Alex Poucher of STL Anonymous, who came to the attention of St. Louis Police after his meeting with Frank Ancona, leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, to discuss threats made by Ancona against Anonymous and other protesters in Ferguson, was arrested on December 10, 2014, and now faces up to three years in jail for five criminal charges in Missouri courts, including two counts of interfering with an officer, impeding traffic, refusal to disperse, and unlawful assembly.
The letter sent to Poucher from the St. Louis County Municipal Court says he was arrested because he was “interlocking arms with other protesters to prevent police officers from moving protesters from the street to the sidewalk and to avoid arrest”.
Poucher’s arrest was captured on video by the Associated Press and shows that he wasn’t near another protester when police reached him. He is clearly seen turning and walking toward the sidewalk, as per police instructions.
“I was targeted for being who I am and representing the collective known as Anonymous. Under Missouri’s laws, an unlawful assembly is a gathering of six or more people who agree to violate any criminal laws by force or violence. There were only five of us in the car, and none of us agreed to violate any criminal laws nor did we. And we left when asked to. We were lawfully assembled,” he explained.
The 29-year-old self-described member of the Anonymous group is using the video footage to prove that he never broke the law or disobeyed any orders. He has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $12,000, an effort to help him fend off the charges without using a state-appointed lawyer.
Poucher believes he was targeted in retaliation for #OpFerguson, a campaign in which Anonymous hacktivists attacked Ferguson’s municipal servers and released the names and addresses of Ferguson police officers to the public.
Poucher reached out to the American Civil Liberties Union but has been declined legal help so far.
Wake up people ! You could be next ! Shame on the ACLU for not stepping up to the need and mission of what they are supposed to be about ! This is just wrong, come on America, where is your spine?
The rights of the people are just comforting lies used to keep people feeling secure while the police, governments, and all those connected with a similar goal who are sitting at the top being the puppeteers enjoy a life of controlling the masses. America turns a blind eye to its beastly nature!
I wish you the best Alex! Your the man!!!
aww I wish you the best Alex.
I wish you best Alex!You are hero.
Stay strong Alex!
Anonymous doesnt want you, Alex.. FreeAnon’s wont help you..
This is just the beginning.. The trail of drug use, rape, theft, fraud, inciting, and more, will all catch up with you very soon.. Might as well use that “legal fund” donation money, and your new passport, and skip town.