and are making no sense.
This child deserves what he gets.. Too bad he misses his mother.. That’s ridiculous.. Trying to make people feel bad for this little SOB. He took a life in an extremely violent and evil manner.. Let the punk rot.
You must be trolling… The CHILD stated previously it was never his intent to kill her, he just lost it. Not acceptable behaviour, but evil? hardly. she was alive, breathing and refused to seek medical attention. she killed herself. Im not absolving him of his guilt but i do believe that when a CHILD murders (technically manslaughter) it should be treated differently in the court of law, as any reasonably intelligent person can understand a the motives for such action stem from unresolved life issues or mental illness. He isn’t a criminal, he’s a fucked up kid that desperately needs help
Sounds like someone who has no children and knows nothing about raising one.
The post is invalid based on a lack of knowledge…ignore and save yourself the disgust.
Kids are smarter than we think. That means they know that beating an elderly woman is wrong. ESPECIALLY when their ten years old. Kids know how to play the game and beat the system. The woman did not ask for it and did not deserve being murdered just for telling him off. He is as bad as anyone else who have ever killed
Charge the family for child neglect since they left the child in the care of people clearly not qualified to care for the child. Charge the child because you know, murder is wrong. The fact he intended to hurt her is reason enough he knew it was wrong and he should be held accountable. I don’t agree he should be held in adult facilities but this kid is not innocent and clearly his parents aren’t able to handle his ‘mental issues’. This whole family needs help.
I completely agree.
They left the child in the care of someone who was caring for someone else, obviously they should charge the grandfather too for neglect, the school he went to for not picking up on his wild behaviour, the principal for employing staff who lack these skills, the government for allowing a principal to do such a horrible job. Basically charge anyone the boy has come in contact with for affecting the child knowingly or unknowingly. You are fucking stupid. Some children are downright turds that don’t want any help and blame the world for the misfortune they create themselves. The fact that the family don’t want their kid in their custody means that they know and have known all along they aren’t equipped to care for him. His age should mean nothing!!! He wanted to hurt the old lady and his actions resulted in her death so charge him for it. This is the reason you Americans get yourselves into so much shit, you’re too hypocritical and stubborn for your own good.
GREAT POINT!!! I totally agree.
This is a perfect example of what most call ” A bad egg” and another young Norman Bates. I see no reason why he should not be tried as an adult. I don’t care how you try to twist it. This is man slaughter and needs to be addressed as such. He knew what he was doing is wrong. Murder is Murder if you are over the age of 5 you understand what that means. If I were the judge I would throw the book at this little twerp.
Uh…I nor my child need to be supervised to know BEATING AN ELDERLY WOMAN IN ANGER is acceptable…
fuck your made up god. He gets all the thanks and prayers for doing nothing.
um gods real so you can stfu i really dont like ppl like you yes the boy done wrong and i think he got what he needed but you dont have to talk bad bout god you needa think bout what i just said cuz ur dumb ass is going to burn in hell so you kno what have fun bitchh
The only appropriate response to such idiocy and poor grammar. lol
Ohhh! He is going to burn in hell? Well, let me tell you something you stupid brained-washed motherfucker. You are going to the so called “Hell” that doesnt even exist. Can you think without religious beliefs? Can you even think with logic? From my POV you are just another brain-washed asshole who thinks there is Heaven and Hell. Such a disgrace
God is a term used to explain what was, is, and will be. The bible was written about 3500 years ago. Humans have led sedentary lives via agriculture for over 8000. Pottery has been excavated by archaeologists carbon dated around 20000 years ago. Where was this deity then? If you really believe some make believe entity is going to ascend from the skies moments before humanity finally destroys it’s own environment and itself, your as daft as the original religious wackos that thought the world was the center of the universe.
That kid obviously has ODD and should have been getting therapy to avoid a horrid thing like this from happening. But, since his parents were obviously uneducated religious @$$#oles like yourself, it’s no surprise to me. You want to believe in something? Look up into the cosmos. Not in a book filled with metaphors to explain complex scenarios to people that would freak and panic over shooting stars 3500 years ago.
I’m pretty sure swearing and telling someone they are going to hell for stating their own opinion will not get you on God’s good list who deserve to go to heaven if it is real.
haha you believe in a supernatural being
You can’t blame the lady for talking about god because she was born learning to worship this so called “God” but she is being stupid thinking its the family’s fault, because right now she has zero evidence to who it should be to blame.
