
Written by: Pencil
Police officers in Ferguson, Missouri have been forced to communicate via text message after Anonymous launched a DDOS attack against the city’s servers shutting them down, following the murder of Michael Brown. On top of that, private servers of the Ferguson police department were hacked to get personal information. Both peaceful and violent protests have taken place in response to the atrocity in Ferguson.
Last Thursday, anonymous performed a DDoS attack on Ferguson servers. The attack was in reaction to the murder of 18 year old, Michael Brown, an African American teenager who was killed unjustly by white policemen. Law enforcement officials said recently that the FBI has taken an immense interest in the investigation of hacking attempts directed at the personal computers and online accounts of police officers who are part of the department responsible for the murder.
CNN and other mainstream media outlets, in affiliation with three policeman, who’s names are undisclosed, have reported the police as victims of a ‘cyber attack’, suggesting that anonymous is to blame for the violent demonstrations that took place in Ferguson, avoiding the clear fact that the PD of Ferguson are responsible, and a reaction like this is to be expected in result to the killing of an innocent person. This is of no surprise that corporately funded news outlets would be hesitant to speak negatively of the police.
In reality, despite the propaganda that the 1% will spew forth, it is organizations like Anonymous that are fighting for freedom, unrestricted by the fascist regulations of a fear-mongering governing body, we can fight for peace using whatever means possible.
Related post: http://anonhq.com/the-outsider-provocateurs-of-the-ferguson-riots/
Links: Hide your identity from your internet provider & government and surf anonymously
Good job! Get ’em 😉
Okay, thank you that’s nice, showing your support for our work. But we can’t do this on our own it takes a lot of firepower to fake them down, people like you just commenting what you have, show that you don’t really support us as if you did you would be helping us???
Tell me then I can join you. I am a 100% true person that has always questioned all since I was a boy. I grew up thinking I was crazy because I went against the grain of the society in which I full heatedly knew could not be what the fore fathers founded and was in actuality a beast of lies and corruption. Until one day after 10 years of research I was debating with someone and they said ” everything you are talking about is on a movie zeitgeist, you have watched it right”. Having not even heard of such a film nor a group of people who had felt as me, I honestly replied “no”. That was first discovery to enlightenment, not because of the movie, I had done my own research to find my own answers….but for once I was not alone. Then I found the Venus project and ultimately it lead me to anonymous and ” what is the plan”. I was connected to others that felt the same and believed in the same principals. I have joined the occupies and help a friend start the Riverside CA. Occupy. I went to L .A. Occupy and exchanged information from key people there to the inland empire hub. I would want nothing more but a means of connecting with the true anonymous just for the sake of conversation or if I could in anyway help you all achieve any objectives or goals, at least I would feel like I am doing my part. I have a lot of knowledge and as of now not so crafty with computers…but I do own several and I’m learning the ways the best I can. Please help me help you to help the future. Let me know what I have to do. Of course I’m in a state of anonymity but willing to de-face for you guys and ladies.
Hello I would like to help if anyone wants [*], I am a new member you can call me Beemo
[* Moderated: No contact info will be allowed, all shall remain anonymous!]
Gd job
See stuff like this needs extreme force
Annoyances We Want More Force against ppl like this
Kill that disgusting cop
, i am also on the way to fuc* them,
Shut your stupid fucking mouth, bitch. That nigger got what he fucking deserved. If I ever heard you or anyone say some stupid shit like, “kill that cop”, I would punch you I that retarded mouth of yours. Where is the outrage for the monkey on monkey violence that plagues the black community? Oh but a cop defends himself and all of a sudden everyone and ‘dey momma’ chimp the fuck out. Fuck you and your 12 IQ points.
your dumb as shit
I bet your least favorite chracter on Futurama is Hermes.
You illiterate son of bitch shut up someone should kill you and I would slap the honky outta you jerk Fuck u and that cop I hope they kill him!!!!!!!!!!
Isn’t Hermes everyone’s least favorite character? Btw my fav is Bender xD.
