A group of heavily armed men have stormed a federal building for wildlife refuge in the state of Oregon, United States over land dispute with federal authorities.
The armed men, many of them ranchers, accused the federal authorities of unfairly punishing poor ranchers who refused to sell and leave their lands to federal authorities.
The ranchers pointed out that the Harney County area used to be the richest in state, but now, due to the actions of federal authorities of forcing ranchers to sell their lands, the area is now the poorest in the state. And the only way to solve the situation is to have armed “patriots” come and live in a de-facto self-rule zone independently of federal authorities.
It is said that federal authorities in the area, over the years, have been forcing ranchers to sell their lands in order to use them as conservation sites.
According to reliable information we gathered on the ground, a District Judge recently sentenced one Dwight Lincoln Hammond, 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46, to five years in prison for committing arsons on federal lands. Dwight and his son are both ranchers in Harney County.
CNN reported that prosecutors said the Hammonds set the fire, burning about 130 acres of land in 2001 to cover up poaching.
But the Hammonds defended themselves in court by stating they lit the fire to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires. However, their defense was blatantly rejected by the presiding judge, Ann Aiken. The Hammonds are expected to report to prison on Monday, 4th January.
Supporters of the Hammonds said the Hammonds were treated unconstitutionally because the two were convicted of the arson under a provision of an expansive federal law punishing terrorism. And they both served their prison terms for 2001 and 2006 fires, but were then told by these same judges that they have to go back to prison to serve more.
Therefore, in solidarity with the Hammonds, and to show that they are fed up, some 300 people marched through the town of Burns on Saturday, January 2nd to protest against the decision of the court. They also protested against the federal authorities for unjustly encroaching and taking over their lands where their animals graze.
Then on Sunday, January3rd, the ranchers organized themselves into a group, armed themselves heavily and seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters, challenging the federal government for a showdown out of frustration. The ranchers claimed the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has taken over the space of some 100 ranches since the early 1900s.
“We’re going to be freeing these lands up, and getting ranchers back to ranching, getting the loggers back to logging, getting the miners back to mining where they could do it under the protection of the people and not be afraid of this tyranny that’s been set upon them”, spokesman for the armed ranchers, Ammon Bundy posted on Facebook.
CNN also quoted Bundy saying “We will be here as long as it takes. We have no intentions of using force upon anyone, but if force is used against us, we will defend ourselves”.
Local media identified Bundy as the son of Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy who drew national attention last year after staging a standoff with federal authorities over a Bureau of Land Management dispute.
Bundy said the ranchers are being forced to leave their lands, and those who resist are treated like terrorist.
“Now that people such as the Hammonds are taking a stand and not selling their ranches, they are being prosecuted in their own courts as terrorists and putting them in prison for five years”, he added.
The ranchers claimed they are up to 150 people, and they will sacrifice their lives to free the area from the unjust actions of the federal authorities. It is unclear when they will leave the building. And it is unclear whether the federal authorities will call for armed police or the National Guard.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service spokesperson said the agency and the Bureau of Land Management are aware of the armed protesting ranchers. It is said no federal staff were in the building when it was seized by the ranchers.
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I see nothing but a bunch of cowards whining about their terrorist friends, isn’t there an association law, these guys are all terrorist if they are supporting terrorism. Just whining bitches is all. I ask myself what would have happened if these people were of color? they have been mowed down by now.
Clearly you don’t know what terrorism is, you filthy americunt
Dont say americunt without leaving your own ethnic background and home country. So quick to invade on others business yet I ask what’s going on in your country you intolerant prick
You my friend, don’t know what you are talking about
8 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy
US Code
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
Pretty sure anyone who in involved is commiting Treason against the United States by seizing federal property
Pretty sure every single founding father and person who fought in the Revolution were guilty of treason against the British government, but that worked out ok for us. The government seizing land for their own use was a big fear of the founding fathers. That was the reason the right to bear arms was placed in the constitution.
The land isn’t being seized by the government, it is land owned by the government, and letted to individuals. That aside, no evidence has been proposed in this thread that the government is seizing the land for “their own use.” Further, to support your claim, you need to propose who is involved in your use of the word, “their.” Especially given that federal reserves are allocated for natural prospects, that these same ranchers continually abuse. Also, the right to bear arms was included for the benefit of settlers refusing dominance of a foreign nation, that had refused fair treatment in claim of providence, which the U.S. claims over many territories now, and the form of that right is to establish a militia, which every state has, and it’s called the national guard. If anything, these rednecks should be trying to overthrow Puerto Rico. Or honoring the historical treaties with the native American tribes that were forced on to (not off of) federal reserves.
the government never owned land. the people own the land the government manages it through corrupt legislation you ignorant fuck!
You Nick are a man who knows our history
Overthrow Puerto rico?? Dumb fuck americans have no place in Puerto rico, theyd get killed instantly if they tried that shit.