See, religious bigotry works in two ways. You just showed the first and easily, less common form. The second is the religious people attacking others. Nobody cares what you have to say, nor for your opinion. People who can’t or won’t show love to other humans are a waste of time, and simply put, you should shut up.
why f God just because you do not believe or resent I pity you and I pray that the lord works in you for you sound like a lost soul I we will keep you in our prayers tonight and please do not chastise those whom have accepted the lord as their savior
Oh, boy, do tell me how original you are ‘calling out’ religion.
Well said
I don’t normally even reply to other people’s comment’s however I feel the need to tell you I will pray for you. God love’s you!
Does god love pedophiles too? Cause priests are men of god and they molest children.
Exactly!!! I can’t understand how in this day and age people are still wrapped up in the fanatics of religion. Is it really that hard to be a decent human being? I guess they still feel they deserve a reward for the extremely hard task(in their mind) of being a decent human. Yet they can only criticize what they don’t understand and chastise what they are afraid of. While severely limiting themselves from all of life’s experiences due to the dogma associated to a fictional deity. For fuck’s sake I could write a book about Santa Claus with the tributes of all the worlds supposed “Gods” tell them what ever they have is only a partial of “the real word of god” and everyone of these frail minded people would fall for it.
I agree! I also don’t agree with him beong sent to prison especially after the woman denied help when offered. That should be put on her. This boys parents are scumbags.
Shame on his family? It was his own fault.
A ten year old boy left alone in prison, abandoned by his own family, is a victim. It should be investigated who he lived with, and how. Juvenile criminals come from dismembered, disfunctional and/or violent and neglected families. So, instead of punishing a child, adults should be brought to trial too, because they made him that way.
I would totally hate my children if they killed somebody. It would be a disgrace. I would even change my name
Ummm.. he was being supervised by the person he murdered
Fuck that. That kids clearly a fucking sociopath and there’s no rehabilitation for that. Having a kid come out of your vagina doesn’t mean you have to care for it no matter what it does. I wouldn’t want that little shit around me or the rest of my family either. Just because I’m blood related doesn’t mean I should allow a murderer into my home. My child would no longer be my child if they killed an elderly woman, sorry. that’s unnatural and indication of a seriousl mental disease that I am not fit, nor want to, deal with. The parents are doing exactly what I would do.
Uh huh.. wait till he is 35.. and if he gets released.. id be more worried…
Most juvenile criminals come from violent/neglected and/or disfunctional families.
If your child is a murderer you are to blame, because you didn’t do your job well.
Lack of love and harshness to children is criminal too.
Hope you never have children, nobody deserves such bitch for a mother.
If my child was to blame for a murder, I wouldn’t want my child arond the rest of my family. And just because a child is a murderer doesn’t mean it is the parents fault. They could come from the most loving home ever and still kill. Children are unpredictable.
Nice one! You are totally right
I spent 4 years in juvenile detention because I tried to kill my mother, they let me out, I told the authorities I was sorry, gave them fake tears, eventually they let me out, why, I am awesome, do I feel remorse, zero
the child should be in a minors prison where they get him a psychologist and I don’t say that we should not blame the kid but it is the family fault to and a thing the crime of a women that is one step far from her grave can be forgiven
Hes a physco. The family is not the guilty ones, the boy is. HE is guilty for his stupidity and mental disease. I would hate my son if he killed someone. I would even change my name and live far away.
You’re a broken record Kevin. What kid at age 10 is developed enough to be called a psycho. Think of all the stupid shit you did at that age and tell me you’d still do it today. That kid needs help not a jail cell that he’ll eventually get out of at which point all he’ll know about himself is that he is a criminal. What you are proposing is to make him a murderer for life when he could be rehabilitated and be a productive member of society. You are the one looking stupid here.
He WILL always be a murderer for life. No matter how much help he gets it will never change the facts.
You can’t be guilty for your own mental disease. In other words, you CAN’T give yourself a mental disorder. I wish he’d be sent to a Juvenile facility; adult prison is a bit too harsh, and definitely will NOT bring him any help with whatever disorder he has, if any. And I agree with you – I’m moving to the other side of the planet.
It’s called personal responsibility! If you truly think that violent children should be in society you need your head examined. Children aren’t fragile helpless creatures. He’s 10 and knows right and wrong. Shame on you got giving this child a crutch. You’d feel way different if he killed you or anyone you loved!