You don’t sound like any Teresa to me!! :0
um, according to the reports he wasnt even armed. did you know that compared to most of the world the u.s. has the highest rate for cops shooting and killing? i bet you didnt. and there are other ways to stop someone from shooting a fire arm, such as… i dont know…. shooting them in the leg or the hands, or even the arms?? you dont have to shoot to kill. dont give a cop who is most likely going to panic a gun.
also, let me shed some light on this problem youre having with not relising things about yourself. when you use racist terms, and/or are racist you sort of… kind of… REALLY SERIOUSLY, look like a fool. and honestly it is an embarrassment for us “white folks”. if you have something against those who have a darker skin pigment, or are part of a African,spanish, or otherwise linage you really are an ignorant asshole. look just cuz youre white (or im assuming) does not mean youre gods gift honey. being white does not make you innocent. white people commit crimes every day. white people are… actually in history white people are like satan in white flesh.
so you can either educate yourself on realizing that skin color does not define a person nor does it undermine a person.
if some sieral killer where to take you and a black man and skin you, would you then realise that you are the same? does a color really have to define if you are worth something?
instead of living your life by stereotyping everyone you meet, how about you get to know the fucking person before you decide if they are or arent worth your time.
i am seriously sorry that you were raised with those kind of views. maybe its time to open youre eyes and see the world around you instead of being obsessed with what people of a different skin color are doing to you.
though yes the person that you replied to can handle it more mature like, he/she isnt your concern. it doesnt mean you can talk ill about a young man who lost his life. he was still a fucking kid for christ sakes. how would you feel if someone spit pure hatred about you if you were shot and killed by a cop, someone whose supposed to defend you. imagine if you were part of that young mans family, youd feel the same fucking way. you wouldnt trust nor like the cops.
didnt your parent ever tell you not to speek ill of the dead?
have some respect, but of course these days respect is rare.
the human race would honestly live better if everyone wasnt try to bring each other down, and instead rise others.
have sympathy and compassion. this man lost his life.
He is merely here to troll, friend. You trying to say anything, or make him believe something else is futile.
Just here to ‘stir the pot’ so to speak.
He should also remember that government loves to keep a dividing line between the races so we focus on our dislike, hate for one another instead of focusing on what they are doing. The main focus of this whole issue isn’t the fact an innocent lost their life because of the error of authorities. The main focus now is protestors actions throwing it all over the world for people to see, then throwing in a comment a white police officer made about them being animals. So it can throw out into our minds that, yeah those people act like fucking animals instead of those cops have done it again! They shot another innocent again! The way a person looks on the outside holds absolutely no baring on what’s in their heart, mind and what they believe. Unfortunately society is to blame for it because we allow media an government to keep that dividing line between us. They do it through television and they do it with racial statistics such as 97% of the jail population is all black men. They do it without you even thinking about it an knowing that they are placing that hate in your own mind. Because the matter of the fact is this, If there was love amongst all people white, black, yellow. If there was love and they all joined together their presence, fighting as one could change everything. The government doesn’t want that. All I can say about this whole entire situation is this…at least those people are doing something about it. White people..I can say it because I am white, would never cause such a scene over a death of a white person. Never. So who is weak? African Americans fight for answers an justice any time one of their own is killed. Which is the right damn idea because if you make chaos it gets shit done. Instead of doing nothing about it.
although I strongly disagree with motor-mouth ZOID – i do happen to feel the use of the words ‘white policeman’ as written in the article kind of an issue. the kid is dead by the hands of the police. that’s brutal enough. what difference does it make the colour of the skin? im as human as you. no more no less.
Your futile attempt to blame the victims of a racist and brutal system is archaic and infantile at best. You lack the mental capacity to truly understand the nexus of control and your own insignificant part in it. You live a life that is governed by fear and insecurity so you lash out at those society has deemed less valuable than you as a way to create some false sense of self worth. You are likely balding, fat, and unattractive. You will die alone and unloved.
