Written by: AnonymousWorldWideNews
The only authority that can make a difference is you. Not the police. Not the military. Not so called grand juries. Only you! Do not look to the plutocratic mandarins for assistance, or expect anything but vaudevillian smoke and mirrors from the billion-dollar corporate circus that’s rampaging across the globe like a retarded elephant on steroids with nuclear weapons strapped to its back flinging Monsanto seeds. The local killers want us distracted by foreign killers so they can rob us blind and keep us under control. It’s our responsibility to wake up to this fact and to at least attempt to put a stop to it. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
It’s time to end the blind march of the living dead, and to begin instead the wide-awake journey of being truly alive. It’s time to end the rank and file of willful ignorance. This means questioning the status quo and the people who blindly uphold it. This means holding the power-that-be accountable for their actions. This is our call to adventure. Mother Nature is screaming at us using a language older than words. It echoes in our bones. It resonates in our souls. We can all feel it. Some of us are confused by it, and we are suffering from cognitive dissonance, but she is still there singing her harsh Truth. And it is high time we listened. It’s time we made some noise. It is time her voice became our voice. It is time to replace “their unhealthy unsustainable way” with “our healthy sustainable way.”
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people,” wrote Maximilien Robespierre, “whereas the secret in tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” So ask yourself: am I an agent of liberty, intent upon freeing and empowering people; or an agent of tyranny, intent upon keeping people suppressed and ignorant. If it’s the latter, by all means keep the chain of obedience intact and keep people suppressed. But if it’s the former, by all means break the chain of obedience and join us in educating people. The war machine begins and ends with you either blindly obeying the vicious chain of obedience or having the courage to disobey when you feel the actions of the chain of obedience are immoral. It won’t be easy. Hell, it will probably be the hardest thing you will ever do, and you may have to face “vilification and disgrace” because of it, but sometimes that’s the price you have to pay for being a moral agent in an immoral world. That’s the price you pay for courage. That’s the price you pay for liberty.
At the end of the day, if you still feel like it’s all for naught and that you cannot possibly make a difference, consider the words of Thomas Edison, “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven’t.”
Source: AnonymousWorldWideNews https://www.facebook.com/AnonymousWorldWideNews
Hi i really like you movement to help the poor and weak against the corrupt. Am not a hacker but i use to lend all my spare time to the cost of your group, email me all your wisdom and work and will try to do t for the cause
Thanks for making a stand and giving us average people the will to fight
I am so with you all the way. I am 60 now and all but bed ridden so for me I share your pages and posts with all my fb friends and discuss with any one who will listen. Even though should there be a true revolution – and I hope there will – I am sure to be left behind with no communication. But I will stand strong with what is right on a case by case basis and know that I am with you in Spirit.
Anonymous leaves no one behind renee they stand for freedom and bringing the people to unite as one and that means everyone!
Unity of thought,a damn good beginng
We got brothers coming in from all over world #BITCOIN #OG4LIFEPARTY
I’d like to welcome everyone to the #OG4LIFEPARTY.I do not advocate for violence. I am merely using the power political incorrectness to bring about positive change. #BITCOIN Together we can fix this mess! Rest in peace Cindy Garnto. Rest peace Sylvia Adams. My mother and sister to needless victims of the drug war. Momma Thanks for always believing in me. I am on this #OG4LIFEPARTY horn till I die. I know you would be proud. Sylvia Adams the world lost an angel when you passed. I miss you so much. I am standing up for what I know is right. Lord knows someone has to. We are taking the money printing press away from the banks. No longer with banks be able to rob the world selling debt. We will #bitcoin then new world currency. No one needs a bank anymore. The USA will be able to get out of the #middleeast because our politicians will no longer be bought by the worlds largest business men who are only protecting what they have worked so hard for with the mistake of fiat #currency. No one will be able to violate the laws of the voters who moderate the forums in their #opensourcegovernment. #OPENSOUCEGOVERNMENT will give the world the platform they need to minimize the ills of society. No need to use banks. Until #bitcoin is world wide people will be able to use #bitplastic to withdraw bitcoin from #atms around the world in their local currency. There is no need for violence people. We have always been the masters. I am doing all that I can for you. I am your #servant. If would like all this violence to end please visit coinbase.com to convert your local currency into #bitcoin and use #blockchain.info as your bitcoin wallet. Please send your donations to #BTC 1Q8VXZ6GEtAc6YWLDiR2PZiXWE7LHFDLgB and help me eat. For the rest of my life I will represent the #people of the world as your beneviolent #OG4LIFEPARTY custodian. I love you everyone. #HOWWESHOULDLIVEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb1ZvUDvLDY&list=RDeXvBjCO19QY&index=2
I’m not scared to make waves!
