The greatest real Superheroes of our time, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, KimDotcom and Glenn Greenwald discussing together about online freedom, censorship, freedom of speech, NSA and much more. Scroll down to watch the full video below:
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Didn’t bother watching the video a Julian Assange can never convince me he is anything but an egoist with nothing important to say. The other three are good people on a good mission but Assange has previously put peoples lives in jeopardy in the name of freedom of speech. This places him in one of two categories. He is so egotistical that getting his name published is more important than other peoples lives to him or he is a sociopath who feels nothing for those who may be harmed for his actions. Either way, as a former member of the Canadian Military, if I ever meet him he will never get a chance to do that kind of harm again.
kidding right, the fucking US sent troops to war, they put them in the situation not Edward, he had made the gov accountable for being such a blood thirsty war machine, fuck the system, tear down the walls. your leaders send the weak to war, the yes men troops that murder for money.
killing it Snowden.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Julian would beat you
Kill self
Are you kidding? It was not Julian who put lives at risk, it was the people oppressing other who did. It is people like you who give governments the courage to keep trying to prosecute people for DOING THE RIGHT THING. All of them are my heroes and I hope we get more modern day heroes that help keep the freedoms our veterans fought and died for……………… Well done fellas keep up the great fight of keeping us free 🙂
Cameron, as a former member of the military, you are (perhaps unwittingly) part of the problem. If no-one signed up for military duty, politicians would have to fight the wars they create and there would be, consequently, no wars. The argument that military is required for defence is nonsense, since most of the aggression around the world is perpetrated by those who claim to be defending us. The rest of the aggression is perpetrated by those fighting against the primary aggressors.
Get lost you egotistical man
Cameron, with great respect, I have to say that your former membership of the military makes you part of the problem the world is afflicted with. It is because people are willing to join the armed forces that governments can go to war. If no-one would join the military, politicians would have to fight among themselves, and this would mean no wars. I can already anticipate the assertion that the military is needed for defence but, if the was no military, who would need to be defended. If this argument had any credence, then it should be argued that every citizen of every country in the world should be issued with a gun for defence purposes. Clearly, this is nonsense, but the same logic can be applied to nations and, I hope, one day will be. In the meantime, the American military/industrial complex organises wars for its own benefit, and has done ever since the end of WW2.
well goodbye don key security system cheers dudes
nao falo seu idioma.
@cameron Why is freedom of speach not worth dying for?
They all came together in New Zealand to show evidence of the government spying on citizens but failed miserably. Dot coms party failed meteorically in the elections and quite frankly we are sick of him and his claims. Evidence is evidence, a recording, documents anything would have been nice.
I am a liberal and want transparency but don’t want crooks using liberal & social values to justify their behaviour which gets supporting by the mass . He cheated the system & made political payment to get himself here- where’s the transparency in that.
The “Moment of Truth” did nothing to change the minds of Kiwi Voters, and yet he spent millions of dollars on the election but still he did not get into parliament.
But Kim Dotcom did have ridiculous road signs like “Vote for Hoverboards” all over New Zealand.
In my opinion his campaign lacked professionalism, and influence.
Also the idea of kill the PM didn’t appeal to the New Zealand public.