Al Jazeera cameramen have been caught up in allegations that they acted as consultants to film a staged chemical attack with shelling and air raids by the Syrian Arab army against civilians in Idlib Province.
According to Sputnik sources, (Russian news outlet) a diplomat said the footage looks recent and appeared as though it was “ordered from a European country.”
“According to information from a number of sources among local residents and opposition formations … special ‘video brigades’ carried out staged filming in the past week of alleged consequences of shelling and airstrikes, including with the use of ‘poisonous substances’.”
If this is indeed the case, it marks another false flag, and one that perpetuated the Syria Strike ordered by the US President, Donald Trump.
At this time, expectantly, Al Jazeera has denied the allegations, claiming them to be “defamation punishable by law.” The Al Jazeera report goes on:
“Al Jazeera warns that the timing of the publication of such a false report may be a prelude to a real attack on civilians in Syria under the pretext of their published news and that it could be used to cover up the crimes committed by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by blaming others while the investigation into the chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun is ongoing.”
The filming cannot be confirmed, reads the Sputnik News website on May 4 according to The 4th Media website, and said “After a rigorous check, this information was not confirmed by other sources. The agency cannot consider this information credible and tenders apologies to its readers and subscribers.”
However, upon checking at the aforementioned Sputnik link, there is no such note or has since been removed.

The report published by Sputnik, now since redacted, cited the anonymous diplomatic source as saying:
“The “effectiveness” of the White Helmets’ TV-spectacle of accusing Syrian authorities of attacking civilians in Khan Shaykhun with sarin inspired terrorists to continue filming the fake ‘series’.
“According to info confirmed via several channels, al-Jazeera television channel stringers have recently filmed a staged, fake scene of an alleged chemical attack against civilians by the Syrian Army.”
The source noted fire engines and ambulances, as well as local residents employed to make the film.
The source continued, saying that “A multiple simultaneous uploading of filmed fake footage with ‘screaming’ social media comments was due to take place in the next few days (by Sunday) at the separate command of a mastermind and sponsor of the film in one of the European countries.”
A French translation of the original article does confirm that information couldn’t be cross checked with sources, but that the Russian Centre for Reconciliation reported on locals making statements about fake video footage.
The chemical attack in April took the lives of an estimated 80 men, women and children. An estimated 200 were further injured by the attack. This prompted the US to launch a missile strike against the alleged Syrian military airbase, where the chemicals were said to have been stored.
Currently, Russia and Syria are still trying to achieve an independent investigation via the United Nations, to establish, according to them, who was responsible for the chemical attack. The United States, however, has blocked attempts to allow further independent agencies to assist the OPCW with their investigations.
The chemical attack, allegedly to have been initiated by the Assad government, occurred only days after Trump said he would leave the fate of Assad to the Syrians. The chemical attack left critics to wonder about the logic behind the American claims; questioning why Assad would self-sabotage his own government when he was finally given the ‘green light’ by the US to govern his own country without interference.
Evidence suggesting Syria was responsible has been so far, circumstantial. Jean-Marc Ayrault, France’s foreign minister, told journalists that France had what was akin to a chemical fingerprint “typical of the method developed in Syrian laboratories.” However, as damning as the ‘evidence’ is, it only suggests the chemical used, not who is responsible.
The mainstream media have also failed to report the CIA and US military “training anti-government fighters with the securing and handling of chemical weapons,” prior to the 2013 Syrian chemical attack. “The fighters in question were trained by the CIA, and were Israelis, Saudis, and Jordanians.”
The Syrian government has vehemently denied any accountability for the chemical attacks and claimed the relinquishing of chemical weapons did occur. Russia, Syria’s ally, supports the claim.
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