First of all applause for the writer this is by far the best simile…ever, “that’s rampaging across the globe like a retarded elephant on steroids with nuclear weapons strapped to its back flinging Monsanto seeds.”
Now, I love anon and all the stand for, I’m a single mother and it makes things a little more complicated as I have another life to care for, and that’s all the more reason to stand w you. I’ll be there in Katy, I’ll be every where in support.
Expect us ✌️
I hear you and as a moral agent I am with yu!! Great writing. Loved the language . Especially the elephants on steroids. Laughing out loud with the heaviest of hearts. Thanks. Will be sharing your words.
I’m actually glad to read that someone is having the same opinion as I do.
I really would like to help (help is a huge word, so), not now just because I read the text, it’s been longer than that.
But I never had the chance, since I’m not the person who runs out and speaks/scerams stuff like this out in public.
I would be really glad if I would get an email/or answer here for more details, so I know how exactly I can ‘help’.
I want to help
Would like to participate in the movement. Is there anywhere I can look to get involved in my area?
I am ready to help, very little skill but I have the will.
greetings from melbourne australia,i feel isolated in the fact that i’m outside the usa,but the problem is global right?,i have seen your posted videos on facebook & related pages & if there’s anything i can do to assist & i’m willing to help out,i’m in 100% (Y)
Help. I have a rampaging elephant on steroids with nukes on it’s back with Monsanto seeds also in the warhead in my backyard! What should I do? Call the police?
I want to contact.
This post has fallen into my lap. I have lost faith in the way society is run and the corrupt,twisted finacial hierarchical system which is designed to be ran by few and represent many! The time is now for change!Currently i do no posess the skills used by many of the ‘anonymous’ methods but i want to help! Id really appreciate an email! Thanks!
Working as a “politically incorrect” artist, I openly encourage Anonymous and people like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning etc. I have also been denouncing groups like the Bilderberg for over 10 years now. I get around 20,000 tourists per summer in my workshop, so it’s not bad when it comes to communicating, but I cannot “do” anything to actually stop the Bilderberg’s diobolical plan. Does Anonymous specifically target groups like this? And what more can I do to help?
Hi, this post has literally fallen onto my lap. I need a way to help, i currently dont posses the normal skills associated with the movement! I really want to help and would greatly appreciate an email on how to help. The way forward is here.
Peace to you all. 🙂 I’m no hacker but I will help however I can as I learn. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in thinking something is blatantly wrong with our current system.
change can’t come soon enough
Very powerful words. They mirror my feelings and I support the movement. Anon is an inspiration to me thank you for opening my eyes.
I am so grateful for your organization — mostly for the future of my kids. I want them to live in a better world. Thank you.
I just learned of Anonymous recently and I have to say, I CANNOT BELIEVE I did not know of you sooner. I am a single mother of four. I have been and still am that underdog that you fight for. I ALSO HAVE BEEN FIGHTING MY WHOLE LIFE. I was not born with a “silver spoon” in my mouth…it was exactly the opposite. I have witnessed soooo many injustices in my life, and have stood against them. I was put down for it, humiliated because of it, and made to feel as though I was the one wrong. By the same people that we are SUPPOSED TO place our trust in. I FULLY SUPPORT THE ANONYMOUS CAUSES AND WILL DO WHATEVER I CAN TO EXHIBIT MY SUPPORT. For once in my life, I do not feel as though I am fighting alone. THANK YOU FOR GIVING VOICE TO THE VOICELESS. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
Toni, i couldn’t have put it into words any better myself my life, but we are still here, we survived it all and now, you aren’t fighting alone, and we can have a voice #We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect Us
Definitely love all the groups work as well She their focused goals. Please let me know of any additional help is needed.
