Animal rights activists staged a grotesque campaign in Spain to protest meat consumption and promote vegetarianism.
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“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian,” said Paul McCartney. With the exception of a few, that statement is likely true. To play off the artist’s sentiment, activists in Barcelona, Spain, recently staged a campaign to protest the consumption of meat and promote vegetarianism.
Reddit relays that the advocates covered themselves in fake blood then wrapped themselves in packaging labelled ‘carne humana’ (human meat). As the pictures reveal, the sight was something to gawk at.
The protestors sought to draw parallels between consuming beings like animals and humans. Where does one draw the line between eating their household pet and feeling fine about munching on the leg of a chicken? Or a cut from a cow’s back?
It is argued that if people were forced to play a real role in the raising and slaughtering of innocent animals, they’d likely eschew meat within minutes. As it is, consumers can nonchalantly waltz into their grocery store and pick out whatever cut pleases their appetite. Once the meat is cooked in spices and covered in sauces, it loses semblance to what was once a living creature.
This point, among others, is what the activists with PETA sought to expose when they staged the project on May 22. Grotesque photos of the campaign follow:
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Still looks delicious!
Life is life. No being wants to die. All feel pain.
what temperature do one cook human at ?
those are some pretty fat legs and cankles to be vegans LOL. also Paul McCartney’s wife Linda was vegan, and she still died of cancer