This system is a f’d up as the people in it.
Ok just stop, the kid was raised wrong yes, bad parents maybe, but is that really an excuse to not know right from wrong in this instance. What about the woman poor her she’s dead by his hand,huh, I guess by that logic. Poor Charles Manson, poor Jody arias, because he’s young and had a rough upbringing doesn’t mean he doesn’t have self accountability
self accountability maybe , self control maybe not. lack of discipline defiantly, to say he has mental defects all likelihood is that another member of the family would have similar mental problems and and should of served as a indicator to seek help for this child. the fact that he said that he only wanted to hurt her implies he was taught that physical action against another is ok if you don’t get what you want. or that he just has no moral compass, anyway this child should be have the charge on his adult record and be handled at a juvenile treatment for the criminally insane .
self accountability maybe , self control maybe not. lack of discipline defiantly, to say he has mental defects all likelihood is that another member of the family would have similar mental problems and and should of served as a indicator to seek help for this child. the fact that he said that he only wanted to hurt her implies he was taught that physical action against another is ok if you don’t get what you want. or that he just has no moral compass, anyway this child should be have the charge on his adult record and be handled at a juvenile treatment for the criminally insane .
Uh, I fully support the justice system for the action they’ve done; Kids like him grow up to be psychopaths / criminals, so why not capture him while it’s still the time than let him grow into a piece of trash which is going to commit more crime deeds. He did wrong, he must pay the price for his “sin”. Yes, I’m serious about this and yes, I’m underage – 17.
Obama rapes and murders like a crazy bitch mofo. Let’s put him and his family into a super max prison so they can all develop schizophrenia after the deprivation and isolation set in and damage their brains, as EEG has shown immediate alteration to brain function in solitary confinement victims, as intended.
so what if he is 10 ? he is fukin psycho, let him rot in there
Such an ignorant comment. Your ignorance is the problem with this world.
Nobody’s born a violent person, they become that way through life circumstances. How do you know he wasn’t mistreated or abused to foster that kind of behavior?
The mere fact that the mother didn’t seem to care that she was willingly sending her son to jail seems extremely weird to me and makes me think the kid was subjected to hateful treatment in the household. The fact she even waived his rights to an attorney makes it seem like she didn’t want a kid and got rid of him the first opportunity she got.
Wake the fuck up and realize things are not black and white. Sending kids who don’t know any better to jail while completely ignoring what led them to act the way they did is utterly ignorant and does not fix societal problems.
This little TURD SHOULD sit and rot. This would only get worse.
My mum loves me very much, but if I told her I killed someone she wold send me to jail without feeling guilty. And I wouldn’t blame her.
You’re worse than this kid. Your type of ignorant thinking is what’s the problem with this world.
You completely ignore the fact that nobody is born a violent person and that life circumstances are usually what makes them turn out that way. How do you know he wasn’t mistreated or abused? How do you know the mother isn’t violent herself and he took that behavior from her?
You’re sentencing a kid who doesn’t know any better to rot in jail for the rest of his life while completely ignorant all other circumstances that could have led him to act that way. Wake the fuck up and realize things are not so black and white.
Doesn’t know any better?! He’s fucking ten!!!!!!!!
yes things are not black and white at all, and no people can actually be born “violent” or whatever, that kinda behavior especially evolves at young age, and no bad life circumstances are needed for that to happen. read some books, educate yourself, don’t talk shit if you don’t know what you are talking about ok? and even if he was mistreated etc. so what ?
leave him to rot in jail IDC if he’s 10 or 100
haha yea (Y)
Many people consider the fate of this child to be the pivotal issue, but I submit that we should consider the judicial system as a whole. If, and I do mean this as truly an if, we are to execute murderers for murder, the only relevant issue is whether the person being tried committed murder. If the act falls within the definition of murder, whatever definition is being used by the jurisdiction, execution should be the only recourse.
I am alarmed by the great discretion allowed certain individuals. Police officers, district attorneys, judges, and others are truly the sources of justice in the US, and flatly, among them, there is no place for justice to sit.
And if the state is wrong and wrongly executes someone does the state get executed?
his mom is a bitch she waived his right to an attorney.
and she took him to the police
she did the right thing but its her fault for the child to turn out this way. She knew he had problems but did nothing about it. These kind of parents are retarded
A very large majority of the time mental illness runs in the family and the parents have no idea how to handle it. I’ve seen countless parents struggle with it because people like to blame the parents for something that they had nothing ton do with. All of the nurture in the world cant change nature.
