Written at: Countercurrent News
A 22-year-old Texas woman had the teeth bashed out by a San Marcos police officer… all because she crossed the street in front of his parked police cruiser.
Alexis Alpha says she she suffered broken teeth as well as a severe concussion when she was physically assaulted and arrested by an aggressive cop with no respect for individual rights, the law, or even basic human decency.
Local KHOU 11 News reports the following:
She says it was just after 1 a.m. when she was leaving a bar to say hello to some friends across the street.
She walked between Corporal James Palermo’s squad car and a vehicle he had just pulled over.
I wasn’t the only one who walked between the cars, Alpha said… “Several people walked between them. I was just the one he called out…
“I could kind of tell like he wanted to start an argument, and at that point, I was polite from the beginning, and the meanest thing I said was ‘you re in a bad mood, and you re taking it out on me. You re just being a d***k.’”
That’s when the officer grabbed her and threw her “face down into the concrete.”
Alexis has filed a lawsuit in the Hays County District Court against the police department, seeking an unspecified amount of money to cover her medical expenses as well as lost wages that resulted from her injuries. The suit recently moved to a federal court.
Watch the local report below…
knock his teeth out
What would that achieve, please? Eye for an eye or what, it’s nonsense. Rid him off his badge and get him to court so he can get judged while paying for the damage he caused.
You should have the right to want revenge but if you do the same thing to him he did to her, what makes that us? Exactly like him.
No, it doesn’t make us like him. He hurt an INNOCENT person. Does working at a prison make you like someone who keeps people chained in their basement?
It really makes me sick how often this crap is happening. Look up “Kenosha cop admits planting evidence”. Was just in my local paper today. Disgusting!!!!
Are these cops for real, he was fearing for his life ,that’s why he has to rough up a woman . Control freaks with a badge .I hope this cop has a child and someone smashes his child’s face twice as hard!
I wouldn’t smash the kids, they have nothing to do with this. Yet the cop should face what he has done. I’m here in a rather safe place, far away from the US and I’m sickened by how that country is becoming a police state more and more. Cops shooting innocent civillians instead of helping them or protecting them and what happens to them? Nothing, some dick up in the higher offices decides it was a justified action. I think those cops should face trials and be sent to jail, as simple as that.
And if the NSA or whoever is monitoring me overseas, come and get me you creeps!
Now, what did his child do to you or anyone else? You cannot be serious that his child has to pay for his fucking actions, if you are so tough, go break his jaw….
Sort of like when you used to beat your ex-wife Nick.
Pig with a badge
I was reading a article about this a day or two ago. bitcoin baron (I think) hacked into the city website (I think it was the city website) and said to fire the police officer and jail him. Little did he know this happen over two years ago and the officer who did this is in jail. I’m not %100 about this though this is what a article said a few days ago when reading it.
I agree come get me, then and go get him. I’m willing to serve time in order to tell the truth about what’s really going on “downtown”.
i would like to hear the cop’s version og the storY, There is allways to two sides of a story 🙂
it seems that the Police can do what they want with no punishment. If I don that to someone in my office I would be in court and jailed! Do the department and make sure the cop gets dismissed.
Lets track down his mother, grandmother, daughter or sister and SLAM their faces into the ground. The guys a danger to society and needs a physiological evaluation.
Here’s a question, in the video, it says this happened back in May, may hasn’t happened yet in 2015, so why is this just now being talked about if it happened last year? Great response time guys.
Happened in 2013: “Palermo was arrested in July 2013 on a charge of Felony Aggravated Assault by a Public Servant and fired from the San Marcos Police Department in September 2013.” http://www.statesman.com/news/news/crime-law/san-marcos-officer-jailed-after-woman-injured-duri/nYsQ4/
I’ve dealt with a lot of cowards in my life. When a man hits a women that makes him a coward unless she is a big cow that is potentially dangerous. We got to love the police they are here to help us though. But we will always have amongst us rotten apples like this dirty cop. Scum bags can wear outfits also. Personally I feel most of us are all slaves and domestics. Most of us have sisters , brothers , grandmas and we should treat people as such.
I do not see cops , taxi cabs drivers , a cook anybody different than me. We are all people just trying to live and enjoy life.
As 2pac said:”the cowards”
we have to remember to follow the law, the law is always in the right and we should never question it. If he decided to shoot her and run her over with his squad car he is entitled as a police officer to do so