Zoo animals often act in abnormal and neurotic ways due to the physical and mental frustrations of life in captivity.
Did you know? The majority of animals in popular zoos are not endangered but were plucked from the wild (or, in some circumstances, obtained through illegal trafficking) to live in cramped enclosures so that humans might be entertained. This goes against the popular argument that zoos exist to protect species from extinction – a seemingly noble goal.
As it is, wild-animal parks often favor large and charismatic animals to draw a crowd but neglect less popular species that also need to be protected. And, while confining animals in zoos keeps them alive, the practice does nothing to protect wild populations and their habitats.
In addition, captive animals are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. As a result, the physical and mental frustrations of captivity can eventually wear on them, resulting in abnormal, neurotic, and even self-destructive behavior. Many even suffer from a condition called “zoochosis,” which manifests as incessant pacing, swaying, head-bobbing, bar-biting, and self-mutilation.
Credit: Gaston Lacombe
Zoos breed animals because the presence of babies draws even more visitors and boosts revenue. But after the animals’ “cuteness” has been outgrown, their fate is often bleak. It is not unheard of for the parks to dump unwanted animals with traveling circuses or into the wild. Doing so, of course, is a death sentence, for the animals were denied the opportunity to learn survival skills in captivity, can transmit diseases to their wild counterparts, and often have no natural habitat left to return to because of human encroachment.
In fact, humans are largely responsible for the swift decline of the world’s biodiversity. According to a 2004 report by the World Conservation Union, human activities that cause pollution, climate change, and the destruction of animals’ habitats are currently placing more than 7,000 animals species in jeopardy of extinction.
The millions of dollars that zoos regularly squander – on redesigning enclosures that do little to nothing to improve animal welfare, erecting statues and amusement rides, and building gift shops and concession stands – would do far more to help animals if spent on habitat preservation projects.
One only needs to view the five videos below to conclude that doing so would be a worthy investment of time and resources. These animals clearly would prefer being in their natural habitats:
Gorilla Charges And Breaks Glass
Lion Claws at Enclosure
Beluga Startles Children
Example Of Zoochosis
9 Animals Driven Insane
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This article (5 Videos That Prove Animals REALLY Don’t Want To Be In Zoos) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
According to some studies, people can get insane just for living in small places doing the same fucking routine every day and it’s not even necessary to be jailed, so living inside a fucking prison like a zoo or aquarium obviously can fuck a poor animal!.
So zoochosis is another way of saying they want the fuck out. Now.
“…Animals REALLY Don’t Want To Be In Zoos” do u think that they have choices?
wanting means: choice, slavering in this article should be better!
for fun human race can do some stupid things based on ego trip (using lives of animal for his own pleasure!)
and straight after visiting a zoo, some are going to be connected on FB and click on “dislike” to an article based on “fur is a crime” or something like that!!!!
i saw it yesterday, a guy who pass long days on manifestations for stopping using fur (which is good indeed) and straight after on his FB page: an advertising for Louis VUITTON (for a leather bag)
and for him it is totally normal!
most of humans are closer of the way of living of an Amoeba than a Mammal!!!
right now everybody speak to colonize mars, ok!
we just live on the most beautiful planet that we know, and some are planning to colonize a simple rock????
come on!!!!!!
A dominant characteristic of modern man would seem to be the inclination to control the nature and behaviour of all living things, including each other. The more an individual is able to achieve this objective the higher one rises in the social pecking order. As a child I can recall seeing a gorilla in a cage endlessly weaving from side to side. Clearly a deeply distressed animal, and it was as obvious then as it is now; so why the change in perspective at this very late stage?