Written by: Vandita
Delbert Rodriguez Gutierrez, a 21-year-old street artist died after being run over by a Miami police car during a chase in Wynwood. Delbert, who goes by the name ‘Demz’ succumbed to severe brain injury in Jackson Memorial Hospital. He was ‘caught’ tagging a building on December 9 near Northwest 5th Avenue and 24th Street at 2 am.
Graffiti are common in Wynwood, an art district in Miami, and it is known that artists go into agreements where they are allowed to tag on buildings. However, in Demz’s case it was not clear whether he had the required permission as police claim that he fled as soon as he saw police was approaching him.
Detective Michael Cadavid, who chased Demz in his unmarked patrol car that ran him over, claimed that Demz hid between two cars, jumped out seeing Cadavid, and was accidentally struck under his car.
Sadly, Demz was killed during Art Basel, one of the biggest art fairs in the world. Coincidentally, the incident happened just hours before a protest was held against police brutality in Miami to remember 18-year-old Israel Reefa Hernandez, also a graffiti artist, killed by a Miami Beach police officer in 2013 after he shocked Reefa with a taser.
Miami Police Chief Manuel Orosa called it a tragic accident. “The officer is devastated, and I understand the family is devastated as well,” Orosa said. “It’s unfortunate that the young man tried to run from police”.
Qote “Detective Michael Cadavid, who chased Demz in his unmarked patrol car that ran him over, claimed that Demz hid between two cars, jumped out seeing Cadavid, and was accidentally struck under his car.”
Answer: These police lies are getting worst every time, they must be running out of things to say, Maby the truth nxt time will help possibly?.
The police chief’s statement: “It’s unfortunate that the young man tried to run from police” is a ridiculous and rude statement. This statement is trying to put blame onto the graffiti when it was clearly the police man’s fault. If what the man was doing was illegal is regardless to the point. You can always clean graffiti off of buildings; but you can never bring back a life.
dumb asss wigger shouldn’t of ran.
right? people need to chill the fuk out, the guy shouldn’t of run this is almost certainly an accident, cops don’t go round trying to kill people you guys are just fuking retarded…
Actually you seem to have never watched the police in action. They are mainly formed by the dumbest and most easily manipulated people in the region and that is basically a fact in most countries in the whole world.
Fuck you .. cops are not here to protect and serve anymore they are here to in force government laws and to show they have more power than the average person. . Cops are now becoming cops for the wrong reasons like.. masculinity and power .. how hurt was the wall he tagged. Because the kid is dead. And running yes running get on foot and chase him but why harm someone over paint. Let’s get it straight. Kid doing graffiti on a wall cop car approaching. Kid runs down street hid between cars pops out and gets hit .. really so how fast was he running for the car to gain speed to hit and kill him .fucking fast runner
Pinches policias puercos , pero k tal si tu le pasas tu carro encima a un policía por accidente y ya te cargó la calaca.!!!
Every form of government is corrupt, full of prejudice, and needs to be trashed. It’s time to take our livelihood out of their hands. The only thing stopping us is laziness and fear. How many of our youth are turned into hardened criminals so some greedy ass people are turning a profit. To hell with those hypocritical, lying, greedy, so called Christian or Jewish crooks. My father was a cop. I know all about the hate they have. This country was forged out of lies, deception, and blood of innocent men, women, and children. It is past time. We let them ruin this planet because Jesus is coming. What if he doesn’t? Our childrens’ are going to be left with the mess they leave behind. I see that as them saying they don’t give a damn about them and makes me want to put my foot in their ass.
Are you guys all idiots? Are you really siding with this artist? He broke the law. It was his fault. Would he have died if he wasn’t breaking the law? He spray painted shit, then ran. He broke two laws. Should the police office just tip his hat and go “you got away this time, kid!” and wave good bye to him as he is running away?
You guys have to be fucking stupid. You parrot everything every one is posting lately about police brutality yet you don’t even take into consideration how much time and effort police spend protecting us.
Yes, some cops suck asshole. PEOPLE suck asshole. Not just cops. How would you like it if you went into the police force because you wanted to help your friends and family and then you get onto the force and every one calls you a pig, swine, a joke, tells you they make more money than you so you can kiss their ass, you have to deal with people breaking the law constantly (usually the ones below average intelligence) and this is every day.
Don’t you think they would probably be pretty quick to respond a bit aggressively towards someone?
I get pulled over my fair share of times. I get stopped my fair share of times. Despite this I have never felt scared, or threatened by police. They ask me to do something, and I usually abide by what they say, we have small talk, and I’m on my way.