We can’t be imprisioned for treason. We don’t have a king
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Meet the second Amendment. As these people have formed a Militia group, are not inciting terror amongst locals, and are not purposefully or willfully trying to force the government to do anything except leave their livelihood alone, they are well within their unalienable rights to keep and bear arms, even against the government of the united states.
you’re the whining bitch! these are people standing up for their rights and land!
Thees “patriots” are nuts and laughable! Ask most Oregonian’s.
I am one and ur fucking stupid for not standing up for freedom you inbreed fuck
Oh and dont forget that the people they are “Defending” dont even want them in the mix. Stupid fucking idiots and they are asking for food!!
Joe123, you are an idiot
you handicapated scum, those instutuions wanna take control over usa over usa constitution over usa people, over usa peoples lands, you have no clue whats happening right now in usa. Salute from Europe, God on all upon you
Wonder what camp they plan on locking you up in. Your spineless.
And you fuck of they are standing for America’s true meaning
Your a fucking idiot, these people are not terrorists, they only want what was once theirs.
And you my friend are part of the problem
Joe123 you’re a fucking moron. Did we mow down the black lives matter protestors? No. Did we shoot the blacks rioting and burning buildings down in Balitmore? No. Did we shoot the blacks rioting, looting, and burning shit down in Ferguson? No. Go crawl back in a hole somewhere, or better yet just go jump off a bridge.
Sick of all this racial bullshit.
If your slagg of a mummy was out of jail she would give you a belting for being an idiot and practicing poof
Police used tear gas and batons on Black Lives Matter protesters and Occupy Wall Street protesters. Why haven’t they done that with these ranchers? BECAUSE THEY’RE ARMED.
The 2nd Amendment is a last defense against tyranny, but choose your tyrants carefully. The first time one of these self-proclaimed patriots shoots one of the local town folk, all bets are off. Then they’ll experience a whole new level of tyranny, when the feds go all ruby ridge on them complete with a new generation of technology (drones). And the local town folk will breathe a sigh of relief once the bandito hoard is put down.
So play nice and don’t piss off the locals.
Clearly a case of you all Queda or Vanilla ISIS
You are ignorant boy. What a sorry SOB, you don’t even realize what they are fighting against. You really should educate yourself before you come on here embarrass yourself.
YOU are what we call a PAT…(Patriot Act Twat)
Finally! Poor farmers :(. Stupid gov trying to force GMO onto farmer. I hope our government falls to its knees, but i fear what that will require…
This has nothing to do with GMOs. It is about the government trying to rescue this land for conservation, from a group of people who are not looking after it properly. They are killing animals illegally, and setting fire to vast areas to cover up their poaching. The NRA have made the country almost unmanageable when any criminal can buy a gun and star holding federal employees hostage.
Go suck federal reserve dick then come back and tell us how much you like it
Dumb asses like you Denise is why America is falling. Its their land none of your or governments business.
why don’t you give them your land for conservation, instead of the government stealing theirs.
Lol holding federal employees hostage ” guess you didn’t even read the article you pathetic fuck. The building was empty when seized
i wish i could be there, gun in hand to help. but since i cant. they have my support vocally. show the tyrant goverment ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
I’d like to know the mechanism by which the ranchers are being forced from their lands.
Then Google it.
What I’m most concerned about is the Hammonds family as well as other ranchers in the area, have been systematically terrorized by the government. After reading the history that spans over 45 yrs, I am blown away how various government agencies have usurped the rightfully owned lands of these families.
This second group that have taken over this lodge are using the Hammonds to further their own cause. So one again, the Hammonds and their good name are being victimized. I currently have 2 wishes for the outcome of this situation. Legal and public vindication and people would fucking read before they post.
The 5th amendment gives the federal government eminent domain powers (“…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”) Unless these people have a land patent, or a complete unbroken chain of title going back to the original land patent, then they don’t really own it. All of those states, like Oregon, were federal territories before they were states. The federal government is the owner of all that land until it is transferred to individuals via land patents, per the Enabling Acts that created those states.
we as citizens have a right to take the governments right to govern away if we see they are abusing or lying to us it is in the constitution In political philosophy, the right of revolution is the right or duty, previously stated throughout history, of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Belief in this right has been used throughout history to justify various revolutions, including the English Civil War, the American Revolution and the French Revolution george washington even said we are to uphold this right
Not just a right, but a responsibility. Our forefathers found this inevitable.
This is a bit weird but i saw a post about this the other night so how could they have stormed the building only yesterday.
There are only about a dozen trucks with less than 20 men there. The Hammonds have already asked to not be associated with them or their statements.
Can you really “storm” an unoccupied building?
MAD MAX reality – http://usuncut.com/news/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-oregon-militia-takeover/
What a pathetic article.
To paraphrase Sam Clemens:
You couldn’t find a single fact there even if you went over it with a devining rod.
You can’t get mad at stupid people who are too quick to make assumptions, yes their stupidity is frustrating but try to see both sides.