The era of white supremacy is suffocating a slow an painful death at the hands of truth and justice.
your parents failed.there is no room in the world any more for an unintelligent racict you are embarassing yourself without knowing it but i cant totally blame you just reading i see you are very angry and this is what your parents taught you but thats what happens when a brother and sister has a kid together
You need to relax!!! If you want to talk about IQ points. I would say that you are not further ahead of him. You are outraged over a ignorant comment an then in turn answer it in ignorance.
sounds like you have cop in your family bro relax
I agree
you couldn’t even fight your way out a wet paper bag pussy ass boy!
Bet I would beat your pussy ass
ur a coward bitch kill urself to spare me the trouble
Im sending u to hell…. right next to the furnace bitch!!!
Im gna turn ur fucking body into fuel to keep heaven warm
bring your ass here to st. louis with that talk … cybermouth..
bitch id kill you if i had the chance u piece of shit from hell fuck you
“Fuck you and your 12 IQ points”
There isn’t any monkey on monkey violence in the black community. If your ignorant ass was referring to black on black crime, well that’s largely the result of the “War on Drugs” which is largely the fault of the police.
Are you actually retarded enough to believe this was self defence? This was the murder of an unarmed inocent man. The race of the victim makes no difference. The fact that the murderer has badge makes no difference. This is still murder and that cop deserves the same punishment as anyone else who kills a human being for no reason and so dos anyone trying to cover up or justify his actions.
I actually agree with Zoidburg, Before you say anything to hate on me, -.-, I am entitled to my own opinion,And no. i dont have a cop in the family. that cop is in the hospital right now because that African American Beat the living shit out of him. Just because some policemen are corrupt. dosn`t make them all bad. Alot of them actually work for the people. And dont tell me you think our country would be better if there were no cops. we are nothing with out order. Now Im not saying that there are not cops. that beat people, kill poeple, and steal, wrongfully. but (IN MY OWN OPINION) this is not one of them. take a minute to think before you look at a policeman and think hes corrupt right away. who knows he very well might save your life in the future.
Zoidburg is right: everyone deserves to have an opinion. However, launching DDoS attacks is wrong. Victims needs to be able to launch advanced affordable ddos protection. https://sharktech.net/ddos-protection A lot of the opinions on here are a bit extreme. We are all in this together.
it’s likeley that this comment is pointless. However, I really don’t see the difference between your two comments (Zoidburg and Aromatic blood). I mean really obviously you are fustrated but swearing the way you do shows that you 1 have a lack of word in your vacabulary or 2 you have no idea what your talking about and others are influencing you making you angry and you decide to just talk shit. “monkey on monkey voilence that plagues the black community”. I am pretty sure that its not just “monkey on monkey voilence”. Let’s say (https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Father+tries+to+tell+the+cop+his+son+is+autistic)that this was a black man do you think the outcome would have been that same. You are pathetic and racist not only that what you say has no meaning behind it whatsoever. This cop was not defending himself he was drunk on power. Looking at all of these events the only people who defend them are other cops or relatives to these cops.
Dear Zoidburg,
You are a sad little kid…
I feel sorry for your lack of knowledge, about the real world.
you know what fuck you, you’ll eventually get what’s fucking coming to you, every one does
So why didn’t annoymous list Darren home address? Especially, since they are getting blamed anyway. Also, can you tell everyone why his name wasn’t on the lists that you put out, conveniently. SMH…is anonymous working with police?? IJS…seems like you would have.
Why would they give addresses and put the pigs family in danger?
exactly Brink no point harming more than the person who is to blame
Mmm…smell the butyhurt
The reAl prob ain’t black and white it’s government bitches niggers stop crying and whites get your act together big brother is here and ready when are we going to be
interesting question..
Good work guys. Hopefully we’ll get some more transparency on the matter.
sorry for the typo
The nig got what he deserved, if you charge at a police officer, try to take his gun your going to get shot. Start the race war I don’t care y’all come to the hills we’ll make ya squell like pigs. Bitches
You deserve to die. You’re an evil person. I’m not hiding. Are you?
racist piece of shit
I pity the poor soul you called mother, who had to raise a devil-child bigot like yourself.
I will pray for her.
He didn’t charge at a police officer or try to take his gun. Way to drink the koolaid.
Do you work for ferguson police force or are you actually that stupid?