Taking the child to the police is arguably the right thing to do.
Waiving his rights to an attorney though is absolutely not the right thing to do, it’s actually quite appalling. She’s blatantly taking away his right to a fair trial, and this coming from his own mother makes me question what kind of mother she’s been to him through the years that probably made him turn out like this.
As a parent with a son if I ever find out that my son was violent or had other mental issues I’d get him the help, love and support he needed and no matter how difficult it may be, I’d never just abandon him once he went to prison. The child confessed which to me shows remorse which means that with the right steps his behavior could be corrected. That mother is not a true mother. You love your children unconditionally. My heart breaks for that little boy.
Amanda? You should be the hooker bitch from GTA V. Hahaha Slut
Your name is Kevin. Like that’s a sexy name to say.
Do you even have kids?
haha epic
Waving his right to an attorney was wrong. She did right to take him to the police. He committed a murder and has past histories of aggressive behavior. Considering that past behavior, I suspect his past behavior has alot to do with the parents decision to keep him in custody.
“The child told police that he had put a cane around her neck and punched her repeatedly after she had scolded and yelled at him. The 5th grader told officers he was not trying to kill the woman, but wanted to hurt her.”
The fact that kid wanted to hurt an elderly woman who was being cared for showed he had little regard for human life. He says he did not intend to kill her, but that is subject to interpretation based on his actions AND past behaviors, which his parents are privy to. I suspect there is more to this story. None the less, a ten year old doing this is disturbing in it’s own right and makes one wonder just how crazy this kid is!
Yes of course, she is not a bitch, shes a human being who realizes that her son is a physo and clearly needs to be punished for his actions.
Well, I’d do the same because if my son was a murderer I would beg to the Court to give him the Death Penalty
Will someone please assist in filing a petition, and get this kid out of prison? Anyone? He needs help, not incarceration…
This is crazy how can this be done to such a young boy!
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the kid clearly has issues. So sorry to sound cruel but he deserves to pay for his actions just like anyone else, who cares if he’s 10. That’s fucked up. He beat an old woman to death, think about the blunt force required for a 10 year old to accomplish that. It’s not one hit and stop, it’s excessive.
I say well done these days children grow up much earlier, 10 year of age is enough to understand the consequences, if he killed a person at that age who knows what he would do a few years later, if my child did the same I would even ask to lock him away as being a spiritual person, I understand how bad this is, if a child has mind problems and is violent then this will most likely get worse and turn into more killings and rapes, you heard what he said, he wanted to hurt her no normal boy would even think of doing that.
I’m sorry but he purposely tried to hurt her. In my opinion he should be facing the death penalty. This world would be a lot better if we took out the scums of our earth when we have the opportunity.
I totally agree with you. This scumbag is just going to get worse. Murder, rape and any other major crime should be faced by the Death Penalty. Much better this world without them.
Sorry, wrong place!
Or you could try help them? not just leave a ten year old child to lose his life to this mental illness. Give him the correct help and maybe he’ll get better. The fact that the justice system is just abandoning him is without a hope of recovery is foolish.
If someone has mental problems there’s a high chance they will never get better.
Whaa whaaa whaaa “may god hold this child in his palms”……? are you fucking retarded? God….what a shame for the dumb and broke. This kids a product of scum breeding scum. Dumb ass parents letting this kid play gta 5 or some bullshit so they can avoid being real parents and accept the responsibilites of fucking without rubbers and making a child. kill yourselves
White sacrifIce
A ten year old knows what he’s doing he beat an old women to death and he gets what he gets
the point if prison and jail isnt punishment for crimes wrong, thats only half of the deal. The main point is to show the person that that is wrong. how is a child supposed to emotionally learn right from wrong when he wont see the outside world till his mid thirties?
I’m sure when some big nigga in prison wants to “hurt” not “kill” him, he’ll learn a thing or two.
Whether he’s 10 or not, he understood what he was doing. He stated he wanted to hurt her. Usually people with mental disorders and anger issues dont want to kill the person. but that doesnt justify it. Im sure that woman didnt want to be choked out and punched to death either. Its the state’s criminal guidelines as to why the child is facing the punishments he is. And for those who says its the parents fault, Nice try. You can put a kid in therapy, on meds, and everything else and he could still turn out to be a little psychopath. Once the child develops free will, unless the parents are just completely neglectful and abusive, its just how things happen. Its like we were always told, if you dont wanna do the time, dont commit the crime.
