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WARNING: Honestly, this story is pretty disgusting.
Before buying those luxurious and warm coats, wraps, or shawls did you for once wonder how they were made? Did you ever care to read/watch about the mental and physical abuse the fur animals are put through to produce those style statements?
Well, if you are an alien, you don’t need to. But it is important to open your eyes if you have a heart – not necessarily of gold but of a human being.
Undercover investigators from Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International recently toured fur farms in China’s Hebei Province. The investigators found horrors beyond their worst fears and concluded:
“Conditions on Chinese fur farms make a mockery of the most elementary animal welfare standards. In their lives and their unspeakable deaths, these animals have been denied even the simplest acts of kindness.”
Here’re their shocking findings:
Many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them. When workers begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal’s leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard in order to make a clean cut.
When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals’ heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of other animals. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals’ hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they have been skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog on a heap of carcasses that had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera.
Before they are skinned alive, animals are pulled from their cages and thrown to the ground. Workers bludgeon them with metal rods or slam them onto hard surfaces, causing broken bones and convulsions but not always immediate death. Animals watch helplessly as workers make their way down the rows.
On Chinese fur farms, foxes, minks, rabbits, wolves, cats, dogs, and other animals pace and shiver in outdoor wire cages, exposed to driving rain, freezing nights, and scorching sun. Mother animals—who are driven insane from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth—often kill their babies after delivering litters. Diseases and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the bars of their cages.
The below footage shows workers throwing cages crammed with dogs and cats to the ground, shattering the animals’ bones. The video also reveals that fur from China is mislabeled as fur from another species so that there’s no way to tell whose skin you’re really wearing.
Actress Olivia Munn, who narrates the below hard-hitting video, expressed her disgust:
“This new footage is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen before. Anyone who wears fur or is even thinking about wearing fur should watch PETA’s video. It shows exactly where – and who – that coat or that ‘little bit’ of trim came from.”
In China, the world’s largest fur exporter and the biggest fur trade production and processing base in the world, there are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms. According to estimates, 40 million animals are killed every year exclusively for their fur.
The sickening photos and haunting footage can put an entire country to shame. Yet, the barbaric fur industry continues to thrive because of its well-coordinated well-funded propaganda campaign. This cruelty will end only when YOU refuse to buy or wear fur. Can you make sure you don’t end up with skeletons in your cupboards?
This Article (Activists Expose Unimaginable Animal Cruelty At Chinese Fur Farms [Graphic Photos]) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
This is a disgusting way to treat ANY living thing. In the West for people who eat meat and wear leather clothing it is done knowing that there is a degree of Animal Husbandry that can be relied upon to care for the Animals that are slaughtered for our basic needs. It is unbelievable in this day and age that there are people who choose to wear Fur and are ignorant of the means of slaughter and cruelty these animals suffer. IF someone thinks that breading the Animals and making them suffer the way they do is the only way to make a living, even basic logic would mean that,to care for your “product” properly and slaughter humanely would be more ecconomic and beneficial than the acts of barberism these people use. Absolutely Disgusting.
Unfortunately Peter, I take little comfort from your faith in ‘a degree of Animal Husbandry’. Like many others who give lip service to the idea of a humane approach to farm animals, I too know full well that capitalism is totally motivated by profit. profit at the expense of everything else from microbe to macrocosm. That many of us continue to enjoy roast chicken without giving a single thought to the fact that our oven-roasted bird had been forced to spend the whole of its miserably short life without ever experiencing sunshine, clean air or the taste of fresh grubs, all without the benifit of our intervention, is not only unforgivable, it is very unwise.
The ‘Ninety-nine percent’ of us are being systematically dehumanised by such devices in order that we too can be more easily manouvered into similar joyless lifestyles. In the light of our almost total lack of opposition, our planned downfall can reasonable be thought of as no more than we truly deserve.
F**k China and these people.
China we need money, we need power, we need to be better than our neighbour, you pay now, you pay now….. we rape planet for money, you pay now. Backward people, no education, NO RESPECT, YOU PAY NOW OR WE KILL……PAY NOW!!!!”
Hallo,könnt ihr die Namen der Firmen die diese Felle kaufen und verarbeiten veröffentlichen?
F*ck you china you are unhumanity you will died all
they are only doing it because we buy the fur
If we educate our people about the cruelty behind every coat or collar it may work well, these types of visual medias will go very far…shoud show in all shopping malls and schools and colleges that will be the end of it.
china …shitstain of the earth
Stop cursing China, all this cruelty and violence is the result of people all over the Earth buying fur coats, if these people didn’t do this job, they’d starve to death. Wish pain and death upon the people who wear these fur coats, they’re responsible.
this may be true, however the way they go about their business is in-humane,vial and utterly disgusting, with absolutely no respect nor empathy for living creatures, scares f**kers outta me, no doubt some horrid demon boss raking in western $$
This article implies that the cruelty shown here is in some way a Chinese characteristic. There is no indication that the workers shown here approve of the conditions that they work in, or the manner of death suffered by the animals they torture and kill for a living. The people illustrated quite possibly have little or no choice in their occupation other than to ignore the blood on their own hands, and the abject terror and agony of their victims. Failing this, taking a sadistic pleasure in their work is, from their point of view, surely understandable. In either case, the idea that such people should be wracked with guilt when receiving their pay checks is unrealistic.
If we are looking for guilt in this connection, maybe we should consider those further up the human pecking order who do have some choice, and willingly choose to buy the skin, fur and feather products they value so highly. Or those aging have-beens who dismiss the argument that magnificent creatures should not be sacrificed purely in an attempt to breath a little virility back into their own flagging penises.
C’est une honte…!!! Je n’ai pas de mot …a part d’etre choquée …L’argent ne fait pas tout et là nous touchons les bas fonds…!!!La fourrure est dépassée …!!!
China is, was, and forever will be the land of savages, the land of hatred, the land of idiots, the land o coruption. I do not judge the minority over the majority, but in this article i have not seen any mentioning of a chinese group that actualy cares about this monstrous actions. Oh, but who cares, let’s take a look at Beijing in 2005 and Beijing in 2016. That country is fucked up and you all know it, mass production of things and exports make it last but the fact of the matter is that we, unsatisfied and ungreatful humans, will always need the chinese to do the dirty work of the world.
How to stop this evil? Western countries and the stupid fashion industry and coprporations are responsible for fur farms and animal abuse, they have purchase power and corporations are criminally greedy and do not care the origins or who is suffering their eyes are only on the profit !! Educate the customers from school level an awareness campaign through such visual media will stop people, I was a regualr meat eater untill I sow how they kill animals, I cut my meat intake by 1/4th, wil try more reduction soon!!~ Boycott all fur and animal products at all costs, unfortunately we may need certain products for survival, but not a Fur Coat for sure in this modern world, and this in human treatment of animals cannot be tolerated , must be stopped with all strength. China is a communist country with no soul or heart, but western countries are christian countries which cannot have a calloused heart and mind for long for nonsense. Animals are just like human biengs, they have a soul and they feel the pain and agony just like us. I appriciate the vedio and the efforts behind it, my salutes to all. I am with you all in this fight..untill the are FREE !!
If this is reality, do not make the fur !!
We all need to pray
Parem com crueldade.