I would say Anonymous is doing a great job in trying to get to the bottom of everything and to put people properly in their place. From the video we saw, Mike Brown was the average punk pushing his weight around, and in this case, harassing, stealing items, and then harming the store owner. It would be correct to say that he should have been punished for his crimes, but a fatal shooting? Thats another story. I will not call this kid an African American because he wasn’t born in Africa. He was a Black American. I wish people would get this straight. Regardless of race, it doesn’t matter what color you are in this situation. From the reports, the officers took it upon themselves to “shoot to kill”. I’ve heard things such as he didn’t have a weapon, he had his hands up in the air and was standing still when this all happened. Then again, I know how a lot of black folk like to exaggerate their stories to get everyone to join in on the fiasco. Did this happen in this situation? It’s possible. My guess was that police told him to stop, the kid started bad mouthing the police thinking he was big and bad, probably even started to walk towards them, might have made a sudden movement as to reach for a weapon (which wasn’t there). All in all, I think the kid was an instigator. Was this warrant for an officer to shoot to kill? NO. As another poster exclaimed, even if these were the situations, the officer should have aimed for the assailants arm, his leg, something to slow him down. If the assailant continued to pursue the situation, then a fatal shot would be warranted. From the pictures, the kid was shot once in the chest. No arm or leg shots which means the officers were aiming to kill. Granted I don’t know what really happened there that day, and nobody here can say they know since they weren’t there. If they say they were, they are most likely trying to troll the boards. I think both parties were in the wrong. The kid should have been locked up, not killed. But I still applaud Anonymous for what they are trying to stand up for and achieve. So far they have shown a level of peaceful protest that has been a bigger voice then any other protests.
I agree with you in the African American thing. There is no such thing. Since when is it racist just to say black person and white person. It’s a mere observation. I am a white African. Not an American African or European African. I was born, raised and live in Africa. “African Americans” weren’t.
In the video he had his hands in his pockets and was walking at the officers in a fast pace, also had said to the cops “Shoot me now!”. I mean, it was just an assisted suicide. You approach anyone that’s armed in that way you will get the same treatment, I highly doubt this was EVER about race.
dude. that was a different person. dumb ass.
This is ridiculous… violence begets violence. Instead of talking about KILLING someone who made a mistake, come help me repair our community. Help me rebuild my store. Help the people in my community. Stop making more hatred!!! Stop being racist!
That doesnt solve the problem at hand either, neither does a peaceful approach work either. If you want a big problem solved, then any means are neccesary for whats right.
Anonymous doesn’t kill anyone. get your facts. The protect the poor. The innocent. The mistreated. The victims. They get shit done even if don’t like them. They get shit done. They force the big people to listen. He made a mistake. Wtf. Most murderers kill on accident. Like I accidentally shot him bc he challenged my manhood. Or i accidentally killed him bc he cheated on me. Just bc this officer is an officer does not mean he gets a pass at clear murder. He has a history of racial issues. He clearly murdered this poor kid. He could have no matter what any asshole says could have used less than leathel force. I am so over the debate of is this right or wrong. Yes looting is stupid. But sometimes like in the 90s in la. When your poor (no resources) tired and angry that’s what happens. Is it right no but either is killing an unarmed kid in the street and getting away with it
Racist? Anonymous isn’t racist. The only race that ever screams about racism is dark skinned people. Whites, mexicans, asians, indians, we all laugh at idiots trying to be racist because we let it roll off our shoulders. This whole black people being “offended” by the word “nigger” is ridiculous. The Irish were called “niggers” by the English back in the 1200’s to 1500’s. It was a term used to indicate someone of low class, and full of crime. Did the Irish continue whining about racism for years after the fact? No, they continued on with their life to better themselves. I see some black folk doing the same thing. Some go on to better themselves and their community which I applaud. There are others that sit back and whine and claim racism on everything the “white man” says or does. This needs to stop. Until the day that they can stop the violence on themselves, they have no reason to claim racism. Even then when that day comes, I sure hope to God that they pull themselves together to be smarter than that.
