Here are the top 10 hacks and exposes of the legendary Anonymous collective’s hackers & activists.
From getting internet predators and pedophiles arrested and child porn rings destroyed, over taking on the Church of Scientology, to their fight against ISIS. Here is the video (scroll down for the transcript):
Greetings world. We are Anonymous. We would like to introduce our first weekly top ten countdown starting with Anonymous’ top ten accomplishments.
Originating in 2003, what began as a relatively small vigilante cyber group has expanded and transformed into a continuation of the Civil-Rights movement. Today, thanks to our current technology, the Civil-Rights movement has spread to the internet and across the globe. As well as addressing longstanding issues, the challenges faced have now grown to encompass the people of all nations. Here is our top ten list of Anonymous’ accomplishments:
#10: The Hal Turner Raid.
Beginning in late 2006, Anonymous focused on American white nationalist and Holocaust rejecter, Hal Turner. Between December 2006 and January 2007, individuals associating themselves with the Anonymous movement took Turner’s website offline, costing him thousands of dollars in bandwidth bills. Turner later tried to sue various websites, including 4-chan, eBaum’s World, and 7-chan, however his plea for an injunction fell upon unsympathetic ears. After failing to receive letters from the court, Turner’s lawsuit lapsed.
As well as shutting Turner’s website down, Anonymous was able to gain access to his private servers where it was found he was an informant for the FBI. Turner lost all credibility within the white nationalist movement once he was exposed, and he has since been convicted of threatening to kill Chicago judges.
#9: The Chris Forcand Arrest.
In December of 2007, 53-year-old internet predator, Chris Forcand, was arrested and charged with luring two children under the age of 14 into sexual acts. Forcand was caught by individuals associated with Anonymous who were posing as children in an effort to collect evidence against child molesters. After being propositioned by Forcand with revealing photos, the individuals contacted authorities. This was the first time an internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of internet vigilantism.
#8: Project Chanology.
The 2008 protests against Scientology, known as Project Chanology, gave the newly formulating Anonymous movement worldwide recognition. The situation began when a church-produced interview with Tom Cruise was leaked to YouTube. The church tried issuing a copyright violation claim against YouTube, and their attempts to censor the internet incited a swift response.
In January of 2008, Anonymous released its “Message to Scientology”:
Protests around the world soon followed, and due to its association with a stick figure known as Epic Fail Guy, which was commonly used as an identifier among 4-chan members, the Guy Fawkes mask made its first debut in the Anonymous movement. Guy Fawkes, as many know, failed at his endeavors. The mask was originally intended to brand Scientology a failure as well, however almost immediately, the mask became associated instead with the character ‘V’ from the movie, V for Vendetta. The Church of Scientology has since been in the spotlight for its cult-like practices, which allegedly includes imprisoning and financially exploiting its members.
#7: The Iranian Election Protests.
In 2009, allegations arose of vote rigging after the Iranian presidential election. Thousands of Iranians took to the streets in what has been described as the “biggest antigovernment protests since the 1979 Islamic revolution.” Anonymous, in collaboration with The Pirate Bay and various Iranian hackers, launched a support site called Anonymous Iran. The site currently has a little over 86,000 members, and allows for information exchange between Iran and the world.
#6: Operation DarkNet.
Operation DarkNet targeted child pornography sites, beginning with the hack of a prominent site called Lolita City. Beginning in October of 2011, Anonymous hackers began the operation by removing links to pornographic images and videos on Hidden Wiki, which was located on Tor’s Hidden Service Protocol. After a series of D-DoS attacks, 1,589 names of Lolita City users were eventually released to the public, including their username, volume of images uploaded, and age of account. Interpol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were invited to investigate further records and conduct followups.
#5: Operation Russia.
In 2012, Anonymous hackers successfully infiltrated emails belonging to prominent pro-Kremlin activists and officials. Among those hacked were the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, VasilyYakemenko, Kristina Potupchik, the press secretary for the Nashi Youth Movement, and the deputy head of the Department for Internal Affairs at the Presidential Administration, Oleg Khorokhordin. The information within the emails provided evidence which enabled many to accuse Yakemenko and his colleagues of paying bloggers to publish stories and commentary in favor of Vladimir Putin on negative press reports published on the internet.
#4: The Judge Rotenberg Center.
Those with the Anonymous movement focused on the Judge Rotenberg Center for children and young adults with special needs in March of 2012 after reports surfaced of abuse and torture. Hundreds seeking medical attention at this facility were subjected to cruel and inhumane forms of punishment, including painful electric shock treatments, prolonged restraints, and food denial. Five more patients died there.
Anonymous announced in a YouTube video that the center and those affiliated were all targets. After hacking the website, names and addresses of the center’s sponsors, lobbyists, lawyers and supporters, as well as the founder, were all publicly posted on Paste-bin.
#3: The Steubenville Rape Case.
On the night of August 11, 2012, an intoxicated high school girl was sexually assaulted in public by her peers, several of which documented the act and posted it online. Many adults within the school tried to cover the incident and were later indicted for obstructing and hindering the investigation. Anonymous released an incriminating video on January 1st of 2013 that showed the self-proclaimed “rape crew” the night of the attack, all of which appeared to find the incident amusing. One of the football program boosters who allegedly tried to help cover the case was targeted by Anonymous hackers as well, and a number of emails and photos were released to the public.
#2: Operation Charlie Hebdo.