This kid is exactly where he belongs. Where is the sympathy for his victim?! If his skin were a different shade, I’m sure this ridiculously sympathetic article wouldn’t have even been written.
Prison is no place for children. The boy needs to get the help and guidance he truly deserves. I blame society and the systems being put in place. it just shows you how heartless and cruel the law can truly be.
Yet, I bet, when you see parents and children acting up in person, you turn a blind eye and high tail it to your safe warm home.
No, it is just showing how the law should be. Every murderer should be faced with death penalty, even this kid. I feel no sympathy for this kid. The world would be better if scumbags like this little kid are killed.
He belongs in a psychiatric hospital, not a penitentiary.
No, you are wrong. He belongs to both.
Maybe the old bitch deserved it, I know quite a few miserable old hags that do. Dumb bitch didn’t go to the hospital so maybe she wanted to die? Whatever the case a child does not deserve to be in prison. Anyone who thinks a 10 yr old is beyond help and should rot in prison is obviously a psychopath and should be out of their miserable lives.
Clearly he has mental issues and needs to be detained. Sad, but true. He will eventually hurt or kill someone else!
I agree with you.
Retarded parents. They knew the boy has issue. Dad left him while the elderly was there. Mom refused a lawyer or some help for the 10 yr old son. That boy needs lot of help & care from parents. Sad here,of course at that young age he is lonely & misses his mom.
Sick parents.
People who believe this shit are fucked up, first of all this picture is of a 14 year old boy at his 14th birthday also no matter the crime he will never be put in an adult prison under the age of 18
I know the media loves to spew BS on a daily basis, but that kid has been all over the news off and on the past few months in PA, and yes he is in an adult prison.
A minor nevermind a 10-year old should not be in prison. Nobody his age would randomly do such an act. Their mind are sponges. I believe he was abused and couldn’t take it anymore. What else is a child supposed to do? Reason with whoever’s abusing them? Let’s be real. it’s clear that his mother didn’t care to help him. If he was indeed dealing with mental disorders. She should have sought him help like a mother would do for her child. Instead she waited until he snapped. The problem isn’t hers anymore. Shame on the “family”. Get him the help he needs. There are all kinds of therapy and keeping a little child in prison will do nothing, but make the problems worse. Wait until he comes into society then. HELP him, don’t destroy him. People bend the rules in the court of law all the time for the rich and the famous. If this kid had a movie star for a parent I wouldn’t be reading this article now, would I? Idiots.
What he did was wrong, but this is extremely uncalled for. Fuck the system!
Fuck you! The system is Ok. You are the scumbag. Fuck you. Open your eyes, that kids is a fucking physco who should be killed in a painfull way. If I knew my kid was a fucking pshyco I would beg for the Death Penalty.
Well….10 is the new 20…with that being said, this kid needs professional help ASAP…he needs to be put on psych meds to help control his actions. The PARENTS, on the other hand, need a swift kick in the ass!!! Parenting today is so different when I was a kid. We learned our lessons well and our parents took responsibility over us and made us responsible. I am totally sick of these parents BLAMING everyone but themselves for their own shortcomings…it is always the other persons fault and this is what their children learn. Some parents are raising self-entitled little monsters that blame others for their problems and will never accept responsibility for any wrong-doing. How sad…can we go back to the 50s now?
you people are crazy this is just a news report the story could be completely different, wake up and stop letting these news reporters control you.
We had a similar case in our home town of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. A 12 year old girl and her mentally handicapped “boyfriend” beat and murdered her family. She used this older man to get what she wanted, now with our laws here she is as free as a bird and he will suffer in jail because of his age and because she used him to get what she wanted. She is now an adult and can come and go as she pleases, no one can know who she is because of our Canadian laws protecting children even those who break the law, even those who cruelly kill their own parents and siblings
Some people have no souls, remember that. There are examples in history of these people…Mass murderers who were known to kill animals as little children but no one did anything about it. Then there are leaders like Hitler, calm as calm but a stone cold killer at heart. This child needs help, but do not mistake him for just a poor child. They know how to act to get the attention they need to get the sympathy.
haha what makes you think Hitler was stone cold killer at heart ? but yes i do agree with you, and believe me more and more kids are fukin psychos…
Its quite simple really , murder the child… such monsters have nothing to look in our todays society … murder all the rapists , murderers … kill them in atrocious ways …. and make their executions public…. and in a few years we would not have such problems anymore …. killing them is the best rehabilitation they can get …..
