This is what happens when any government or any private organization doesn’t listen to Anonymous’s messages—Anonymous strikes at their servers. As always, Anonymous have delivered on their promise. Anonymous attacked Canadian government servers after Anonymous uploaded a couple of videos against the approval of anti-terror law C-51 , which hurts both internet privacy and Anonymous.
As per this law, Canadian security intelligence will gain immense power, and will be able to violate any individuals internet privacy whenever they want to. Anonymous took down the following websites of Canadian government:
Online portal Canada.ca
Department of finance
Treasury board
And other websites of major departments
The operation is continued under the banner of #opc51 and #billc51, and one the Canadian government officials-Tony clement, accepted that there was a cyber attack on the Canadian government.
On 17th June, Anonymous added the following statement on the video
Greetings citizens of Canada, we are Anonymous. Today, this 17th of June 2015, we launched an attack against the Canadian senate and government of Canada websites, in protest against the recent passing of bill C-51. A bill which is a clear violation of the universal declaration of human rights, as well as removing our legal protections that have stood enshrined in the Magna Carta, for 800 years. Perhaps it was fate that the day the Magna Carta arrived in our country, to go on display for the populous, was the same day our corrupt government was symbolically pissing upon it, and us all.
Bill C-51 targets minority groups and dissidents alike, both being strong parts of a healthy democracy. Do we trade our privacy for security? Do we bow down and obey what has become totalitarian rule? Don’t fool yourselves. The Harper regime does not listen to the people, it acts only in it’s best interests and has and will continue to act outside of the law until we, the fucking people, say ENOUGH. Today, Anons around the world took a stand for your rights. Today, Anons around the world risked their freedom for you. We now ask that you follow suit. Stand for your rights, take to the streets in protest this 20th of June, 2015. Disregard these laws which are injust, even illegal. We will not allow our freedoms to be stripped one by one, our privacy to be ravaged like a back alley whore. When will it be enough for you to stand up and say NO?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, and this my fellow Canadians is the truth. There is something very, very wrong in our country and people are either too uninformed or too afraid to take a stand. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. It is now incumbent upon all Canadians to rise and resist.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
To the government of Canada
You should have expected us.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/opcyberprivacy
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Email: [email protected]
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This Article (Anonymous attacks on Canadian government (#OpCyberPrivacy)) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Not even a screenshot?
Thank you Anonymous, for fighting for our rights and freedoms!!! I love you!!!
When I saw what you did to the Government website on the National News, I was elated! I am so proud to be a small part of Anonymous! Sending you a huge thank you for every wrong your right!
sazjoker222!!!! We Love You
Thank you anonymous!! Ur our heroes!!
We gonna need more then that,but guys don’t worry help is on is way
Canada anonymous friends, well done, anonymous, China supports you
Anonymous 95
Thank you so much for the work you do…know that the people do appreciate it!! Bravo!!
Well Done , Egypt Anonymous Supports You and Most Of Anonymous All Over The World.
Merhaba Anonymous Grubu Sizin Hayranınızım.Siz Bu Dünyanın En İyi Hacker ve hacktivist grubusunuz.Küresel olarak. Bu Arada Araştırmalarınız Mükemmel.Ben Hep Bunu Merak Ettim Nasıl Anonymous Üyesi OLabiliriz veya katılailiriz bana bu konuda bilgilendirirmisiniz rica etsem e posta aracılığıyla?