I would like to help too. I’m sick of that system wich rule the world. In government i see only corruption. That must be changed.
I want to help! I have been waiting for exactly this for many years. The time is now.
Wonderful post with some wonderful words. It brings my heart great warmth to see so many people commenting, ready to take a stand against the corrupt greedy villains we call “Authorities” and “leaders.” I’m no Hacktivist, just a simple Activist, Leak, Informant, Agent… You do not have to know how to decrypt a 128 bit encryption to make a difference, all you have to do is show support and wake up, spread knowledge and stand up for what you feel is morally right!
I have something for all of you to do, tonight, when your at home, alone, with your family, with friends, anyone or no one. Look at yourself, look at your friends, look at your family. Do you think they would be happy in a world of ignorance, slavery, and intolerance? Prepare yourself, prepare them.
If you have any questions, I may be able to help. I am NOT the all knowing, but I can assist you. I am available ONLY on twitter and IRC.
Twitter: @GroundZeroAnon
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!
I honestly believe that anons Will definitely make a difference. I know if I knew more about computers then how to post or clear history, I would so be down for some takeover shutdown, but they seem to be doing just fine without me. So yall have my full support.
Wonderful post with some wonderful words. It brings my heart great warmth to see so many people commenting, ready to take a stand against the corrupt greedy villains we call “Authorities” and “leaders.” I’m no Hacktivist, just a simple Activist, Leak, Informant, Agent… You do not have to know how to decrypt a 128 bit encryption to make a difference, all you have to do is show support and wake up, spread knowledge and stand up for what you feel is morally right!
I have something for all of you to do, tonight, when your at home, alone, with your family, with friends, anyone or no one. Look at yourself, look at your friends, look at your family. Do you think they would be happy in a world of ignorance, slavery, and intolerance? Prepare yourself, prepare them.
If you have any questions, I may be able to help. I am NOT the all knowing, but I can assist you. I am available ONLY on twitter and IRC.
Twitter: @GroundZeroAnon
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!
I agree with what you just said…however just spreading the word will get nothing done, what you guys do is amazing but they just fix it and keep doing the same old bull. Why don’t you make use of the people on the ground? ! You guys have “foot soldiers ” and don’t know it or won’t utilize them? I am confused is this all were going to do? Spread the word ? Come on you’re friggin leaders guys….lead! ! You guys are big doing big things but this can be HUGE! and change the future! Let’s go I’m ready! You?
I totally agree with you on this Shizzle. i want to act but i need help and direction in order to get started. any revolution needs leadership. for example….im wary of buying into any software that they talk about in order to make myself truly anonymous. im sceptical, i dont want anyone to profit from me protecting/hiding my on line identity; i will also never go out and buy a mask because i dont want Time Warner or some Chinese billionaire factory owner profiting from my purchase, no matter how small, (i make my own masks out of a template and empty cornflake packet. i even have Mickey Mouse face on the reverse of the mask so that if necessary, I can turn it around and challenge any police to arrest me wearing a Mickey Mouse mask.) I want to be active. I just came back from backpacking in SE Asia, where I tried to spread the word as much as possible amongst fellow travellers, but its not easy to bring up the matter, people are scared of the whole issue, and then to sound credible about the Anonymous “manifesto” (for want of a better word) is another matter altogether. I want to do more. dont we need alignment with a political party now? I think we need a major celebrity or politician to do a bit of PR. What I need is what my old boss would call a “crib sheet” in order to sell the idea during an intelligent discussion about the world today, injustice etc. also, a big also, how do we get at all those people who dont really like certain things about the world today but are quite happy to ignre things as long as it doesnt affect them? …. IE. they get by in life, they dont have any injustices happening to them, they may be quite comfortably off or they may be poor and just struggling but keeping their heads above water, they are busy, their attitude is “I’m allright Jack” …..nothing is ever going to happen unless we can get those people on board. ITS A NUMBERS GAME. we have to be HUGE in numbers to make a difference/make a change. and we have to act in HUGE numbers to make a difference (like all switch banks on the same day, all sell shares on the same day, all stop watching the BBC and Fox News on same day. we need action campaigns. I am willing to participate on an organisational level. can do a certain amount on a voluntary basis. I would be willing to invest my own money where I can to help (eg. travel costs).
