#OpSafeWinter is a collective across the countries to deliver items to those in need this Christmas period. Anonymous call upon those who can donate anything to the cause to help those in need this December. It is up to us to humanize the homeless and give them a face and a voice. Common sense donations such as blankets, scarves, warm cloths and non-perishable foods are sought.
For further information on #OpSafeWinter search Facebook for you closest gathering or feel free to start one yourself to help those less fortunate.
Here are some links to get you started:
God Bless
happy holidays to all and god bless
love this #op doing my best to support!
wtf is with this new color scheme? Please set up something easier to read. Best of luck to everyone, have a safe winter.
Now it’s not green on green and I feel like an idiot, but I refreshed like 3 times and had to highlight the article to read it.
I asked you this alot, but I and others like me need you help to renew and save Thundercats (2011) cartoon. It means alot to me and other fans, I’m sure some of you are fans of Thundercats. Please help save the show. We NEED your help. It would be the best christmas miracle of all time.
Still have a merry christmas happy hanukkah kwanzaa.
pursue ops even holidays.. enjoy!!!
I have a bag of clothes that I’m going to give to the first homless person I come across in bremerton#op
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
This is what i like to see 🙂
Well this Christmas we did a meal for people that wouldn’t even get a visit and i tell you no lies.I did it to give something back but feel i’ve gained ok there not homeless but no one should be alone any-day of the year
how can i helpp if i cant hack and i do use vilonce to get things done
Looking forward to expanding this operation to a more routinely event. The homeless need help all year round, what can you do for your community?