“The history of our country is that nothing happens until people start putting their bodies on the line and risk getting arrested,” said Ben Cohen.
Activist’s, you know which ice cream company to support. Recently, few mainstream media sources have given attention to the Democracy Awakening campaign, which is protesting corruption in the American political system. On the first day, over 400 activists were arrested – too many for the city to lock up behind bars.
Since then, protesters have continued to gather from all around the country – including the director of Greenpeace. Joining them was Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen, the co-founders of the popular ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s. They, along with hundreds of other activists, were arrested as part of the Democracy Awakening’s direct action on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building.
Credit: Ben & Jerry’s
Shortly before he was arrested, Ben told the press:
“The history of our country is that nothing happens until people start putting their bodies on the line and risk getting arrested.”
This isn’t the first time the entrepreneurs have boldly taken a stand on issues they deem important. Last year, their business launched Save Our Swirled to bring awareness to climate change. And, in honor of the Supreme Court’s decision to recognize the right of all couples to marry, the company changed the name of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to I Dough, I Dough.
Credit: Ben & Jerry’s
The company’s shares:
“It all comes down to a simple idea that we believe in whole-heartedly: if you care about something, you have to be willing to risk it all—your reputation, your values, your business—for the greater good.”
Democracy Awakening is just the beginning of a movement to ensure that every citizen’s voice is heard and that power in the United States is returned to the people. By raising awareness about the gargantuan issue, more may flock to the cause and help inspire change.
Credit: Ben & Jerry’s
“We all have a role to play in the fight for justice. Join us this year as we spread the word and take action. Democracy belongs in the hands of all Americans, not in the pockets of a few billionaires. And no citizen who wants to vote should ever be kept from the polls. Democracy Awakening inspired hope and created excitement that all participants will carry back home with them to their own communities.
This is how real change happens.”
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