“Racism?…Need I remind some of these people with a brute smack of logic, IF I WERE TO CUT YOU ALL WITH A KNIFE…YOU WOULD BLEED RED!….You all have a heart about the size of your Fist, a Dual lobed Brain…2 Eye’s…2 feet…you wear the same clothes…and get dressed in the same manner. This FALSE idea of “race” Is an out of date Concept established in the 17th century by Britain to Break down the Human “RACE” into sub-categories. This species makes me sick, We go out of our way to harm each other, we go out of our way to kill families…. insult….hurt….do anything we can to Maime the live’s of other’s…and for what…a little bit of thrill… One message to this planet “Grow up before we Blow it up!”…Scrubs
*I agree with Zach btw* Stop your racist BS, DON’T CONTRIBUTE TO THE PROBLEM BE A FUCKING SOLUTION!
Hah! I’d like to compare races currently incarcerated within the justice system. Lets see which race commits the most crimes shall we? With that said, its not racism if its a fact.
Does Anonymous ever become a distraction? Were you even needed in an injustice as blatant as Ferguson? Riots & protests were inevitable given the situation. I am not fully up to speed with Anonymous’ role in those protests’ organization but, given the circumstances, they would have happened with or without an external hacking community’s involvement. What sucks is that by participating and claiming responsibility for what was happening on the ground in Ferguson, you provided the mainstream media with a scapegoat, a distraction, a means to remove attention from the fact that, plain and simple, Black Americans are treated unjustly in America and as a result they are angry. And rightly so…
Keep up the good fight.
Protests maybe, riots no. Riots are just an excuse for people to act like animals and to get away with crime. Most of these “rioters” don’t even care about the situation that started it all. They are only there to cause trouble.
Thanks and respect for our legion of hackers! Thanks guys and gals 😉 Let’s get a battery of systemic hack strategies together for deployment as soon as the state deploy there agent provocateurs to bring violence and Marshall Law to a legitimate civic protest action…..and if the Fed’s want to investigate unlawfulness let them look at the Police Management and its relations with provocateurs. If they can’t focus on doing there job and remain more interested in serving a rough state, then you should open up your ties with your Chinese mates and ask them to bounce your defensive operations for you. Thanks again …you are our STARS 😉
Really anonymous working fOr the pigs are you stupid. Your All prisoners and until you realize that wake up and get with it is only going to get worse its not enough for u that they get blamed for everything have you read up on what theidea taken credit for still not enough hu? You out there in the streets with your batman suit on handling situations, didn’t think so. We’re coming to a point of no return people and you’ll all end up facing faCts to late animusanonymous is smart enough to realize due to you know everyone rioting the pigs have no choice but to release that info and who knows what gOes on behind closed doors you a plant working for the F.I.B. spreading malcontent and B.S. so lame. Keep kicking major ass anonymous we need you right now more than ever
I love anonymous thumbs up to them as for those who are trying to find them good luck because they are better then any agency that’s why they can hack your systems… Laughing non stop
if you think anon is working for the page please stop stealing oxygen you idiot
Suck shit
When is anonymous going to give us full transparency of the government?
they have… Open your eyes
Its great to see some one that can is fighting for justice, what happened is ridiculous. American cities now have surplus war equipment, that’s a bit extreme. Its due to police like these, abusing their powers, more people are afraid of cops than they should be.
It’s due to the uprising and unlawful acts of the citizens. It’s completely warranted IMO. Also, every day civilians have surplus army equipment. Its not exactly hard to get a hold of.
Dos For Nobbs 🙂
salam labass 3alik lah 3awankom bari likom wa7ad talab barikom ta3atiwni chi logiceil bach hack wifi lah fadkom
Good job brothers
we can fight for peace using whatever means possible……i guess fighting for peace makes us peaceful.
Would this community have reacted similarly if the roles were reversed? I mean an African American cop killing an unarmed white kid.
I would hope so. While our brothers and sisters of African ancestry get the brunt of police brutality, it happens to all of us. Don’t contribute to the minimization of this issue by making it about race. It’s about suppression and obedience to the ruling class, the same thing Americans have been fighting against since the first revolution.
