The process of replacing poor population of a particular area with rich population, and reorienting the whole area along the lines of the rich is known as gentrification.
Gentrification is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of poor communities by rich outsiders, bringing increased suffering and destitution to the poor due to the ability of the rich to afford high cost of living while the poor cannot.
As cities around the world continue to grow, especially in emerging economies and developing countries, gentrification has become a major problem for the poor in these countries. Expensive shopping malls, expensive apartments and five-star hotels are driving the poor away from where they are supposed to stay.
On the Plaid Zebra, the author Rob Hoffman, and the photographer, Fredrik Lerneryd explored a classical example of how gentrification has pushed the poor out of the residence in an emerging economy of the Republic of South Africa.
In the country’s biggest city of Johannesburg, Lerneryd photographed some appalling pictures of some residents who used to live in a neighborhood known as Carr Street, before they were forcefully evicted from the area for it to be developed into an expensive area for the rich.
According to Lerneryd who spent some time with these former residents of Carr Street, documenting their story, in 2008, a local court granted the city authorities to eject the residents living in the area in order for the area to be developed for the FIFA World Cup. In 2010, South Africa was awarded to host the FIFA World Cup. And by hosting the rest of the world, the country needed to improve on its physical infrastructure. Even before the country was awarded to host the football competition, the city of Johannesburg is said to have invested to a fast-track gentrification for what it called an inner City Regeneration Strategy.
It is said majority of the then Carr Street residents come from war-torn nations, most notably Zimbabwe, where political crisis erupted in 2008 resulting in mass state-sponsored violence and human rights violations. They fled to South Africa to seek a better life, and without papers, most ended up living in underdeveloped areas in cities of the country.
Therefore, in 2009, the local police department granted permission to a private security team, Red Ants to embark on a demolishing exercise in Carr Street. The poor residents watched as their homes were demolished. The Red Ants team is said to be very brutal when forcing residents out of their homes. Residents lost many of their belongings. In the end, city authorities could only compensate them by giving them a dilapidated building located at Noord Street to be used as provisional shelter.
It is even said the residents got this building thanks to the court who granted the demolishing exercise. The judge ruled that the building should accommodate the residents for 12 months. The judge also said residents were expected to participate in the City’s job skills programme, find employment and a suitable place to live. The court also ordered the property developer of Carr Street to provide some money for the displaced residents to take care of cost of accommodations and to implement the job skills programme that they desperately needed.
But sadly, the money never came. For almost six years now, the former Carr Street residents are still occupying the dilapidated building they were given as temporal shelter. It has now become their permanent place.
Currently, it is said the building is home to about 400 residents. The building is four stories of make-shift rooms separated by hanging cloth, and a basement prone to flooding and mold. There are only five cold showers available in the building for the entire 400 people. Toilet facilities are nonexistence.
Majority of people living in the building are unemployed. And they have resorted to smoking and drinking. The fortunate ones have found some menial jobs. Women and children are most affected. It is becoming difficult for them to survive.
“They don’t have any papers or anything, so it’s hard for them to get work. Some of them work under the table, cleaning taxis. One lady in the building is selling cigarettes, beer and food, so she gets cash. But most people, I would say 80%, are unemployed. It’s hard for the kids”, Lerneryd said.
Some human rights lawyers in the past have tried to use the law court to compel city authorities to solve the plight of these unfortunate people. But it is said city authorities have deliberately violated various orders by the court to improve the lives of the former Carr Street residents.
But as these poor people continue to suffer; their former residence is now for the affluent. Currently, the latest houses for sale at the Carr Street area range from R 700,000 ($44, 647)-R 4,500,000 ($287, 0172). This indeed is a classical case of the dark side of gentrification. And before the problem can be solved, leaders will have to demonstrate strong commitment to ensuring that the vulnerable in our societies are protected.
There is nothing wrong with us trying to improve our cities, but it is absolutely wrong if the new improvement will condemn certain class of people into perpetual poverty and destitution while the few benefit. That is not right. That is bad.
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Not once do you mention how white people are fucked over. We are the only country in human history to have legislation actively oppressing the minority population. Sometimes we don’t even have power to cook a meal in our homes because of mismanagement of Eskom. They have announced that they are retrenching 2000+ qualified white engineers just because they feel 30% white people are to much white involvement in Eskom. You guys need to wake the fuck up. We are the rape, murder and assault capital of the world. 100 000 people died in the anglo boer war, 330 000+ have died since ANC rule. Its more dangerous being a white farmer in SA than a soldier in Iraq. But still the focus is on the poor blacks. White people are being tortured, burnt with irons, raped with broken bottles and genitalia mutilated but this is the news? Come to SA will you. There are people living in R300 mil houses that cant count.. (Jacob Zuma) I feel for every one and this is indeed the government not giving a shit about its people but this news is part of the problem. This news is not helping any one, just shifting focus from the real problem. You have become part of the propaganda machine. sigh..