What you gonna do when the government take the land from the locals in a brutal massacre, then gives it to slavers then gets given to the new residence and then the government decide they’re gonna take it back for much less than the lands worth? Nothing, American corruption at its best… In government with their greedy fingers.
People Power… Power too the People
If they were a niglets with bb guns they’d all be dead by now
Fuck the american government! They steal from their citizen and try them as terrorists if they resist yet some of you still support your corrupt system that has leaked out all over the west territories. They will continue to infringe your rights and take away the possessions you work for under forfiture laws which by the way should be illegal as you guys are guilty until proven innocent lmao how corrupt is that?? More of your civil liberties will be eroded by 2020 then you will all wake up but it will be too late because you will have your army policing the streets though between your police force and army its getting difficult to tell who is who due to the militarisation of your cops. I say good luck to you all. Implosion would be a blessing to you guys.
this ‘movement’ does not have popular support for a reason. It is ripe with right wing agitators, conspiracy theorists and gun-loving out of state psuedo militiamen. The Hammonds have rejected their support and so have the majority of the local peoples. Most of those I see posting their support have no understanding of constitutional law and are supposing their opinions rather than researching facts. I understand the collective anger… I feel the oppression of the one percent and I reject it…but I will NOT support this group in any way. They are dishonest and they are going to get innocent men and women killed if they keep waving their weapons and thumbing their nose at law enforcement officials… this isnt about sovereignty or grazing rights or government take over of honest peoples land…this is about Cliven Bundy. He does not speak for the people, only for himself and his own family. This is NOT the way.
Meet the Ghosts of Timothy McVeigh Fan Club…Mormon Chapter…exercising the muscles in their heads…ready to shoot any American who makes the “wrong move” dead…utterly remorseless, and not a single “hero” among the mob….
Very well written article. Truly unbiased. Good job of not demonizing the armed citizens nor the federal government. This is the type of information I want from Anon. Clear information allowing each individual to form their own opinions. Bravo Anonymous.
Wow… I am enjoying these comments better than the actual issue here. Lol. Hoe lotta fukin’ goin’ on, angry jedis, and a lot of misspellings… Drop the weapons of mass destruction and start picking up books. Educate yourself, foo… No, for real though, keep your weapons, but seriously go to school and learn to spell. God speed…
SGT- 9 yrs of Service
Storm from UK,can I just say people the goverments have got us all where they want and that is every person in every country is at each other throats and it’s goverment who started it all ,instead of us all fighting each other isn’t it time we the world united and started fighting back at goverments. After all they don’t own us we own them ,we pay their wages ,yet we the backbone of the world are letting them do what they want to us causing wars and misery to every one. Stop fighting each other brothers and sisters and fight back at the problem (goverment).
It isn’t only ‘white privilege’ that these dozens of armed, treasonous terrorists aren’t being deal with accordingly after days of seizing a federal building and wildlife refuge.
These are also very privileged whites.
The Bundy Standoff in Nevada (’14) was over millionaire rancher Cliven Bundy not wanting to pay 20 years worth of fees for grazing his cattle on federal lands. Grazing hundreds and thousands of cattle has adverse effects on lands, as you can imagine. On land the public owns. When the Feds stepped in, these domestic terrorists pointed assault rifles at Federal agents without consequence.
Those same terrorists organized in Oregon to keep two convicted arsonists, more wealthy ranchers, from serving their already-reduced sentences. Why did they set fire to public lands? To cover up poaching, illegal hunting. They were able to pay $200,000 of their fine immediately.
These aren’t average joes and this isn’t the government cracking down on the little guy.
These are wealthy landowners who don’t want to pay their fair share and want to abuse the public. There’s little wonder why Republican politicians have rallied around them.
This is an act of terror by self-important, entitled traitors.
While the Oregon State and Federal governments twiddle their cocks.
The organizers of this armed seizure of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge should be tried for treason.
According to the United States Constitution, these armed imbeciles are NOT militia: Congress shall…”provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia…” and …”calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections…”
This. Is Treason.
This. Is. Terrorism.
Ranchers do nothing but fuck up the land with all their beef cattle shitting all over the place, why not clean up after your cattle and other animals and use their same shit as fertilizer to grow new pasture? Instead of fucking up public land.
Full story can be found here. This is why you can believe or expect the major media outlets give you any information that doesn’t fall under their agenda…
All the name calling and slanderous B.S. is NOT helping the arguments (on either side). The ranchers have a point, and the (mainstream) media doesn’t seem to be making that point… government abuse of power and corruption within the “Justice”? system. Why not read up on the story from the ranchers perspective so you at least understand it (as many of you have, and do), then use your passion, but reserve your apparent hatred, to make your points more honorably based on your informed beliefs? Mr. Bundy has a (very) cool head about this, and is apparently trying to do “the right thing”. Check it out!!