I AM READY and waiting for someone from Anonymous leadership to contact me….I know you;re out there, Ive known about you since someone gave me your sticker 4 years ago, (its now stuck on the back of my camper van) I am 55 years old. I have my own source of income (but its not a bottomless pit and im certainly not rich), I have chosen an alternative lifestyle, I live in a camper van in the mountains, I am free to do what I want. I don’t have to work if i dont really want to. i am a qualified EFL teacher, I can travel and work anywhere in the world without any problem whatsoever with visas etc. I am perfect for the job. what more can I say except repeat ???….I am waiting…. Loyal Anon, Jane
Anons will change the world, and I want to be there. I never thought I’d see a force so heavy in my lifetime. I applaud anonymous. I stand behind you 100%
I love what you are doing. Its time for change, the currupt don’t care anymore about invisibility. “Evil begets evil” we must educate the young before they become slaves. I travel. I can help. We are anonymous.
i want to be a part of a organization keeping the truth..i want to be a anonymous…
You give me so much hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If there’s anything I can do please let me know.
Ready to help in anyway I can.
I’m off to get a mask but definitely not from Amazon. Advocate of zero hour contracts and poor staff welfare for starters. Please promote some small businesses Anonymous.
I am awake and I intend to awaken all those that will listen ! Its about time to see a collective group of people coming together to stop this fascist machine and stop these power hungry tyrant’s that are destroying our world and enslaving our fellow citizens ! Scream loud so your voice will be heard !
I am awake (finally), and I am endeavoring to help anyone who wants to awaken. One by one, two by two, then exponentially, humanity will wake up. It’s happening. It cannot be stopped.
I’m all for change and equality within this country, lots of things are screwed up, I constantly try to show that on my Facebook. As for this journal though, I would hope Anonymous starts writing a little more professional when it comes to using words like retarded and blind, like it was written numerous times. We are almost in 2015, I am a visually impaired Rehab Major, I fight also for the quality of those who are disabled, and hope to see that we are included in this melting pot. Which comes to my next request for the many YouTube videos that have words on the screen, i’m sure not many think of this, but the blind can’t see the words in the videos. Our screen readers for computers can’t do that. Thanks for reading Anonymous. Help fight the true cause, help others understand our country’s debt, why college tuition is high, why people can’t pay back their high amount loans, and along with this College Conspiracy, include how music and tv are brainwashing kids to have kids. Great job on the junk food awareness, America is falling apart. I’d hope the US Dollar is worth something by the time I start working.
ready to rise eyes are wide open
Fist are heavy clenched but heart is hopin
We can finally stand together
Rise I say
Rise In The name of freedom
Rise in the name of humanity
Rise in the name of not being thrown In a fema camp and becoming a sedated slave that silent and has no voice
Let’s rise motherfuckers I’m ready
Many people think that my problem is not so bad but believe me please because they had to remove all my teeth I not only lost my teeth I lost my job and many friends.
