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In an interview with FOX Opinion Network’s Megyn Kelly, and Donald Trump spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, president and founder of the Republican Muslim Coalition, Saba Ahmed, did well to set the record straight before the interview was cut short, and while many were more concerned with reporting on her attire, there was one interesting point that caught our attention:
“You wouldn’t shut down churches just because there was one or two Christians acting badly. The Mosque has nothing to do with the terrorists. Yes, there are people who misuse their religion for their perverted ideology, but that has nothing to do with my faith.”
That’s an interesting point Ahmed brings up; exactly how many deaths have been caused at the hands of Christianity or those who were part of the Christian faith? Living in a nation that many consider to be Christian, Americans should be asking themselves this question.
The numbers are, in fact, so high, there’s no way of knowing. As soon as the Roman Emperor, Constantine (325 CE), forced Christianity onto the Roman people and various other nations ruled by the Roman Empire, those who chose to remain faithful to their chosen beliefs were executed.
From the Crusades, to the European Witch Craze, to the Spanish Conquistadors, it is estimated that millions have died in the name of Christianity (as well as Catholicism, which is merely another branch of Christianity). Of course, we live in the modern era, and surely no one dies at Christian hands today, right? Let’s take a look:
Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber (1995): Christian.
Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park Bomber (1996 and 1998): Christian (Church of Israel, classified a Christian Identity), religion-motivated.
Wade Michael Page, Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting (2012): Christian, religion-motivated.
Where were the cries to shut down churches when these atrocities were committed? The fact is, we have a constitutional right to freely practice whatever religion we choose, and it was this freedom that originally attracted many of the early American settlers who were trying to escape religious persecution in Europe.
Numerous terrorist attacks have been carried out on American soil by extreme Christians, as well as far-right militants and white-supremacists (who love to use Christianity as an excuse for their bigotry), and the media has done well to pass these acts of religious terrorism off as being committed by a random few “rogue extremists”. Propagandists such as FOX have tried to make terrorism out to be an Islamic phenomenon, with the message behind their Islamophobia being that Islam is violent, and Christianity is peaceful. This sentiment couldn’t be further from the truth.
This Article (American-Muslim Makes a Valid Point about Religion That the Mainstream Media Ignored) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Surely this lady doesn’t want to do a body count in either number of terrorist involved or number of victims. Greater than 19000 terrorist acts, 33000 killed. Yes McVeigh was a Christian but his attack was POLITICALLY MOTIVATED.
so you consider america’s invasion of 3 countries and induced civilian killings to be just acts of justice right? Well if I were to view it in the civilian eyes of saudi that’s an act of terrorism. THAT WAS POLITICALLY AND RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED.
get the fuck outta this country you piece of shit. You’re no better than the germans when hitler was reigning. Oh it doesn’t serve my views? I’ll just ignore it because of the few good things he’s done.
Oh the irony. Do you realize that you just told a whole group of people to get out of a country, while trying NOT to sound like Hitler?
Oh the irony. Do you realize that you just told a whole group of people to get out of a country, while trying NOT to sound like Hitler?
Wowwwww Jim, are you really this ignorant, or are you being paid to think and say things as stupid as this? This article is 100% fact and can not be argued. If anyone questions these facts, all you need to do is READDDD!!! The facts speak for themselves and yes the mainstream media is out there to hide all the facts and hide the truths that make America the lying conniving country we have become and it’s people like you Jim that really need to just either die off or leave this land for those that are more open minded and smarter than you ass holes are.
Really jimmy? How many innocent lives has catholism claimed over its time span. Ignorance is contagious. Shut up jimbo
Since when is the American Flag to be used as a phucking Hijab. NEVER!!!
since when is the american flag to be used as a justification to persecute an entire religion? Get the fuck outta my country you conservative shit face
I’ll back you up to the end Kenta Takashi, Muzzie Trash Be GONE needs to be gone as well as other people just like him, and we know who you all are. Nice to know there are lots more people in this world that think like we do. At least we the people that care and have hearts without hate will have a better after life, and that’s promised in the bible for those of you so called Christians that choose to hate anyone that isn’t like you. Wise up ass holes.
one or two people?
Every god damn day I see hundred upon hundreds of people shouting death to america
Please provide references of these hundreds you see everyday. You are delusional. If they have done this, it was after a war that’s not even in your own country that Americans have raped, pillaged and slaughtered.
This lady either she doesn’t know her religion (Islam) or lying intentionally ,
The fact is Quraan as main source of Islam includes tens of verses caled Ayah, that commands Muslims to kill, to fight and take the matters of sharia law individually whenever they can.
The second sources is Mohammad Hadith and his actions before his death, he said, I was commanded to fight the people till they say God is one and me
Mohammad is the messages of God .
Killing, Jihad, war, are main subject in Quraan and Sunna , every individual Muslim has to apply it .
While in Christianity there is not a single text that command people to kill or fight that comes directly from Jusus.
Islam is an ideology of aggression, no mercy ,no peace as long as Muslims has the power to apply it.
Islam is an an abbreviated and distorted version of Torah, plus the the events during MohammadS life.
If God has any thing to do with Islam ,is make others proud of what ever faith they have and stick with that.