That is totally true. I agree with you. Those murderers I hope they kill them in a painfull way so they can suffer.
This kid is 10, sure he might have known he killed someone but really, hes only lived in this world for 10 years. That is literally not enough experience for him to fully comprehend and morally know that killing is wrong, he’s not completely innocent, he should be punished but not extremely. Sure he killed an old woman but compare this kid to an adult criminal in the same situation. There is a big difference in their thought processes right? Also the fact that he is going to Adult prison and not juvy instead, doesn’t that seem wrong? He is going to spend his whole adolescence in prison for 25 years and leave? do you think he will be released as a normal member of society? There is also the fact that the prisoners in the same prison will abuse him because of his age. I doubt the enforcers would protect him since they made the choice to place him in an Adult prison. This has nothing to do with religion, its about what is logically and morally right.
First of all.
This child could have had the greatest family in the world. The mother nor guardian can control his mind. He has his own free will like ANY human being. He could have been raised amazingly well, and everything about his life could have been great. DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. He had a delusional thought and said well FUCK THIS I’m going to do this and that’s exactly what happened. Yes the guardian is to blame but he has his own fucking mind people.
Dont fucking send your prayers or heart warming concerns for this child at all. If it was your grandmother, mother, aunt, whatever. Would you be praising him then? Blessing him with sympathy and praying he had a better judgement placed upon him? Fuck no. You Christians disgust me. You want to pray for everyone but you’re so stuck up your own ass you cant even see it. When something bad happens to one of “your types,” you want to hang people from a tree. So please save it. You’re no better than anyone.
That being said, he deserves everything he got. This is one time I’m PROUD our justice system pulled through. Hes a little murderer and he’s being tried like a little murderer. Good for him. His argument was about as good as saying “I didn’t mean to kill that person with that gun, I just shot them to scare them. She was 90, brittle as can be and he attacked her in a HOME for crying out loud. She was there because she probably couldn’t care for herself. I pray your GOD looks down on all of you for being so disgusting.
Dude, that is the coolest thing I have ever read. You are so intelligent. I think the same as ya’. Christians are praying for priests who raped and killed. Fuck everyone who thinks in “GOD”
this kid should be punished agreed but adult jail? Also what about the grandfather ? Why didn’t he get the lady help? Was it all about the money that she died?
OK, first things first…If we all where trialled in court as adults for crimes we committed when we where kids. This would be one $#@!ed up country. Give the kids balls some time to drop, before you send them to get played with by Bubba. That is why we have juvenile detention centers and group homes. On a serious note, it shows ignorance a lack of knowledge of illness. Metal disorders plague society, also a serious lack of understand and on top of that the strength in parents to seek help. Cause they don’t want to seem like “Bad parents”, as Mr. Jordan was trying to point out. Children lack a certain kind of apathy, conscious or direct will to meaningfully hurt someone with serious intent. Those who have kids or deal with kids know, when your kid pulls hair and laughs. Its not cause he/she is a “psychopath hiding” behind metal illness. It’s just truly a case of child like innocents, they just can’t comprehend. So to the people reading this, the ones who make the choices in how our laws are governed. The people who know what its like to be behind bars, fighting for your cherry. Or simply the blue collar family, fighting to keep a roof and food on the table…Lets do everything we can to keep our troubled youth out of adult jails, find them the help and treatment so many so dearly need. If, only if we do this our future will be a bright one for our world…
I think it was the mother who killed the old lady and blamed it on her son. Simple.
ASSHOLE! You are such an ignorant. Fuck you! In my opinion, it was your fucking mother who killed the old lady.
Ok kevin. We got the point 30 comments ago. You hate children and think they should die because they weren’t raised correctly or adequately supervised and blah blah blah. I found your trolling amusing at 1st but it’s a little much bud. Quit trolling on the Internet all day and fantasizing about child executions and go get yourself a job or at least a more productive hobby 🙂
Why doesn’t someone bash his fucking skull in? See how he likes it. By the time you’re 10, you have been introduced to the whole “respect your elders” and “don’t hit a woman” thing …the fact that getting yelled at, oh boo hoo… Gave this dumb boy an idea that this was justifiable? Like please. Leave this planet.
