In France, In a town called Saumur, gardeners employed by the town made a strange discovery. They went to work on an old church. Behind that church there are old natural caves. When they arrived there they saw 3 men getting in a white van and leaving the place. So they went to see inside that cave. They found ISIS flags, audio and video stuff, newspapers in Arabic, a generator.. So, they immediately alerted the local police, which in turn alerted all the other services of the state : national police, anti-terrorist forces, the prosecutor of the republic, the scientific police, etc..
Turns out, it was “just an exercise”, led by the military center for nuclear, chemical, biological and radio-logical defense, allegedly of course. But no one was aware of that exercise, not the local police, not the anti-terrorist forces etc.., no one but some general in the army. The question is, why would they need ISIS flags and stuff in Arabic for an exercise, and a generator ? Why didn’t they inform at least the local police that there was an exercise going on ? Because that’s usually the case. Usually government officials are informed, and the local population, too in some cases.
It is to be noted that they almost always find ISIS flags in some car, or in some apartment shortly after a terrorist attack, and also stuff in Arabic. This looks like a deep state operation. An operation that is led by some state service, in the shadows.
There are almost no articles in French MSM regarding this, and if there are, it is just a short article to say that military personnel have been mistaken with terrorists.
Only this link digs deeper and ask all the relevant questions.
Here are the other MSM link:
Everything is in French.
another False Flag to be hoisted in the future perhaps?
with any hope, this discovery and its potential false flag implications will discourage whoever organized this from hurting people “in the name of allah”
Preparations for a planned staged event (inside job) prevented. Are you sure those weren’t grave robbers masquerading as ISIS pedophile ring?
May God bless all the people around the
Universe it’s bad to kill innocent people in
The name of Islam and it’s the Relegion of
Peace and love.
Islam is not the religion of peace and love, it is the religion of a political cult that spreads hate, terrorism and torture and death and etc… .
As are all mainstream religions.
Only ways of life are good, like Buddhism, Paganism (tree gods, etc not the demonized satanic nonsense the christian’s made it into), Zora, Ki, Nature-worship, Hindu, Shinto and other such “codes” like Bushido and Mythologies like Norse (Valhalla, Valkyries, etc).
Main religions are completely whack, have people giving their money to churches that abuse their kids and lie to their face. Yeah, magical stone kingdom that floats in clouds and a guy made the whole world in a week, MY BUM!
and thats what an idiot says. especially one who is not well versed on the quran(koran). you can’t just take some bullshit from wikipedia or some hater who you happened to meet on the street. the best thing you can do is pick up an english version and read it
You are guilty of every bit of fucktard-etry that you just mentioned. The Koran does not advocate violence, in fact it takes a firm position against all forms of it. Please, if you are so knowledgeable on the contents of the Koran, please, reply with evidence sourced from said texts, in their whole and intended passage(s), or stfu and gtfo.
I hope you’re not lumping the original Buddhist philosophies that can be categorized as a religion, with Shinto, a ‘faux-ligion’ (just made this word up, I know it’s not a real word)?
(but most others may not know who read your comment), isn’t actually a religion but instead ‘rituals and practices’, or ‘codes’ as you so excellently, and accurately, stated.
Well, good on you. Now, please go tell your jihadi brothers the same thing.
It could have been informants/under covers that were discovered…
The French and many other nations are looking at anti-Israel #BDS policy due to Palestine lands confiscation. Israel is working over time to stop BDS and will go to extremes to paint nations, groups, religious as middle east terrorists. You can expect unusual zionist actions over the next months.
“military personnel have been mistaken with terrorists”
No mistake there.