The 19 Animals That Kill The Most Humans Every Year


At an early age, we develop an understanding of many of the world’s animals, many of which we naturally categorize as dangerous. However, once you begin to look into the statistics, it becomes clear that our understanding of many of the world’s animals is simply inaccurate.  In this list, we detail the 19 animals that kill the most humans—some of which might shock you.

 Image Source Wikimedia Commons, Hein waschefort
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Hein waschefort
  1. Sharks

Despite their bad reputation, and the flurry of stories that flood the news each time a shark comes close to the shores, shark attacks only kill about 10 people per year.

 Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Profberger
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Profberger
  1. Leopards

Although this spectacular species is only found in a select few regions of the world, leopards kill about 15 people per year.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, CMSporthorses
  1. Horses

Unexpected, since the species is not particularly aggressive; however, horses cause 20 human deaths every year. Most of these incidents are accidents at horse riding events.

 Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
  1. Cows

Again, cows are a reasonably placid species. However, due to their sheer strength and size, many people have suffered fatal injuries from a cows kick.

Image Source: Flickr, Steve Jurvetson
Image Source: Flickr, Steve Jurvetson
  1. Ants

Particularly fire ants. Surprisingly, as many as 30 people are killed by ants every year. Once attacked by the ants, many people fall victim to anaphylactic shock.

Image Source: Flickr, Ishikawa Ken
Image Source: Flickr, Ishikawa Ken
  1. Jelly Fish

Surprisingly this mesmerising marine species kill about 40 people year. They often go unnoticed by ocean swimmers until, causing their stings to be both unexpected and deadly.

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Sandilya Theuerkauf
Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Sandilya Theuerkauf
  1. Spiders

Ranking surprisingly low on the list, especially once you take into consideration the number of deadly spiders commonly found in Australia. Around 50 people die from spider bites every year.

Image Credit: USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab
Image Credit: USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

12. Bees

This pollinating species cause an average of 53 deaths every year, mostly from people suffering an extreme allergic reaction to the bee’s sting.

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Dick Mudde
Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Dick Mudde

11. Tiger

Another cat species to make the list is the tiger. Roughly 85 people die per year from tiger attacks. It is believed that most of these attacks are a result of the human provoking the tiger.

Photo credit: Tupper Ansel Blake and United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2001
Photo credit: Tupper Ansel Blake and United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2001

10. Deer

Every year, around 130 people die from car accidents caused by deer.

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Gorgo
Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Gorgo


Although praised for being both an intelligent and social species, elephants often become spooked and defensive. As a result, around 500 people a year are killed by elephants, most of which are from trampling.

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Staselnik
Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Staselnik


With their immense speed and strength crocodiles kill approximately 1,000 people annually.

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Noodle snacks
Image Source: WikiMedia Commons, Noodle snacks
  1. Scorpions

Roughly 5,000 people per year die from scorpion venom. Whilst the larger ones are usually harmless, primarily using their claws as their defence, the smaller and less intimidating scorpions are often the most deadly.

Image Credit: U.S. Air Force Photo by Josh Plueger
Image Credit: U.S. Air Force Photo by Josh Plueger

6. Dogs

Shockingly, man’s best friend is responsible for killing around 25,000 people per year. However, your loveable household pets make up only a small percentage of this total. The majority of deaths are cause by stray dogs infected with rabies.

Image Souce:
Image Souce:

5. Tapeworms

Unlike the other species in this list, these incredibly creepy creatures kill you from the inside. By lodging themselves inside the body, they are able to survive for up to 30 years inside their host and grow up to 50 feet long. In total, they kill roughly 50,000 people per year.

Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons, Patrick JEAN
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons, Patrick JEAN

4. Snakes

Although this number fluctuates on a yearly basis, the number of deaths caused by snakes ranges from between 50,000 and 100,000 every year.

Image Credit: American Museum of Natural History, in New York City, USA.
Image Credit: American Museum of Natural History, in New York City, USA.

3. Tik-tik flies

Around 300,000 people die annually from sleeping sickness, a vector-borne parasitic disease most commonly carried by the tik-tik fly.

Image Source: Flickr, Airwolfhound
Image Source: Flickr, Airwolfhound
  1. Humans

An unexpected addition to the list is the human race. From a combination of murderous crime, terror attacks and catastrophic wars, the number or human deaths cause by humans is difficult to calculate. Unlike every other species on this list the vast majority of human killings are intentional, showing that our outlook and appreciation of life needs to drastically improve.

Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons, Dunpharlain
Image Credit: WikiMedia Commons, Dunpharlain
  1. Mosquitoes

The smallest creature on this list, but undoubtedly the most deadly. It is commonly known that mosquitoes spread diseases through their bites, the most deadly one being malaria. More than 1,000,000 people lose their lives to this devastating disease every year.

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  1. I don’t believe the snakes part. Too few are deadly to humans.
    I mean of the more than 20,000 species of snakes, there are only 21 that are even capable of delivering a fatal bite, and most bites from even the most venomous of them are dry bites with no venom at all. Dry bites make up for a huge percentage of all snake bites.

    • Strong research skills dummy…..Snakes kill THOUSANDS each year in Africa and Asia….Russells Viper alone kills about 10,000 each year in Asia

      What you “believe” is irrelevant since you probably have the IQ or a Autistic 12 year old…It is a verified FACT that Snakes kill thousands in Africa AND Asian each year….Verified fact from the World Health Organization…

      Almost all Viper Snakes envenomate at close to 80% of Bites…Most Elapid Snakes envenomate at around 60-70% of bites….Dry Bites only make up about 30-40% of Elapid bites (Cobra, Mamba, Taipan etc) and only 10-20% of Viper bites (Puff Adder, Russells Viper, Saw Scaled Viper, Fer De Lance Snake).

      You are an idiot who shouldn’t speak on topics you know NOTHING about….You should have been aborted….

      • I’m autistic, lower case A (duh). An autistic spectrum genius with a Mensa graded IQ of 164. I’m not arguing about your figures, I’m sure they’re correctly reprinted or else you wouldn’t be behaving like such an arrogant, frustrated little prick.

        As for your apparent belief that every claim by the WHO make are gospel, that would be foolish.

        You call someone who doubts a random claim, an idiot, but it’s the questioning minds that are the greatest minds, the higher intellects, the ones that prove, disprove, invent and create. It’s those that belittle, that throw insults, that are invariably the ignorant fools.

        You want to go around insulting people’s intelligence, best you be the smartest person in the world, but you’re not, not close, just a sad, lonely, frustrated little nobody, impotently pounding away at your keyboard as you hopelessly tug your limp little dick.

        So if you want to be a smart-arse, get the smarts because right now you just look like an arse…..and you really need to get laid but I fear it’s a catch 22 situation.

    • Not all deaths caused by snakes are results of bites, the other deaths, and usually the most often, are people being strangled, or crushed to death, from constriction.


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