Brighton, England — In a report by Ben Leo of The Argus, a local newspaper based in Brighton and Hove in East Sussex, a disabled man was threatened arrest after handing out sandwiches, soup, and socks to the homeless.
Steven Sayer, 51, also known as ‘Meals on Wheels,’ has been helping the homeless ‘every Monday for three years.’ After complying when told to leave, he claims an officer demanded his information, then grabbed him by the arm and turned off his disability scooter after Sayer refused to share his personal details.
In a statement from Sayer:
“The police said there was a Section 35 order in the road because of drunken behavior, so they asked me and the rough sleepers to leave.
I told the homeless chaps they’d better move on and we started to leave. But as we left, an officer ran up to me demanding my details. I told him I’d done nothing wrong and wasn’t giving my name.
I went to leave, but the officer grabbed me by my arm and switched my scooter off. He said he would arrest me for aiding and abetting antisocial behavior if I didn’t hand my details over.”
Sayer adds, “The officer came back over and said ‘right, my inspector said he’s giving you permission to go this one time but if you come here again you’ll be arrested.’
I’m disabled with ME, prolapsed discs and osteo-arthritis, and now I’m banned from New Road for handing out sandwiches to the homeless.”
According to Sussex Police, a Section 35 order gives an officer the power to make people leave an area for up to 48 hours if there has been ‘ongoing antisocial behavior’.
In a statement from Inspector Brian McCarthy, who claims Sussex police have received 67 calls of anti-social behavior on this particular road:
“Obviously the good work done by charities in Brighton and Hove, particularly in the run up to the festive season, is extremely worthy. However, we work with a number of charities and organizations which work with homeless and vulnerable people in the city in appropriate ways and places.”
In another case, police claim a 35-year-old man was arrested for using threatening and abusive words. Sayer says the man was not a part of his group.
Leo, Ben. The Argus. Dec 18, 2014. (http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/11675213.Disabled_man_threatened_with_arrest_after_handing_out_food_to_the_homeless_in_Brighton/?utm_content=buffer70cec&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
This ia appalling : the police have clearly committed assault, false arrest and anti-social behaviour amongst other crimes. I hope they will face discilinary and criminal charges. Though somehow I doubt it. They are a law unto themselves.
What’s wrong with giving what you rightfully own to someone less fortunate and in need? Giving things to anyone other than a homeless person wouldn’t raise such a ruckus.
The police have been doing this shit here in the US also. What a shame
ANOTHER POLICE BRUTALITY.the cop should retrained in how to deal with the public.