Amen…the division of race only splits us amongst our selves…we are americans…black…brown..white…yellow …red…whatever your color. …we cannot continue to be suppressed by a police state…we must fight back…they are scared…whatever means possible….
No, its happened before and was caught on tape. No big headlines or anything.
Yes we can !!!!!!!!!!! 😉
Keep it up!
It’s cool yall hacked the pd. what is not cool is that the article makes it sound like a race crime. the boy did steal two drinks, and approached the officer even tho he was told to stop. yes i believe that excessive force was used. this should be about the militarization of the police. and our “EVERYBODY” rights being takin away.
Well done!!
Keep doing what you do! The world really does need it, despite the BS propaganda that we’re fed!
Better to hack it and publish the investigation details for all cases online.
Good Job <3 :*
Nice work!
It’s not about skin color, if you are not smart enough to see that the government is behind it all, we have a much bigger problem on our hands. If you really want to be free people in this country we have to stop fighting ourselves, it will be our downfall. This is fact. Currently our government is planning to collapse our country, wait till we are killing each other, then make us all slaves. This is suppose to happen before the end of 2014. We have to be smarter than them, we don’t have a choice anymore. As soon as it all collapses and we riot and kill each other martial law will then be declared and you will know what it really means to be A fuckin slave. If we want to survive, we have no choice but to become one and fight for our lives from the tyranny and oppression, we have no choice but to stand united to stand up to the so called government that was put in place to secure and protect us, does anyone really know what WE THE PEOPLE really means? It means we control this country, not anyone else. We have Fallin asleep and allowed our so called public servants become the masters and we are the servants now.it must stop immediaetely if we are to survive. Think of how hard the lives of of our families will be if we don’t come together immediately. Wake the fuck up people!
hahahahahhahahahhaah This is great its on the news and everything bitches get hit a held personal info gathered have fun txting…
When are we going to learn that race really doesn’t matter any more because we actually moving towards a one world government in a Galaxy full of billions of planets and other life forms we don’t exist yet. In the next 60years over quarter of the population will be mixed breed just like Obama.
And we will have alien visitors and it’s going to be US vs. Them if they choose not to come in peace. Basically what I’m saying is were all Human beings come together, cause either we hang alone or hang together .
A scenarios for unity
good lads show em what anonymous really stands for
You stupid fuckers didn’t hack shit. DDOS something and say you hacked it is like someone still logged on FBook and you comment saying hacked. Fuck that robbing, murdering nigger by the way. Thug life derp derp.
If you would’ve read the article, you would’ve noticed that it tells you that there was a DDOS attack AND a real hack of private servers to obtain data.
oh now the nigger was a murderer….. you piece of shit magot i mean faggot..
Your dad molest you?, so much anger from a homo
You’re day is going to come. You will regret statements like this.
we finding out now that ferguson p.d. through all the mess didnt file an incident report the same day…. hmmm…
GooD My Brother GooD <3
anonymous good work 🙂
It’s funny how white people just cry about racism but are the biggest pos race I’ve ever seen. .
GJ anonymous that what we needed justice keep going Iam helping and sharing the anonymous name in all jordan to know who are u and help u
Lol whites are bad? Maine has the least minorities in all 52 states, lowest crime rate as well. That’s a fact sir.
wake up fool minority statistics do not equate crime. If you believe it does then lookat WHITE south africans. Plus in america more Whites are on welfare than Blacks, soooo… get a fucking brain and a scooby doo clue retarded fuck.
my sources are the NY times and the governments own public assistance statistics.
so, why is it that an “innocent” black man gets killed and hundreds of people loot steal and cause havoc, hundreds more protest peacefully and demonstrations happen across the US? what about the black police officer that killed an unarmed white war vet and no one raised an ear? what about the two black men that shot and killed a 3year old kid in his stroller because his spanish mother didn’t have any money to give them when they robbed her? why can’t we get this many people to act out and get king jobama removed from office? he’s slowly murdering thousands of people? why? why? why? we can go on forever?
