Should you get breast implants? If you are aware of the risks and potential complications of breast augmentation, this question won’t ever pop into your mind again.
Breast Implants Are NOT Safe
Although the US FDA approves two types of breast implants for sale in the United States — saline-filled and silicone gel-filled, it also accepts and warns there are risks associated with all breast implants. These include additional surgeries, capsular contracture—scar tissue that squeezes the implant, breast pain, rupture (tears or holes in the shell) with deflation of saline-filled implants, and silent (without symptoms) rupture of silicone gel-filled implants.
Studies conducted by implant manufacturers found that within three years, approximately three out of four reconstruction (breast cancer) patients and almost half of first-time augmentation patients, using either saline implants or silicone gel implants, experienced at least one local complication: pain, infection, hardening, or the need for additional surgery.
Breast Implants Cause Cancer
Yes, that’s a fact.
FDA has identified a possible association between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Women who have breast implants may have a very small but increased risk of developing ALCL in the fluid or scar tissue surrounding the implant. Like other lymphomas, ALCL is a cancer of the immune system and not of breast tissue.
Though they are not directly linked to breast cancer, implants interfere with detecting the life-threatening disease. Breast implants rupture during mammography, because of which, women with augmentation tend to forgo mammograms; thereby delaying cancer diagnosis.
Breast Implants DON’T Last A Lifetime
The FDA recommends routine MRI scans to detect silent ruptures in silicone breast implants — starting three years after the implants are inserted, to be repeated every two years after that. Gretchen Burns, a nurse consultant at FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, says:
“The life of these devices varies according to the individual. All women with implants will face additional surgeries—no one can tell them when. While a few women have kept their original implants for 20-30 years, that is not the common experience.”
Breast Implants Rupture
Almost half of all women who opt for silicone breast implants, will experience a rupture within 6-10 years. 60% of women with saline breast implants will have complications within 4 years, and 1 out of 5 will require additional surgery within three years. A 2000 Institute of Medicine report found rupture rates as high as 77%.
Ruptured silicone implants can lead to pain; soreness or swelling in the affected breast; change in breast size or shape; lumps in the affected breast; and softening or hardening of the affected breast. Ruptured saline implants can cause bacteria, mold and fungus to develop inside the implant — which can destroy the immune system.
In 2015, a Florida woman claimed she almost died when one of her breast implants became filled with mold, while the other one ruptured. She told Daily Mail Online:
“I had no clue what implants were made of. Had I known, I never would have stuck them in my body. My breastfeeding caused my kids to be ill. My son, at 19 months old, had a severe kidney infection. He almost died.”
Breast Implants Affect Breastfeeding
According to the Institute of Medicine, women with any kind of breast surgery, including breast implant surgery, are at least three times as likely to have an inadequate milk supply for breastfeeding. A study of women with silicone breast implants found that the offspring born and breastfed after the mother had breast implants, had higher levels of a toxic form of platinum in their blood than offspring born before the same women had breast implants.
Immediate Side Effects Of Breast Implants Surgery
According to the National Research Center for Women and Families, a Washington, DC-based health research organization, the following are some of the known mishaps that you can expect from a breast surgery:
- Infection (bacteria and mold which can be released from the implant into the body)
- Chronic breast pain
- Tenderness, lumpiness, or discomfort around the implants
- Breast or nipple numbness
- Scar tissue
- Hardened and disfigured breasts
- Breakage and leakage
- Necrosis (skin death)
- Arthritis and joint pain
- Memory loss
- Unusual, extreme, or unexplained fatigue
- Unusual hair loss
- Dry eyes, mouth, or vagina
- Cognitive impairment: poor concentration
- Metal poisoning due to platinum exposure (in silicone implants)
- Silicone migration into lymph nodes and other organs
- Debilitating autoimmune disease such as fibromyalgia,dermatomyositis, polymyositis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, mixed connective-tissue disease, pulmonary fibrosis, eosinophilic fasciitis, and polymyalgia.
- And last but not least, death
Breast Implants Removal Is MORE Painful
When you sign up to have breast implants, they must be changed every 8-10 years so that they remain in the “best and safest” condition. In some cases the surgery to remove breast implants can be like a mastectomy, complete removal of the breast tissue and sometimes the muscle underneath. Don’t forget the financial burden, and increased health insurance costs that go with multiple surgeries and potential medical complications.
If the above facts didn’t move you — away from breast implants — this might:
Silicone Breast Implant Scandal
In 1994, multiple world leading manufacturers of silicone implants, paid millions to those injured. Dow Corning agreed to pay $2.018 billion, Bristol-Myers Squibb $1.154 billion and Baxter Healthcare $555 million to more than 25,000 women who were injured by silicone breast implants. According to a whistleblower, staff at Dow Corning knew for a very long time that their implants were toxic, greasy, and had a high leakage rate; yet covered it up for as long as they could.
What was inside the Dow Silicone implants? Some horrific chemicals like:
Methyl ethyl ketone (neurotoxin) | Cyclohexanone (neurotoxin) |
Isopropyl Alcohol | Denatured Alcohol |
Acetone (used in nail polish remover and is a neurotoxin) | Urethane |
Polyvinyl chloride (neurotoxin) | Amine |
Toluene | Dichloromethane (carcinogen) |
Chloromethane | Ethyl acetate (neurotoxin) |
Silicone | Sodium fluoride |
Lead Based Solder | Formaldehyde |
Talcum powder | Oakite (cleaning solvent) |
Methyl 2- Cyanoacrylates | Ethylene Oxide (Carcinogen) |
Xylene (neurotoxin) | Hexon |
2-Hedanone | Thixon-OSN-2 |
Stearic Acid | Zinc Oxide |
Naphtha (rubber solvent) | Phenol (neurotoxin) |
Benzene (carcinogen/neurotoxin) | Lacquer thinner |
Epoxy resin | Epoxy hardener |
Printing Ink | Metal cleaning acid |
Color pigments as release agents | Heavy metals such as aluminum (neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s and auto immune disorders) |
Platinum | Silica |
The FDA approves breast implants for increasing breast size in women, for reconstruction after breast cancer surgery or trauma, to correct developmental defects, and to correct or improve the result of a previous surgery — you can see which one is a misfit among the four.
Instead of asking ‘should you get breast implants?’ you’ve got to ask yourself, ‘is it really worth all that money, pain, and possible risks to your health?’
This article (8 Frightening Reasons not to get a Boob Job) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Thank you so much for publishing this!
Good for you anon!! Boobies are beautiful. Implants should be made safe.The fact they’re super mainstream and the norm, to the point of them being manufactured cheaply and inadequately is horrendous. Women after breast cancer should be able to have boobs again without fearing for their lives after overcoming so much. Even just the girls who are super flat chested and want to feel more girly; they have a right to that!! But this mass production of fake tits, telling us women that we all need to be big, perfect, and perky, with all the same body type; forget that!!! We are beautiful in our uniqueness and our boobs are our boobs. They give love and life and are incredible just the way they are. All shapes and sizes! Just like people.
I wish this info was given to Women when they find out they have Breast Cancer before they have surgery. I probably would not have had them put in had I known this at the start. Once in the middle of it all I feel like I didnt understand or comprehend much that I read because if the chemo. And just did what I was told… now seeing this artical makes me wish I didnt go this route. When it comes time to have them “replaced” I will probably have them just removed.