A combination of cannabis oil and chemotherapy healed this man’s “incurable inoperable” lung cancer. Now, he’s paying it forward by helping others heal their lives, too.
As you may or may not know, the survival rate of lung cancer is incredibly grim. It is estimated that the prognosis for Stage IA non-small cell lung cancer is less than 50%. Sadly, this drops as the cancer progresses. For a Stage IV patient, the likelihood of recovery is 1%.
Aware of the odds against him, patient Darren Miller decided to supplement his chemotherapy treatments with cannabis oil. Clearly, he didn’t just want to extend his life, he wanted to save it.
After researching the benefits of cannabis oil and reading hundreds of other peoples’ personal stories of healing, Miller was confident the treatment was right for him.
Miller’s wife quit her job so they could qualify for medical assistance, and they moved to California where he could supplement with the controversial treatment legally.
Seven months later, Darren is officially cancer-free and has the hospital documents to prove it.
Credit: illegallyhealed.com
He told an affiliate of CBS News:
“Today, which is seven months later, they tell me I am completely cancer-free – not remission. I’ve cured my cancer. Now, am I giving credit to the cannabis oil? Absolutely. Am I giving credit to chemo? I would have to say yes, too. I did both.”
After recovering from the ‘incurable’ cancer, Miller and his wife moved back to Illinois. He now runs a “compassionate cannabis” program to help others who are struggling like he was.
“What we’re doing is we’re just making small amounts to keep it around and educating others on how to do this,” he said. “Because if you have access to any kind of cannabis, I can give you links on my site to show you how to do this in your own kitchen and save your life.”
Credit: whale.to / truthinsideofyou.org
Darren is not the only individual to have benefited from cannabis oil, and he certainly won’t be the last.
You can contact Darren Steven Miller via facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darren.s.miller.9
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This article (50-Year-Old Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil, Stuns CBS News) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Posting the link to this mans website would have been nice, unless of course you’re not interested in helping others like him.
I will notify the author, thanks.
We were not able to find his website, but you can contact him personally via facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darren.s.miller.9
I know, right? Lol
My journey is an open book for anyone to share that way everyone can see the power of THC…..
I am in a comparable lung cancer condition and it seems to also be the successful treatment for me.
The price of that stuff is incredible, and is made by the sugar leaf, which would be wasted if not for edibles. The reason the guy in the pic has that gleaming smirk on his face, is from knowing how much people are willing to pay for it, but once they find how easy to make it yourself if, you will save enough money to move to a medical state.
OMG it is way cheaper than pharmaceuticals.
Google and YouTube Rick Simpson for the recipe.
His website is on his t-shirt in the image you’ve used for this article.
And you guys get paid for this kind of journalism?
Jesus fucking weeps.
This fella gets no monetary gain for spreading his message of cannabis and cancer. His facebook page is a wealth of info. Him and his wife have been a huge help to me and I am guessing 10’s of 1000’s more people. I am not aware of a personal website for him. He likes to talk via facebook so more people can see all the questions and answers.
I have been trying to contact him for months via instagram. They have given my father just months to live and we are desperate to try anything. Does anyone know how to contact him where he will respond?
no seizers for 1 year 7months 14days ….suffered since april 11991…thanks my friend, you helped me get my life back in a way i can never expain….i got my life back, my brother, my friend…funky loves ya’ll, mean it!