If you break the law, expect to deal with the consequences. Quit calling police brutality on shit.
I’m sorry but tagging and running isn’t justification for utilization of lethal force. Cops have used this argument of people using their vehicles in this manner against them which has given them justification for shooting. If the person was unarmed, then the force that was used was not justified and the cop should be held accountable.
Officer didn’t use lethal force, the kid ran, hid between two cars and jumped out into the moving vehicle in panic to escape fgs! It could have been any motorist if he was being that dumbass
Can you provide the evidence to that claim? All I see is a bullshit covering story to protect the officer and department from a lawsuit. These officials are trying to justify the incident and avoiding a proper explanation on how an officer played judge and jury sentencing an american citizen to death due to a misdemeanor offense.
All you see is what you want to see, sometimes you just have to believe the authorities ffs! Someone pulls a gun on you and you’re escaped, hiding round the corner, no are you going to call, ghostbusters ffs? Why run if you’re innocent in the first place? Why would a cop run down a spray painter even if he was illegal, he could lose his job, get some dumbass retribution dumbass shoot his head off so why would he risk all that for the sake of someone who cba to get his so called art on canvas ? Wakey wakey not every cop is bad, it’s a minority and the majority of good ones daren’t now push the bad ones forward as they know they will all get tarred with the same brush because of grizzly finger pointers who wouldn’t protest if a child was shot in a drive by but will burn down their own neighbourhood if a criminal who tries to grab a police and gun gets shot! Where are you anti police people when criminals need sorting? Oh yeah waiting for the cops to arrive! Last time a little kid got shot by drug scum going on a shooting spree, who protested, who went to then one off the crims and sorted them or handed them over, who went to sort or hand over the guy who beat up the pensioner just before Christmas, any protests then? Nah thought not! Pfffft
I’m usually against cops but lately the stories are bull shit. You say its police brutality and a cover up but really what proof is there that its a cover up. Your just looking for reasons to hate cops
Maybe I should call Glitch everytime a cop ask me to step out of the vehicle 😉 , I guess if you’ve been around none of this would have happened.
Right on glitch, this fucking article pissed me off. Obviously the fuckwit didn’t have permission to spray paint the building, otherwise he wouldn’t have run.
Did he deserve to die? No. Is it his fault? Yes.
Amen seconded lol
well said! People carping on about their cops being all bad still call them when they need help! Yes there are bad ones but they’re the minority and communities need to start supporting so the good ones can hand over the bad ones without hesitation! Innocent then stand still, don’t get gobby, respect and cooperate! Id rather they stopped me daily, and they have as I used to go t work stupidly early with a backpack which apparently made me look like a burglar, in tight skirt lol, anyways yes Id rather be stopped regularly if that means they are also going to stop the plank who has a gun, bomb or my treasures hidden or who just mugged an old lady! Support, not divide and conquer, this plays into the hands. The criminals! Go protest when a drive by gets a kid, go protest when someone shoots a cop because he is upholding the law, protest when a criminal beats up, runs down, shoots at random etc! Where are the protests then? Huh?
“stop the plank ” Your not from the US, are you?
So your endorsing Judge Dredd style street executions for anyone who runs from the police? Any resistance should be met with death? Are you a trolling cop?
We’re siding with the right to live, the right to not be run over for a misdemeanor, the right to not get shot while playing in a playground…
If a graffitti punk tags a building I’ll tazed his ass they just doing bad stuff on the so called artist, that ain’t artist that’s a kid that thinks that breaking the law is lawful. Smhhh
What is expected from a cop… I guess that whole ‘below average/average IQ’ requirement is actually true. I’m not promoting tagging, but you have no right to say what is art and what isn’t. Many people in the high end art world have commented on the amazing art that has been created by tagging.
well, at least tazing someone is still better than running them over like some stray animal.
You can say that the police officer thinks that it is a ‘tragic accident’ or whatnot but nowadays you see police brutality everywhere. It sickens me that enforcers of the law take action so quickly. These days most officers are little more than thugs in a uniform which they think gives them immunity from the law.
This is certainly true in America, but the police force has become far too militarised. Why was the budget for all of the gear that the US government spent on police equipment – like tanks, why the hell do police officers need tanks? – wasn’t spent on something that could actually HELP the people, instead of just oppressing them.
If the people decided what THEIR money was spent on, then maybe there wouldn’t be so much violence by the hands of public servants.
“It’s unfortunate that the young man tried to run from police”.
Could he say that in a way that sounds any more like “that’s what you get”?