The two-time Academy Award winner will help serve a Wopila Feast to the activists at Standing Rock; in addition, she’s donating four Mongolian yurts.
Since spring 2016, supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe have been protesting the construction of a four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Despite being tased, beaten with batons, tear gassed, and even shot with rubber bullets, the ‘water protectors’ continue to camp out on private land which, according to tribal leaders, rightfully belongs to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe under an 1851 treaty.
Though mainstream media have stayed relatively silent about the DAPL protests, some well-known individuals have traveled to the site to raise awareness about Indigenous peoples’ rights as well as the importance of protecting sacred burial ground and the Missouri River. Celebrities that have offered support include Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Shailene Woodley, and even Neil Young.
Now, actress and activist Jane Fonda is expected to arrive in North Dakota within the week to help serve a Thanksgiving dinner to the protestors at Standing Rock. NativeNewsOnline reports that the two-time Academy Award-winner will visit the water protectors at the Oceti Sakowin camp as part of a delegation of 50 people from around the country. The intent is to serve a Wopila Feast to thank American Indian water protectors for their courage in defending Mother Earth. Fonda will also contribute five butchered Bison and four Mongolian yurts to the camp.
Says Judy Wicks, the primary organization of the delegation:
“Our purpose is to give back to Native Americans – the Standing Rock Sioux and representatives of over 300 native tribes from throughout the Americas who have joined them in support.”
As Native Village points out, Fonda is a long-time supporter of American Indian rights. In 1969, the activist supported the Alcatrez Island occupation by American Indians; this brought attention to treaty rights. And in 1970, Fonda traveled to Seattle, Washington, to offer support to a group of American Indians who occupied part of Fort Lawton to get land that was being surplussed by the United States Army. In that instance, the group succeeded. Now, the area is the site of the Daybreak Star Cultural Center in Seattle’s Discovery Park.

Yes, Jane Fonda has supported Natives a few times over the years. Here is a picture of her with my aunt Yet-Si-Blue (Janet McCloud) 19970.
I would have liked to see the photo from the above comment but it is not there?
It couldn’t be soon enough. Those beautiful people are being unjustly hurt by the police. Please give them the support they need. Hurry!!
She’s just mutton, trying to look like lamb. May her bones explode.
better believe it…she just a mutton… remember what she did to the vietnam soldiers… she had their blood on her hands..
i never trust her .. or think she up to anything but a mutton trying to look like a lamb…
what did she do? I really never got what people were saying she did so wrong
Ugh- seriously? That was what?? 40 years ago? I honestly can’t stand seeing these kinds of comments about her. She was young and made a mistake that she has apologized for over and over again. What is wrong with you? Ridiculous.
Protesters at STANDING ROCK. Jane Fonda betrayed the United States during the Vietnam Conflict, don’t think she will be true to you.
Well said.
That’s just not true. The Vietnam war was a bad, unwarranted, war and it needed to be stopped. My boyfriend at the time was a Marine who donned a wig with several of his Marine brothers and went AWOL to come protest the war at The Ohio State University. They went to war, fought like they had been trained and, no thanks to narrow minded people like you, lived, although their lives were forever changed. In what branch of the military did you serve?
Vietnam vet here and I supported what she did back then and I support here now.
Why are they using rubber bullets? Use a bulldozer and clear them out of the way. Any time your cause is supported by an America-hating traitor like Fonda you know you suck.
WTG Jane!! You are one awesome strong willed woman who gets on some men’s nerves..lol These people need some relief from all they have been going through. Hopefully, attacks on them will cease on Thanksgiving day and there aren’t any surprises!
Thank you Jane Fonda for bringing attention to the plight of the Dakota Sioux, something no major network has done and something our POTUS has failed to do. I have friends at Oceti Sakowin camp. They are there to help protect the land and the water of the Dakota Sioux. Jane, what a generous act. Please persuade your friends to contribute.#StandWithStandingRock
If Hanoi Jane wanted to support this movement, she should have talked other celebrities with credibility into going there and just stayed in the shadows where traitors like her belong.
true words of wisdom
Personal perspectives on Jane aside , she is a personality and a strong one . She carries weight and this is exactly what the people who are suffering at Standing Rock need . I really hope that President Obama puts out an executive order to halt the construction process and has the armed battalion of thugs stand down and leave the site . It is in his power to do this , and if he waits for it to be Trumps first test as a President , well I don’t think the outcome will be a pretty one . Good on you Jane for putting your name in the hat of supporters and thank you to Sen Sanders for working towards a solution from a different angle of attack . This movement could use a couple of other famous personalities to help the people fight this battle . But the President could fix this with one swipe of his mighty pen .
Does anyone remember Hanoi Jane doing the Tomahawk Chop on TV?
Real respectful of the Native Americicans!
Sorry, after Vietnam I have no repect for Hanoi Jane. She should have been tried for treason.
COPY & PASTE; Don’t Share.
Note to All Humans:
The Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council released this statement: “The physicians and tribal healers with the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council call for the immediate cessation of use of water cannons on people who are outdoors in 28F ambient weather with no means of active rewarming in these conditions. As medical professionals, we are concerned for the real risk of loss of life due to severe hypothermia under these conditions.”
Not to mention continuous mass tear gas, rubber bullets, as well as stinger grenades and LRAND (Long Range Acoustic Device) for 3 hours.
Law enforcement also shot down three media drones and targeted journalists with less lethal rounds.
National Lawyers Guild legal observers on the frontlines have confirmed that multiple people were unconscious and bleeding after being shot in the head with rubber bullets. One elder went into cardiac arrest at the frontlines but medics administered CPR and were able to resuscitate him. The camp’s medical staff and facilities are overwhelmed and the local community of Cannonball has opened their school gymnasium for emergency relief.
ND Office of the Governor: 701-328-2200.
Morton County Sheriff’s Department:
701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330.
ND National Guard: 701-333-2000
202 224.2043 call the senator of North Dakota
202-456-1111 Obama
Copy and paste these numbers call often”
ND Office of the Governor: 701-328-2200
Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330
ND National Guard: 701-333-2000
Demand that they have law enforcement STAND DOWN on Highway 1806
This is inhumane and unacceptable.”
CALL Energy Transfer tell Kelcy Warren STOP 214-981-0700
Actually she was a real patriot, standing up for what she believed in. We should never have been in Vietnam and lost all of those brave young men.
yes i loved jane for appearing in viet nam and i love her mre now for opposing the DAPL.