I really do not understand why no one sees my pain all is taken from me I have no more dignity you know I will be so happy that I once could eat well. or genteel talk without shame the last fourteen years of my life i just look for a solution it is still very painful to hear that no one wants to help me. I have often cried and now I have no more tears now I keep all my pain and sorrow in my heart I hope that the day comes that I can fill my heart with happiness. it’s nice to have friends around you but since the day I lost my teeth, I also lost a lot of friends a bit of my own fault because I just do not come out. ENGELS
it is terrible that people judge you by your appearance now who I really am no longer counted that makes things even more difficult for me. Therefore, dear people, I ask for a small donation no matter how small that is SHARE my story as much as you can, please give me my smile back SHARE SHARE SHARE PLEAS:-(
So what if I had a concern and would like support???
I am I need a hacker squad to hack people and 55 hackers strong want to join and help the cause can we
I personally think there should be a review board that changes with each case, people picked from random like for jury duty to review the evidence and pass judgment. The fact that the police investigate themselves is a joke. Change won’t come without the mandate of the people and people we far outnumber the police.
I do realize that all of this is me dreaming and due to the mere numbers of the crimes against people and animals by the police would make this impossible. But we as a society can bring about change. The question is when. When will we get tired of the disrespect and brutality displayed on a daily basis by the police? When will those that turn their back on all this injustice turn back around and see life for what it is? I could go on and on with the When’s but you get the idea. We as a society tend to wait until it happens to us before acting but by then it is too late.
There are more than enough atrocity’s being committed right now against our beloved pets and fellow mankind that should have all of our blood boiling. Change will only come when we as a complete society become one and stand up against what has become a world of Police States who truly believe they are above the law. I doubt I will see this change in my lifetime but then I never thought I would see Cannabis legalized in my lifetime either!!! There is HOPE!!!
It never ceases to amaze me how police departments are always saying how they don’t understand why people aren’t more sympathetic when a police officer is injured or killed. Well it is their fault. Social media has exposed their brutality towards people and their pets on a daily basis and with everyone armed with a camera they will continue to be exposed. Their own actions have desensitized people to what happens to them—-and for those who aren’t yet desensitized it is just a matter of time. Police openly break the law without consequences daily as evidenced by all the available video online and they wonder why they are not given any respect. You have to give it to get it.
A policeman used to be someone you could look up to and go to for help but not anymore. Now people tend to take care of themselves rather than call the police due to their lack of trust in the police. I have known some very good policemen in the past but can’t say too much about now. I keep seeing the words “Police State” used to describe people’s respective police department which doesn’t bode to well for policemen. Again you have to give respect to get it…….
I personally think there should be a review board that changes with each case, people picked from random like for jury duty to review the evidence and pass judgment. The fact that the police investigate themselves is a joke. Change won’t come without the mandate of the people and people we far outnumber the police.
I do realize that all of this is me dreaming and due to the mere numbers of the crimes against people and animals by the police would make this impossible. But we as a society can bring about change. The question is when. When will we get tired of the disrespect and brutality displayed on a daily basis by the police? When will those that turn their back on all this injustice turn back around and see life for what it is? I could go on and on with the When’s but you get the idea. We as a society tend to wait until it happens to us before acting but by then it is too late.
There are more than enough atrocity’s being committed right now against our beloved pets and fellow mankind that should have all of our blood boiling. Change will only come when we as a complete society become one and stand up against what has become a world of Police States who truly believe they are above the law. I doubt I will see this change in my lifetime but then I never thought I would see Cannabis legalized in my lifetime either!!! There is HOPE!!!
• Here’s something for the policemen and
politicians to consider before writing their future…
Mr. Policeman, a little food for
thought…for every dog that is or was murdered by a policeman you have left or
will leave behind a trail of children with PTSD, some may not even realize it
for days, weeks, months or even years. You are singled handedly and sub-
consciously removing all trust in law enforcement they may have had and taught
them all about murder. You are not killing a murderer, robber, etc….but instead
you are killing a companion, a friend, someone they love. Don’t be surprised if
one day all of this comes back to haunt you and the only one to blame will be
Every time a child watches a video or
hears of a policeman shooting / killing
or dragging someone’s pet off or talks about a policeman shooting / killing or
dragging someone’s pet off, which with today’s technology will be every minute
of every day, another child will develop PTSD.
