Written by: Hannibal
14-Year- Stinney exonerated after 70 Years from his Execution.
Stinney was charged and convicted of two homicides. A 14-year-old African American kid from Alcolu, South Carolina who was executed for professedly executing two white girls has now been absolved of alleged charges, seven decades later!
In a court decision issued on Wednesday by Circuit Judge Carmen Mullen, the murder charges against George Stinney was cleared over worries that the young boy’s sacred constitutional right to a reasonable trial was abrogated to the point that his name ought to be cleared. WIS TV reported. Stinney, who was a teenager at the time of his execution by electrocution , had to be seated on a telephone book. Stinney is infamous, as the most youthful American to be executed by the state in the twentieth century.
Amid his trial in 1944, Stinney’s white legal counselor did not presented witnesses or interview witnesses displayed by the indictment. In 2009, Stinney’s sister guaranteed in a sworn statement that her sibling couldn’t have killed the two youngsters in light of the fact that he was with her at the time their murders happened. “The state, as a major organ, has extremely alleged involved hands,” lawyer Miller Shealy contended at a hearing in January, as cited by the Huffington Post.
As indicated by the indictment report, Stinney confessed to killing the two young ladies – Betty June Binnicker, 11, and eight-year-old Mary Emma Thames – The murder was carried by beating profusely, with a railroad spike. The kid’s family and different supporters contend this confession was made under duress, and little confirmation from the trial – including the spike – remains.
The trial was closed after around three hours, and a jury of 12 white men conveyed a decision against Stinney in 10 minutes. “By not putting the state’s case under a magnifying glass whatsoever, by not interviewing witnesses, not setting up a guard whatsoever, not giving an end contention, George was never managed compelling gathering and accordingly his Sixth Amendment rights were abused,” said resistance lawyer Steven Mckenzie to WIS.
One relative of Binnicker affirmed that while the laws were distinctive at the time of Stinney’s trial, he said: “He Discovered blameworthy by the laws of 1944” and said the choice ought to stand. Specialist Chip Finney additionally protected the work powers did previously. “They weren’t attempting to railroad each black individual connected with Alcolu and these young Girls” He said amid the hearing. “They made a determination focused around certainties we don’t have today that George Stinney ought to be confined.” Judge Mullen dissented, be that as it may, deciding that Stinney’s entitlement to due procedure was abused. “Given in the specific circumstances of Stinney’s case,” Mullen kept in touch with, “I discover by a prevalence of the proof standard, that an infringement of the Defendant’s procedural due procedure rights spoiled his indictment.
I support most things you guys are doing, but sometimes I notice like this column here, it’s used to bring up old pains of this nation and it almost seems to fuel rage of our new problems in witch they are not the same.When you make sure to include the jury was 12 white men we know we’re this is going. This all happened pre civil rights movement the world has long changed since then and will continue to change. Or problems now stem from along time of law officials doing what they please violating or rights and cold blood murder,and not having to answer for it.It sucks this happened but the people that convicted this innocent man are dead and now have to answer to a higher power a truly just power
What holds true today, though, is that executing or killing the wrong people won’t make things right. Statistically, there is always a good chance that humans are wrong. So, be the fuck humble and don’t believe because 12 guys agree that this the word of God.
I love you guys, but this article was really hard to read, so I imagine lots are. the only way I was able to read it was to copy and paste it into a word doc. THEN, when I went to post this comment, it said for me to reload the page, and everything came out crystal clear, but if people aren’t trying to make a comment, they will never see the legible screen.
Anyway, my comment is, the way the prosecuted this 14 year old is exactly how they are prosecuting parents to steal their kids and put them out for adoption. I refer you to the Tonya Brown case where closing arguments to determine if she will ever get her beautiful adopted from Guatamalia child back are awaiting the judges decision. The public defender did NOTHING to defend this mother from losing her parental rights, PERMANENTLY. so sad. https://www.facebook.com/tonya.brown.thejusticeleaguecrs?fref=ts
Stinney is still charged and convicted. And the jury and the police are still there, getting away with their crimes.What has changed the most is internet, media and every one carrying a camera
This article is very poorly written.
This is the type of content I would love to share, but I won’t do it. You should consider staffing a writer, or at least taking the time to proofread.
I support your cause, and would be happy to proofread and/or rewrite for you free of charge.
really bad judgements that were and currently are part of our legal justice system. I feel disgust to be part of this crazy zombiland society!!
Very intelligent observation! I couldn’t have agreed more!
Please visit http://www.change.org and view petition titled Justice not Politics and sign petition speaking to changes in legislation for misconduct in our judicial system. These things still go on today and there are too many people in prison who have been wrongfully convicted. I witnessed this type of behavior firsthand and we must get changes to provide safeguards and accountability by prosecutors especially who seem to enjoy immunity for their actions. Please take a moment to sign. You never know when someone close to you could become a target. It is heartwrenching and hurts too many people. Thanks.
Please visit petition on http://www.change.org titled justice not politics. Please sign petition to make changes to legislation regarding judicial misconduct. Too many people are suffering in prison who don’t belong there. We must stand up for those who can not. They need our help. You never know when someone close to you could become a target. Changes must be made in legislation to protect every American citizen!!