Probably, it is the most insane music video you’ve seen in a long time. Eminem, Ice Cube and Korn are teaming up against the corporatist totalitarism, meaning against the greedy bastards of financial world, who are also the targets of the occupy movement and against police brutality, police state and totalitarian governments who are, once, supposed to be the leaders of freedom and democracy.
Check out the video below, and keep in mind the Worldwide Wave of Action begins on April 4 at “former occupation sites around the world.”
Love it. Thank you Anons
April 4th is to far away!Need to attack consumerist holidays black Friday or this means nothing to anyone!
g20 is in Brisbane Australia in just a few weeks and we’re waiting for April?
Anonymous editors please change the title. It is misleading.
April 4 is my 30th bday! Id love to spend it with yall in my city!
My 30th bday is April 4th! I’ll be there!
Are they really teaming up for this cause? Or did you hastily edit together their music videos with random clips? I believe in this cause which is why it sucks so much to watch this site continually flush it’s credibility with posts about “Ebola zombies” and now this garbage. Shape up, get organized, and get things done.
What he said
This is headache material, nothing is good about this… some kid went mad on a music editor and cut and pasted some crap together with no sense at all….
Worst thing ever, congrats.
Hey ANON! Im in Toronto awaiting the Nov. 4th march! Please confirm a contact to be reached and we will sell some masks at the event to fund the cyber war! I will invest money for the intial purchase and all proceeds will go towards the battle vs. capitalism and Tyranny that you ose such a threat towards! Peace and LOvE BroTHers and SiSTers!
I think Anonymous has jumped the shark
The html/css of this page is so rekt that lynx wont even display it properly. WTF guys?
The source code looks fine to me maybe create a screenshot and comment the link below.
from Portugal I tell you people…. either we stand up, pick up guns, and start spraying some politicians blood,or we’re doomed…. they talk and talk and talk, but they do nothing!!!! I don’t know how life’s in America…. but in Portugal… 500€ minimum monthly salary (in order words, the vast majority of people is earning this salary….) 23% tax in every purchase… people starving…. but millionaires are rising…. bank owners bankrupting banks and enterprises and getting away with it…. and the people must pay for all of this… without complaining… nowadays you work to pay…. not to survive anymore…. please help us!!!!! show us what to do!!! but we must be pro-active!!!!! we won’t change at all if we continue talking and complaining only…. we must re earn respect!!!!! we are the people… we are the nation…. WE ARE MANKIND!!!!! not money, or a bunch of clever fellows that only know to rip us off!!!
Violence is the easy part! We just all need to figure out what happens after that. We cannot go from chaos to more chaos. We need leadership that will benefit us.
Violence is a last resort.
In my opinion we need to take away their power by technology.
“Free” energy devices (look up Mr Tesla) alone will almost completely annihilate their financial, geopolitical and military stranglehold on the world and that’s just ONE technology 🙂
As I said, violence is a last resort. These fuckers have been around for thousands of years and their empires have crumbled time after time. Only this time we are fucked cus of nukes & surveillance state BUT we have the Internet which is the single most powerful tool in existence (distrib. of info),
Stop using corporate tricks to further your cause. It makes you the same as them. Eminem ice cube and korn haven’t endorsed this, so don’t lie and say they have in the title just to grab attention. I thought this cause was all about change? Not just a change of hands
As if this was really anonymous
Stop believing everything people tell you
I had such high expectations for this video, theres a thousand messages left out, theres so much missing.. we need to be the ones on the frontline, feeding he flames and being the change. We can do better anon
this is from February….
I’m in group anonymous an i think they are doing the rite thing people always called me slim shady cuz of my rap lyrics lol i want in brothers #anonymous lets do this yall fuck the government fuck the Illuminati fuck em all lets do it let me be in yall I want to join the war
Email me privately to tell me what we are all going to do ok an tell me where
We need to cut down the most center of all the corruptions!ASAP!
before it’s too late for the next generations
Where freedom’s lost
Who all is in or around What Cheer IA if so email me @ [*]
[* moderated: No contact information are allowed]
Yo guys, listen, there is going to be a rally on April 4th, 2014. This is going to be huge.
Seriously though, old ass video, posted on Feb 15, 2014.
Do you mean April 4 2015?
wish them all the luck possible. we need something to turn.
they are part of the problem,and are scared to speak up about crooked police and judges ! so now they try to straddle the fence
they won’t say nothing bad about crooked police and judges
False headline, not just misleading. The artists mentioned could sue for misrepresentation. (In other news: Beyonce bitchslaps Obama during filming of WalMart commercial” — see what I did there?)
Do you want to become very rich, famous or powerful in life,Join the Illuminati and have all your heart desires come through , Fast cars , Spot Lights , Money , Influence and power . Earn $250000 monthly for becoming a member and $1000000 to do anything you want . If you have the interest, then contact: [*]
[* Moderated: No contact info is allowed]
Your comment was approved for the bare reason of watching you get berried, Enjoy it!
I’m an amateur producer myself, but even i know not to make the mistakes in time keeping that this mix had… Come on, if you want to keep the ball rolling, you gotta polish the path where the stone will slide.
The songs were calibrated together. Yes! It’s the message of the songs. Wake up! Pull yer heads out of yer ass. Realize it’s happening.
woww this is cool!!!!!!!!!!! PULL YOUR SWORDS LIGHTWORKERS!! Time to Illuminati the Illuminati !
Are you serious, this guy is Illuminati and Anonymous are actually taking his shit that he’s against all these world leaders, these illuminati producers and other occult members are the ones who pay him. I thought Anonymous was against the Illuminati not supporting it! ._.
His actions will define him, we have good faith on everyone until…
Illuminati doesn’t exist. Illuminati is just a figment of peoples imagination. Here’s a question for you, who told you about the Illuminati? Did someone tell you? Did you see it in YouTube videos? Did you read it off Google? Most people always believe everything what other people say, why not go search and find the true answers yourself instead of saying “he’s illuminati” because what you hear from people. Educate yourself and look at the facts not what you hear from people. You’re blinded from the truth
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AnonNatioN I’m not sure what that means , add some content next time.
Good day
I live in Cape Town,South Africa and I’m very interested in joining your group. Ive been following your videos, posts and breakthrough investigations. Although,I’m constantly doing investigations my self nto the NWO, illuminati and much further into this biblical rabbit hole. I am well aware as to how deep this goes,and its far more than just freedom and liberties! But… is there anything that I could do to be more contributive other than just from behind the screen of a cellphone or PC?
He tried to write Fuck M & M. Prob with some punter from 1998. Also doubt these three would get together to promote revolution. I know john Davis talks out against illuminati and Eminem seems to be for and against. But who knows. Anon could be controlled opposition these days. But in truth anon can’t be controlled opposition..seeing it’s Assn idea. With groups surrounding the idea, if you see anon going against this basic idea you know some thing is up.
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Magicians Trump Clowns. #Respect! THANK YOU! ♥️
~Nic~ // Notorious Trump @Anonymous Notables