This is your legacy for the children of our
future. —- And when a child experiences a traumatic
event, which is what you are providing a lot of, it will often follow them
throughout life. Obviously policeman shooting/killing and dragging dogs off to
their deaths is a practice of brutality that has been going on for some time
and it is only because of today’s technology / social media that it has been
brought out in the open and exposed it
to the masses.
World is watching and speaking …and I hope these policeman stop and think about
the consequences of their actions and change their practices before they create
a society of children with little to no regard for life….they are affecting
their own children as well and are probably not even aware of it. The children
are watching not only the policeman but any and everyone involved including the
politicians allowing this barbaric practice…
when your child or any child asks you why that policeman is killing peoples
dogs/pets/family members….give them the police department, mayor, governor and
anyone else involved phone number and tell them to ask that person….They are
the ones murdering these dogs/pets/family members let them explain it to the
children they are affecting…..
Continue taking pictures and videos for
posting so the world can see. Also provide a list of Names with email
addresses physical addresses and
phone numbers to Police
department heads, government
offices and anyone else you can think
of, so people of the world can have a
medium to voice their opinions/feelings on what is being done there and so they can SHARE…SHARE…SHARE… These agencies need to
be and will be bombarded with calls,
emails and letters
from around the world… then maybe they will rethink what they are
planning to do….who knows maybe and
Hopefully “ANONYMOUS” will pick up on this and assist in our
fight. Their motto is “JUSTICE IS COMING’… just
ask the police dept. in Hawthorne California..
. …..your actions serve only to further
desensitize the minds of the people and our children regarding law
Get any and every bit of information you can about that
cop to include pictures of him, place of employment with phone numbers and
email addresses and anything significant. Then post it and
SHARE—-SHARE—-SHARE for the World to
see. This will also give the world a venue to respond and voice their opinion
on that cops murderous action. No one likes their dirty laundry exposed,
especially to the world
I really appreciate and admire your and i want To be a part of Anonymous
How can I register myself to anonymous???
Calm before the storm. The clouds are rolling in.
Il help big fan of the corze get in touch
i am not a hacker
But i would like to help
Let me now how
Theres some people out there who treat our planet like their playground and us like their toys. Its time to put our differences aside and join in together around the globe as human beings. Thats the one thing that unites every single one of us. They are killing us and destroying our planet.
I also want to be part of the voice of change to guide people on the right path. I don’t care about the repercussions because I know that what I’m doing is right
This was a great article! I am behind the movement, and actually multiple movements that are gaining steam around the world! I am excited to see so many people agreeing and willing to be done with the current starilizing and ridiculously retarded paradigm that is our current systems, institutions and values.
We should all take initiative and educate ourselves AS MuCH as possible! Take a look and get involved not only with Anonymous, but also your own betterment, and also another amazing and correct and visionary movement: The Zeitgeist Movement! Study up boys and girls, brothers and sisters of the earth, for we can and will change this world! As long as YOU and WE believe in the cause, there will be a revolution on a global scale never seen before, and we will live in a peaceful society for the betterment of all, truly with love at our core, once and for all!
I want to be part of Anonymous my friends never believe that Anonymous can change the world. I am not a hacker but I do know some people. And I always love to help change this world.
Dear Anonymous,
My name is Andie Dauntless and I would like to say thank for everything you’ve done to guide us to show that the people have the power to help change this world and I would also like to thank you for making me a much more stronger person, someday I would like to reunite with you again in a protest or a meeting or possibly anywhere that has to do with meeting you after your appearance into my life, 6 years ago . I’m not scared of you and as a heroic senshi, I shall join you .
I know there would be some people saying that “I am too young to join the Anonymous.” or “I don’t think you have the strength to handle their problems and their real-life nightmares.” What you probably don’t know is that I to, have went through the suffering of taking a stand against something that is not right at a young age, but let’s not talk too much about it now.
