The retirement celebration of a Bureau of Land Management employee has made it online to display how the company land-grabbed with little guilt for those they ripped off. “We went out to the mine and the owners were two little guys that had been in the Second World War,” one recollection is announced on the clip as a speech during the retirement celebration. “We did get it appraised and we did acquire it for $2.5 million, which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it,” the employee freely and proudly admits.
The land in question was valued at US$40 million. The company had scrambled to find close to the amount to try and acquire it. But in the clip, the employee admits the difficulty of trying to confuse a person into selling because of the agency’s reputation to underpay.
“’Lands’ isn’t always supported because we’re the ‘bad guys.’ We come in, and we take this land, and we always take it for less than it’s worth.”
Further into the celebration more employees reveal the company ethos. Another park service employee proudly reveals the acquisition of land under the “queen’s regime” totaled 111,550.54 acres. He then moves on to display figures about Lassen Volcanic National Park: 5.66 and 106,375.36.
“If you own those 5.66 acres, would you be sweating right now?” he jests about the privately owned land in the area.
From land-grabbing from World War II veterans the speeches go on to more admissions and rounds of applause. The deplorable admissions display the real nature of “federal land preservation” as nothing more than a greedy land grab by those higher in power.
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