On this weeks episode of the Anoncast:
Anonymous in the news again. Did Anonymous have something to do with the technical glitch that shut down Wall Street? The numbers are in…the Anonymous Community has reached over 22 million world wide. AnonOps India takes down telecommunication giant’s website and makes demands of the Indian government.
This week the Anoncast featured Alekz Londos of Advanced Disaster Relief. Alekz has traveled around the world providing relief to communities ravaged by natural disasters. Support Alekz and his mission by donating at www.advanceddisasterrelief.com
Featured music this week is a track from Steve Grant called “Greetings Citizens.” Find out more about Steve Grant at www.realstevegrant.com
Anoncast T-Shirts are now available. Visit www.theanoncast.com for more info.
Thank you for supporting the Anonymous community by downloading this podcast…
As a photojournalist, I have witnessed the unimaginable widespread destruction of catastrophic superstorms, man-made and natural disasters. After seeing so much destruction, death, mass suffering and failed international humanitarian responses, I was driven to make a difference and became involved in emergency services. We are at a pivotal moment in time, where mankind is witnessing the rapid alteration of our planet’s biosphere. This is the direct result of our selfish actions, our over-consuming society, our profit-based consumer-styled world economy wasting resources and destroying our earth’s fragile ecosystems. The majority of our society has completely failed to accept our impact on this planet or the threat of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or climate change. It does not matter what you want to call it or if you believe in it or not, it is happening and it will drastically affect every man, woman, child and living organism on earth.
My generation is not solely the cause of the world’s buildup in pollution, global inequalities and climate change. It is also an accumulation from the generations before, (although my generation is knowledgeable of the negative impacts of mankind). We have the responsibility, as individuals, to take initiative in becoming involved in any way that we can for the future generations of our world. We all have the human obligation to be accepting as well as supportive of our transition towards an ecologically sustainable global society. I feel, with the knowledge and many resources that we have at our fingertips and through awareness, we then realize the correct steps we can take, for example; volunteering, voting with your money or undertaking forms of nonviolent activism.
In recent months, I have been contacted by CEOs of nonprofit organizations, military personnel and civilians with concerning questions regarding our pollution crisis, climate change and humanitarian issues. I have tried, although could not individually respond to everyone. My solution was to write out pertinent information I know and post it online for everyone to access. I realize that we are out of time and everyone needs this information now. I have spent several years’ and hundreds of hours working on this project. I will spend thousands of dollars boosting this page out through my business Facebook. It is currently available in 91 languages online. There is an English PDF download and soon an audio mp3 download as well as a book published. I will continue to make additional changes, edits, corrections, improvements and update the story with current information in the following weeks. – See more at: http://advanceddisasterrelief.com/the-most-important-story-you-will-ever-read.html