That’s why soppy Muslims tried to borrow some spiritual teachings from Judaism , to improve it.
blablabla, coming from a real muslim…
read the bible mate
You’re kidding, right? Read the Bible once again and then speak again. There are some atrocious things in there as well. I speak as a Catholic, and I am obliged to recognize that there is more than one suggestion to violence in the Bible. Thankfully the Gospels came and changed the direction of the teachings to a view that requires compassion and understanding of others. I don’t know the holy books of Islam as you do, but I have more than a Muslim friend and they’re all wonderful people who know how to take the best and peaceful messages their religion had to offer. Isn’t that the same with every religion? They’re all full of contradictions and their teachings can be interpreted in more than a way. Knowing what kind of person one wants to be and taking in only those things that make us better people, that’s what makes a good person. And it has little to do with the God you believe in, really.
And do you phucking understand that those Ayah verses were sent to Muhammad when he was fighting against Kuraishits and others, he didn’t even start the war against them, he was protecting themselves. You are phucking dumbass, he was commanded to bring God’s words until they say God is the one. And you are dumbfuck. Muhammad’s best friend was Christian Ethiopian King, who converted Islam after he talked to Muhammad. Also, here is the verse that tells that it’s ok to have non muslim friends you dumbass: “Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.”, “Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers”.(Surah Al-Mumtahanah,8 amd 9)
The phrases pulled from the Quraan and used out of context to enable those with a view to violence are on both sides of this conflict. It might be helpful Fhl if you educated yourself a little on this. Let me throw one out, that the media uses often: “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out.” This single statement when pulled out of a story can easily be taken as a kill them all and let god sort it out statement. This is a huge error. This is a part of a statement rousing followers to fight back against Meccan “pagans” who had declared war against Muhammad and his community. The Meccan oligarchs fought against the Prophet’s message from the very beginning. When they realized that the flow of converts to Islam was increasing, they resorted to violent oppression and torture of the Prophet and his followers. This would be like taking a phrase out of the bible and just ignoring all context, something like this one: Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them, as I have commanded you,” says the LORD. “Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them, as I have commanded you,” says the LORD. “Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them, as I have commanded you,” says the LORD. “Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction” Its not hard to pull a sentence out of a story and twist it into an act of violence. Not hard at all.
I don’t know why it tripled up on that cut paste I did from the bible online, oh well.
The holy Koran commands all Muslims to kill the Infidel. Any Muslim who doesn’t obey the Koran is a bad Muslim.
And so does the Bible:
Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them, as I have commanded you,” says the LORD. “Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction
The Bible tells Christians to kill people that work on Sundays, that it is OK to sell your daughter, that you are forbidden to wear two types of cloth at the same time, that if a married woman commits adultery and gets pregnant from the affair, her, she is to have an abortion, that planting two different types of crops in the same place is punishable by death as is touching the skin of a pig, etc. Shall I go on? All of these so called Holy Books are outdated. And let’s not forget the Christian Crusades. Looks like the same thing radical Islam is doing. They are just late to the party.
West Wing!
Close every place of worship. Fuck religion there is no such thing as god.
Because atheists are so peaceful?
Yeah. Let’s just push the predictions of Revelation to our lifetime. Fantastic plan.
Has anyone considered that just because one or two do it, doesn’t mean everyone will. There will always be those who take things too far, but that’s the odd few individuals, not the entirety of one religion. Also, there are many things that the Bible says that people don’t follow – e.g killing girls if they have been raped. It says it in the bible, but that doesn’t mean every Christian on the planet is going to do it. – (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)
If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife.
I only started glancing at Anonymous today, and have seen a lot of interesting articles, but I’m surprised that thus far I’ve seen only one post from a member (assuming so, because it has *(Moderator)* in the name tag,) and that post dismisses a thought out, based proclamation about the intent of a religion with “blablabla” and only responds with “coming from a real muslim.” Doesn’t exactly pique my support of the group. Thus far, all I’ve seen the group take credit for appears to be good and just, but this being the only comment I’ve seen from someone, appearing to be, a member raises more suspicion than support. Especially after the causes I’ve seen taken up by the group, and how eloquently they were announced. I hope to find less of this, and more of that in the future.
Kai, perhaps you should read again. Anon (moderator)’s comment made more sense to me than the gibberish of the commenter he was commenting on.
holy shit calm down, this is y they dont comment, the one time they do, somecody like you shows up. Thats a legit comment by the way. coz no fuckin way Fhl is a real muslim
Watch this you filthy muslim jihadist: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo
Fuck moderation
I guess you people saying Muslims deserve to die are no different to Isis
If the Commands given to Mohammd to fight all people is something related to the time and space of that era, if all verses of Qoraan commanding Jihad against non- muslims till they submit are culture of the past, the the whole thing called Islam and Quraan is very specific to the people in Arabia at that time only.
I won’t ask you to read Midrash , Mishnah and other Judaic script which are written by known people through history , to discover that the Quraan was taken from there plus the events during Mohamad life.
Muslims are believing in abbreviated , abstracted version of Torah, well written in Arabic.
I just turned 31. I want to run for President of the United States. I would like anonymous to help me reach the entire country I am poor so traveling everywhere is out of the question however making use of the Internet is what you do best. It would save everyone alot of money. I hope you don’t think im bullshitting you.
I just want to point out that if someone is going to claim the Quran, or the bible, or any other religious text says to actively seek out and kill non-believers of said faith there needs to be citation of the verse word for word and depending on the book which translation of said book it was read from. Otherwise your “point” has no merit and no one is going to believe you unless A. They have read said verse and interpret it the same or B. They are willing to scour the book in search of said verse which may or may not have been quoted properly in the first place. Also, in the case of the Bible for certain, with so many different translations there’s no way to know which one it came from unless you properly cite it. So please before you spew things out please remember to cite it.
No religion or country can gloat who are better, there has been massive attrocities in many countries and religions throughout history, especially christians thats why they called it the dark ages.