Again, thank you for everything you’ve done for us and to me, everyone of your supporters and I couldn’t even imagine life without you . You are the most important and best thing that’s ever happened to me . My childhood masked friends, I will never forget you .
-Andie Dauntless
Thanks for championing the cause of the disenfranchised. If it is not 2 much 2 ask pretty please expose Jacob’s Zuma’s corruption 2 get him out of office ASAP. Thank you in advance
Im in
Full Respect$help$supportt for the only LEGION that make waves in Illum.,.,and kicking their asses in the sky,soon will join with my friends onto the war,so here is dns lns pi reverse,,,.
I’m in, I want to help, I’m in Charlotte, nc. What cab I do?
Expect us Gnosticism masonism sinning for redemption will only open the gates to hell. America will be judged by its citizens we hold the authority US humans.
Yet we have stood and allowed the corporate machine to take over our public schools. If parents do not wake up to the truth behind Common Core we will no longer be the country known for creativity and innovation. We will have nothing but followers who cannot think for themselves.
Greetings fellow Anons. I would like to say that it is nice to know that there are people who actually care and think the way I do about today’s society. I’m sick of driving down the street worried if a cop is going to pull me over for no reason just so he/she can meet his/her quota. I’m tired of trying to get into a school that won’t take me because I’m not rich (Including community college). I’m sick of all the internal corruption within our government. There’s a song called “Age of Ignorance” that really made me think about how everything has turned out and then turned me to you. In it they say “They murdered there own to start an endless war, sat back and relaxed as the buildings burned, this is the age of ignorance it is a sickness that brings us to the end, they poisoned our food to keep their margins high and as they count their money the starving die, this is the age of ignorance, it is a sickness that brings us to the end”. “They can cure this cancer in the simplest ways, but the longer we’re sick the more the doctors get paid. that song REALLY spoke to me and made me think. I appreciate every single one of you. I may not be a Hacktivist, but I can make a stand! It’s time for everyone to see how things are being truly run behind the scenes. NOTHING is what it appears. STAND UP fellow Anons! it’s time to take stance and show the so called “authority” figures what we got. Show them that we aren’t weak or defenseless. We can make that change. The future is what WE make it, no one else!
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!
It’s time to stand up for what we believe in, no more corruption, no more oppression.
I believe the public should have the say in what happens, not a bunch of people sitting around a table, that are oblivious to what is going on! It’s time to make a change!
Well i don’t know about you assholes but the world is fine the way it is and if that is what you call being a tyrant then so be it and all you poor motherfuckers who complain, get a real job.
dude,if u dont want change dont open obvious sites that’ll piss you off,take all your money ,since you must be loaded,shove it up your ass because its fuckin stupid when speaking, its interlopers who get in real progress way I.E. you ,that give the world setbacks ,dont like this site? your Talkin to my peeps all wrong , i pray christopher walken stabs you in the eye with a soldering iron.lol
And go on sensor my comment and you are no better than those you despise.
dont tell me, you’re a cop? i can smell you!
Your sincerity is drawing the attention of the best among mankind, I have been pleading the first since I was taught to question authority at my papaw’s knee. Thank everyone who lifts a finger to do the next right thing. No good deed is truly wasted, it leaves an echo the darkness can’t hide.
Im 16. Still in highschool but old enough to understand and see what is wrong with this and what is right and wrong about this world. And theres a lot or wrong. I beleive in what you guys are promoting and Ill do what I can do to help. Im only 16 and if I can see what is wrong with this world and some of those so called “adults” cant then what can I expect from my future? Im fighting for us teenagers and feel free to ask me for help. No one will expect a teen doing it.
Here’s a must read for all real revolutionaries, check it out: http://www.alkuajatus.org/english/kirja01.html
openminded for your service just msg
how to help. stop asking for help and waiting for some guru to save/help you. make a move and educate yourself and others on everything around you..it’s all part of life, question everything..even your religion/god you’ve been brought up to believe. I believe that’s our problem these days..we want someone to show us the way or to save us. great motivating article btw.
email me, i want to be a part of this.