I agree, I have also commented a previous time asking them to please expose a false non racial government who is murdering white farmers and robbing the country of everything! These “poor refugees” left their countries also due to their government fucking up their countries and then come and live of what they can take here. While they steel, rape and murder all the white people who has worked damn hard to try and safe this country of what is left after the government “president Zuma” is stealing all our money, that what is suppouse to be used to better this country. Instead we have white farmers and may I add who is realy the only farmers who wants to work, being brutaly murdered. Farmers all are leaving their farms cause of fear wich causes the country to go poorer, cause there are not enough food, everything becomes more expensive which inturn causes more poor people, doesnt that sound familiar?? Have we not seen this in all the African countries and see what is left of them??? White people cant get jobs and end up living in shacks, while the DA has proved over and over that black people has reached the 50% black and white people in jobs. Educated young people leave the country, then people are placed in positions who are not competant just as long as they are black.. have a look at the president, he doesnt even have a qualification, he has a standard 3???? WTF??? The sad part is that white people still have to do the hard work in all companies and everywhere cause black people believe they only have to show a qualification or be a family friend that gives them the right to inherent a high position and do absolutely fuckol!!! They deligate to all the white people who are highly qualified and competant in shitty positions to do all the work while they shop and use tax money to go overseas and do fuckol! The ministers in some provinces are stealing manisupalities money so they cant maintain anything, and everything is breaking and are being fucked up by “poor refugees” if these “poor refugees” had integrity, had remorse and love and care in them I would feel sorry for them, but they dont!!! They rape children, assault woman, cut of elderly peoples limbs, smeer blood on their house’s walls. Even black people in south africa admits that black people dont even care about their own race they will just take what ever they can. Our government allow these refugees to enter SA so they can wipe out white people, cause if the government whould have cared they would have done something by now. You will never here on our news about the thousands of white farmers being brutaly murdered, but is headline news if a white lady said that all our beaches were fucked up on new years eve by black people behaving like monkeys!!!! Have a look at what our beaches look like, their children drown because they are drunk on the beaches. The coloured and white people have to clean up after them the next day.. this is headline news, this woman will be prosecuted, but what about brutal murders of innocent children, husbands wifes and old people????? I have always enjoyed reading up what Anounamys brought to our attention, but you have most definitely lost my vote of confidance, I will never believe anything you put up on this site again. You have just proven to me, that you support “poor refugees” who brutally murder, rape, assault, steal, destroy everything and anything!!!! I am disgusted to say the least!!!!!!
Have a look at that, thats the TIP of the iceberg.
For an inititiative that claims to be open source information… mmm… so sad that not even the internet knows what is really going on in South Africa. Yes, I agree. Come to South Africa so you can see with your own eyes.
Anonymous actually gave me hope at first…
Very sad now. You need to dig WAY deeper for the truth about this country before you voice a rather biased opinion. You stand for the truth right? Ask yourself why the world needed to turn the white man in South Africa into the enemy. Then you really need to look at what our current politicians are up to and you need to look at the global economic interests into our land. Its not that hard to see. Your perspective will however have a lot to do with which side of the fence you are on. Yes sure refugees. they are all over the world and are treated badly all over the world. But dont you dare try and blame the white man in South Africa for this bullshit too. Shame on you. I hoped for you to be more intelligent
I see a Civil/Race War on the horizon in South Africa. The bad economy is just making the tensions even higher. Here they show only black people suffering. White people are suffering equally. It is such a shame that Anonymous is also controlled by the media. The blood of South African citizens will be on the hands of all who did not hear our pleads for help. Curse you all.
I am a regular white South African. I do not own millions of dollars worth op property or own a company. I am just a regular person with a 9 to 5 job, who barely makes a living, even though I have an above average job with a degree. I do not have any ownership of property what so every and probably never will have, due to our imminent economical collapse. You know what happened with Zimbabwe, well South Africa is heading that same direction very quickly. No one feels safe and the people do not trust the Police, because the Police are either working hand in hand with the criminals, losing evidence for those who bribe them, they will arrest you for no reason, they break the law themselves and some of them even have criminal records.
If Anonymous do not help, I fear we will be at war soon. I will also never forgive you if that does happen.