What about the 2 black Teenagers that raped and killed the 12 year old white girl in Massachusetts? Yea, think about that for a second. I’ll give you a moment………………………… Now what is your response? The black kid threatened a police officer, what exactly do you think is going to happen? If that kid had threatened me in the same manner and I were armed, it would be the exact same outcome.
what about you shutting the fuck up? now thats hilarious.
so I’ve just watched some youtube videos on anonymous and i think it good that their are people out there who see how our government is shutting us out of what we deserve (freedom) right from under our noses. i want to share all of these thing on my social networks accounts but I’m confused cause in one of the video i saw it said that remaining anonymous is what gives us power. so I’m kinda confused as to how we are supposed to do all this.
A mindless act, which will have no real, permanent results. Anon didn’t do anything at all. The people who did this, can use any name to claim their respons. But this “DDOS Attack” will not contribute, to any positive results. It’s a waste of time.
Sticking a needle, in the thick skin of an elephant, is one thing. But by repeating this proces, over and over again, it will just make the elephant irritated. It won’t stop doing, what it was doing, in the first place.
If you realy want to put an elephant down, you’ll have to kill it, with brute force. Here’s where the problem starts..
By using brute force, against those you hate, you won’t be any different, then those who make you hate (them), in the first place.
Where order rules, there’s chaos around the corner & visa versa. to choose sides, is like creating, or joining a game. A game, about which side will have the most weight. This game is created a long time a go.
When choosing a side, things will get (automaticly) out of balance. By putting more people (on each side) into an area, with a limited amounth of space.. (the earth itself), people will get pushed to the edges of that area.
The ones who stand too close to the edge (because there just isn’t enough room left), will get paranoid and will do everything in their power, trying to not fall/ being pushed, into the depths of the unknown.
They will get extreme if they have to, just to survive their own fear.
Those who stand more in the middle, have created enough space, between them and the extreme, to think it is save to do what ever they like.
When pulling more people out off the extreme outer areas (into the less extreme middle areas), it will only reduse the pressure, for a short while..
This is just an illusion! Both sides will have the same issues in the end. Because they are both playing the same stupid game.
In fact, there is no side at all. This is the big illusion. There is only the human race, in the middle of all other living creatures on our planet..
-> Mother earth!? yup…
[!] NOTE: Solution: Stop playing this primitive game. It’s old and boring. This is easier said , then done though.. Sad, but true.
To divide, is to conquer by bringing hate and fear. To unite, is to rule by bringing love and peace.
To stop the game, is to bring balance ones more..
To bring balance, is the art of life itself.
This may sound like crazy/ religious crap to you, but in fact.. it’s just the way, how things work.
Those in power, know this ancient recipe. It’s the people’s choise to eat their crap, or to just throw it away.
Excellent work. We are with you. I…. I am with you. We must not stoop to their level but “they” must realize their days of getting away with “I’m better than you” thinking is coming to an end. Equality will be real.
If you want to be Anonymous you are already Anonymous
So, does Anonymous have any basis to support their suggestion that there was any misconduct by the police officer? If they really want to take an impartial look why don’t they hack into the Prosecution and Defense records to get a clear picture of what truly transpired? It’s silly to postulate events on the basis of emotion and hatred towards the Government. Patience will unveil the truth and time will heal the wounds.
If a Grand Jury decides to indict the officer, you will all hail and praise them and yet, if they choose not to, you will propose that they are all apart of the system of corruption. Interesting. Anonymous does a lot of good. They exercise a muscle that is incredibly resilient. But I would wait before convicting a man for the murder of an adult simply because he was white and the Victim was black when he hasn’t actually been convicted yet under a Court of Law.
lmao the funny thing is I actually helped out with this, anon for life!
Good Job.
i think anonymous is the best for what they do .they stand up against the tyranny of the elites,the police are nothing more then policy enforcers as anonymus once said” you cannot kill a idea”
Defy & destroy the 1%!!! The Jewish Banksta Gangsta Industrialist RabbiRobba- Baron Media Elite Hollyweirdo Academia Controlin’ American PPL Dividing Subversive Propagandist Ethno-Supremicists and their Israel Shillin’ Sell Out Goy Politician/Lobbyist Stooges – These bigots ARE the 1%!!!