I realy like u guys. Im young, but when u guys want a help in hungary, maybe i can help. I want fight, but im too weak alone, only with 2 people. Thanks when u guys read this.
Why is TIX.COM embedded in your picture for this article?
so weird, I created a meme yesterday and circulated it in my south african chapter of anonymous and the zeithgeist movement with just that movement.
Good on you!
I am waiting for next target ..
I am with you on many issues and want to help. Donations, newsletters and items for sale, like hats or shirts?
I can’t do much because of disabilities and a fixed income but I share like crazy and speak up without backing down. Way too many people are either scared of the truth or just don’t care. As long as there is a breath of life in my body I will fight to get the truth out! Even when I am chatting with Kool Aid zombified sheeple I don’t back down and never will. Like my mom used to tell me “I’m going to never gets anything done”
I see your willingness to support Anonymous in your words, however Anon has laid out the instructions through their website and social media.
Do not ask how you can help when the answer is right before your very eye’s.
Read their publications, then read them again, ask yourself if you have what it takes to become an (H)activist. Do you understand the words? The risks, that are involved?
Anon does not seek glory or fame, only Justice. Sometimes the silent hero is the one you won’t make eye contact with on the subway, the bus or internet cafe.
You don’t necessarily have to be a hacker, there are many ways you can help.
Again, read the words, let them sink in and become aware of what it really means to be Anonymous…
Have a blessed day.
Hey i’ve never hacked anything before in my life but my EYE is open i know the truth, the true intentions of the governments of the world and what’s really going on, i’ve tried to help people see and understand but it’s tough, if there is anything i can help with at all, let me know, i’m good at photography if that’s helpful towards anything.
Amazing post. I’m a translator for Romanian-Hungarian-English and German languages. I offer to help you in any way I can as a translator, hoping to make your message understood by more people across the globe. Please, feel free to ask me, if there is any way I can help the movement!
Your admirer
I want to join. Yet I see no pinoys here. But I want to join.
If I need to learn the art of hacking. I will
United we can take back whats ours. Take our freedom this planet is ours and we should stop the killing of the millions of brothers and sisters .we should help eachother and live our short lives happy and not the way we live each day …. …. Many have lost their humanity children lose their childhood even their life because they dont have food they dont have anything while other heartless humans have no worries and have much to spare but do not care about the life of others. I feel ashame of my raice we re supposedly a superior especies yet we act like savages who do not have a brain to know right from wrong…. I do not want to die knowing my planet my people are left behind in a horrible world where many suffer and no body will lend a hand.
#weareone, the mission, the ideas are likened to mind and heart’s. Destruction of our planet,our peace within we are are entitled to, the good so many are metaphorically seeking… Look, it is there. Stay strong, don’t follow but be a leader. Evoke awesomesomness don’t look for it. Create the good,support those in need emotionally needing to grow and Share their uniqueness. Seek to make a difference in our world to not become part of the system but a forerunner in our New Thought Processes. I’m in a small town in Missouri and am miserable. I’m taking it upon myself to change this situation VIA ANON, it appears we need some awesome ANONSs to pull together to make an impact in this part of the our world and mission. Life mind,anon intentions, want to do good to be part of solutions and not the problems we will gather in thought,in person, in our world to make a difference. Disobey in a good way , we want, legion…. The way our world intends…. Not the traditional system. Use your heart, your thoughts, your intelligence..then come forth and reach out. BEWARE of NON-ANONS… There are fakes. Not to scare you but as in all and any aspect of life we must protect each others good intentions.
Anonymous In NortheAst Missouri #WEAREONE We will Not Forget.
dont fucking put horn on the mask …its already fucking lame that religious people talk about the ”legion” word.
This is amazing. I been screaming this for years now, but end up being looked at by sheep , as if I am a freak. I want to help wake them up. And will keep trying. The battle is too important. Keep up the good work. Death to tyranny! Freedom for all
I support! Let’s spread knowledge and wisdom. Change starts in your head. Now take it to the streets and Internet!