On the morning of January 7th 2015, two armed gunmen stormed the offices of the Paris-based satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, killing 11 people, and injuring 11 others.The gunmen have identified themselves as Islamist terrorists belonging to a Yemen-based branch of Al-Qaeda. Additional attacks followed the Charlie Hebdo shooting, claiming another five lives, and injuring another 11. Anonymous has since offered condolences to family members of the victims, and has declared war on Islamic extremists. The attack has been condemned by Anonymous as an assault on freedom of expression, and Jihadist websites andsocial media accounts that support Islamic terrorism have been targeted with the aim of disrupting, and shutting them down.
#1: Operation Ice Isis.
Anonymous began an attack on February 9th2015 against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s social media accounts, as well as internet-based recruitment drives. As a result, those in the movement have successfully destroyed months of recruiting work. By February 10th, at least 800 ISIS-affiliated Twitter accounts were closed, and within the first three days of the operation, 1,000 ISIS websites wereshut down.
This concludes our countdown of Anonymous’ top ten accomplishments. Join us again next week for another countdown. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
what of this? http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/12845-anonymous-karl-rove-and-2012-election-fix
Yes, what of it? It is certainly MY favorite.
I am an old man from Danmark, who strongly is angry about several things, that is going on against humans, animals, states and systems. And the blue planet.
But who am I to judge?
Anonymous is strongly against certain things, too. But you choose, and you judge and you fight, what you find bad and evil.
But who are you to judge?
Who are you to decide, what is left aside, and what is attacked? I worry, when the anger of a few becomes more important than the law and the systems in different nations. Or among different nations.
But who am I to judge…?
When are you guys going after Trump?
Dont stop the hacking
#10 Do you mean holocaust denier? Because rejecting a holocaust is actually good. 😉
#7 Allegations, yes. We all know where they come from; what’s behind them. Be careful not to play in the hands of the big evil by condemning the defense reaction. E.g. supporting an uprising against a less than favorable government is still a mistake if the whole uprising is instigated by the USA. Division, which sometimes might be unavoidable, should courageously happen against the root of a problem only.
#5 Regarding such opinion manipulation methods, these days one would have to comment: “Who DOESN’T do it?!”. And while it’s definitely a point of critique, I’m wondering whether Russia might do this at least believing or maybe even knowing that anti-Putin opinion is instigated by western propaganda. The USA drag so many others into nasty games just as business drags competitors into using the same means – coerced lowest common denominator.
#2 Related to #7. What Charlie Hebdo did cannot, at least in parts, properly qualify as covered by freedom of expression, since it touches on criminal law. Charlie Hebdo deliberately tries to provoke and incite by hitting where it hurts people the most, which is based on a widespread righteous, arrogant, intolerant, heartless hubris. It is in the hate propaganda and agitation business. They basically reaped what they sowed; it was only a matter of time, and it gave them what they wanted to happen, just so that they could prove themselves right and were risking lives for that. But no word here from Anonymous about the ensuing opposite of that when people after the incident were treated like criminals for expressing their views about the events freely. In fact, if I had a relevant influence and had voiced what I just wrote publicly in France, I might have landed in jail.
Downlphin, that’s false for Charlie Hebdo. You told that they provoke ?! It’s a satirical newspaper. Did you read some of it? They are joking about everything, but when its muslim they don’t have the right ?
It’s the freedoms of expression. And they are not insulting any religion. Do you think that Comics have the cost of life?
PS: I hope that my english was not that bad.
Keep fighting the good fight
Thanks for all you do, please continue to fight the good fight.
As a victim of Child Abuse, please please keep flushing out pedophiles, which are the vermin of society for the protection of our Children…..God Bless.
I have come across an individual suspect of CP. He’s just a kid himself and there is no proof as of yet to tie him to anything but a group of us are trying to explain how it’s not only illegal, it’s plain out wrong. He is arguing that watching it isn’t illegal, just downloading it. Again, he’s only 11 but still. I don’t want to snitch on a kid that isn’t even a teenager to the authorities especially without any solid evidence that he even partakes in it but diplomacy only works if the other party is willing to listen, which he is not. We’ll keep trying though, I am sure one of the other more experienced persons in our little pep talk group will know how to handle it better if it escalates.
What are you going to do to the Saudi as they seen to be behind most of the terrorism
We need to fight agenst pedos and rapers they are getting out of control dark web si a dark place there isent much happening there to stop cp
So you’ve got a couple of pedos, mildly pissed off a couple of groups who do bad things (but not stopped them from doing bad things) and done the dirty on a few bad people… and that is about it. Excuse me for containing my excitement but for a group who claimed to be changing the world you’ve done the sum total of fuck all.
But on the bright side , I’m sure you’ve sold a lot of masks.
Please aim higher. Do more. Strike harder.
Gracias no paren aquí en España ahy mucha corrupción y los nuevos líderes como Podemos no me dan confianza
Love all that you do ! Thank you for using your intelligence to stand strong , search for truths, and expose crime & corruption . Thank you !!
Thank you!
Best wishes!
anonymous is for me a group of heroes and genius brilliant fantastic peoples they search for the truth and seek justice what ever is take to expose what really happened in the world so thank you for your efforts and we all with you forever
At least they’re trying to make change. To the guy above who said they have done fuck all… What the fuck have YOU done today? Something, I do believe, is MORE than nothing… At least that’s what most of us learn in elementary, preschool even, mathematics. If you’re doing something then you have the right to talk… If you’re doing nothing then please,
continue to sit back but for fucks sake, keep your mouth shut! You have no room to speak here…(on this matter!)