First of to all the “hallelujah posts” religion is merely a collection of thoughts that you think are true, it has been spoon-fed to you since you were a child. There is no ‘responsible’ higher or lower power in this world, they who say there is refuse to claim their own responsibility; to those people: Go back under your rock and stay there you’re slowing society’s progress.
Next about the op: He committed murder, he must be dealt with. And yes he is a product of his environment and how he was raised by his parents, they should be judged as well. This is an example of how (western) society is decaying and the morals of being a parent in an ever faster moving and more digital world are shaking to bits.
But hey, who am I to judge, as long as MTV tells you that some balling and some dancing is the highest thing there is and all means are justified to get to that…
He’s 10 years old, not 3. I have a 10 year old brother and he knows that murder and hurting people are both wrong. By ten, you know what you’re doing. Now, I don’t think he should be in adult prison (maybe a mental health facility would be a better choice), but he CERTAINLY should not go free.
Hail satan
Seems fitting. At the age of 10 he knew what he was doing, and admitted he was trying to hurt the elderly woman over being scolded. Though death wasn’t his intention, he still wanted to hurt her over an ignorant reason. Adult charges or small charges should all be the same when it comes to death, especially when it’s known whether or not it is intentional.
If the boy is going to act like a filthy little animal then he should be caged like one, and kept locked away until he has proven he has enough sense to act like a normal human. I can see where people can be “heartbroken” over a child being locked away, but it’s obvious that the kid has problems. Problems don’t just go away. All serial killers were children once, and it appears this kid has the tendencies. So in MY OPINION, it’s better that he was caught early as a child than later on as an adult. He can now at least get help for what he’s done, and take classes on anger and maybe learn how to function correctly.
Meanwhile NYPigD konts can choke murder citizens and walk away free and laughing. The USA is fukd up while citizens allow this gestapo BS to happen.
I also like how people fight over senseless things like religion, being completely unrelated to this story. Let people believe what they choose to believe in, there is no harm to it. I see no reason why people must be so idiotic and judge others for what they believe and how they feel about something. All of us are human, no better or worse than another. We have the right and free will to believe in what we choose to believe in, and no one has the true right to tell us who is wrong and who is right.
There is enough stupidity going on about war and disagreements. Would it kill you to accept someone for who they are? And how they are? Anonymous is based on the freedom humans have a right to, not being controlled or oppressed. By judging these people by their religion and by their rights of freedom to believe in whatever they wish to, you seem to be going against the will of Anonymous. So grow up and be more accepting, or continue being as corrupt as the trash Anonymous fights against.
This is the problem with the Patriot Act. The only reason that he is being tried as an adult is because of this. The Patriot Act was put into place to allow TERRORISTS to be tried as adults IF they were under the age of 18. This has nothing to do with terrorism, nor does he have a fair trial. His idiot mother completely stripped that from him, and CPS should take custody of the kid from her. This is a problem that I have with the way that the U.S. has interpreted the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that children have no rights until they are of a certain age. I would like to be in control of my rights, and my family, no matter what I do, has no right to forfeit my rights. This kid doesn’t have the right to an attorney, meaning that he will have no legal counsel, and he will end up testifying against himself. I do not care what my family thinks. I will reserve all of my rights until I deem it necessary to allow a breach in them. I am a 16 year old, and I can make my own conscious decisions.
I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for this “child”. The key word here is “hurt”, as he said he wanted to do. Well, he accomplished that and went too far. He knows the difference in right and wrong, and when he chose “wrong”, he now has to pay the price. Sorry, but no sympathy from me.
That kid needs to be tested by neurologists. If he is mentally ill, it is unlawful for him to be incarcerated in the prison system. As for all the dips praying to their imaginary friend, Wake the #uck up. Your good book was written 4500 years after humans began utilizing agriculture as a way of life without any help from morons that used to believe the world was the center of the universe. He probably has ODD. He won’t be a sociopath until he matures without any proper treatment. So locking him up in an adult prison and praying for him is about the most irresponsible thing that can be done here. All it does is take a horrible situation and turn it nuclear in a few years. Well done Uncle Sam. Bravo baby Jesus. @$$#073$ !!!
I live around this area and this kid is going to be tried as a juvenile now. They were goi g to transfer him to juice but he was already making escape plans. The kids also shoved the cane down the lady’s throat and was punching her.
He didn’t really mean to kill her, he merely wanted to hurt the elderly woman. What a little rascal!