Florida Teen Changes Teacher’s Desktop, Slapped With Felony


The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office has charged Domanik Green, 14, an eighth-grader at Paul R. Smith Middle School, with an offense against a computer system and unauthorized access. Sheriff Chris Nocco, said that Green hacked into his school’s secure computer network on March 31, using an administrative-level password without permission. He then changed the background image on a teacher’s computer to one showing two men kissing. For that, Green was arrested and is slapped with a felony.

One of the computers Green accessed also had encrypted 2014 FCAT questions stored on it, though the sheriff and Pasco County School District officials said Green did not view or tamper with those files – Green was just trying to play a prank on a teacher he didn’t like by putting inappropriate pictures onto his computer to annoy him.

“Even though some might say this is just a teenage prank, who knows what this teenager might have done”, an unconvinced Nocco said, adding, “If information comes back to us and we get evidence (that other kids have done it), they’re going to face the same consequences”.

Green was suspended from school for 10 days, after which he was released from Land O’Lakes Detention Center into the custody of his mother. His mother believes since Green didn’t access the test files or change grades, it proves he doesn’t deserve a felony charge for the offense. He’ll likely be granted pre-trial intervention by a judge, sheriff’s detective Anthony Bossone said.

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  1. that’s fucking dumb.. i don’t agree with what he did and i am not saying he should be encouraged, but WTF.. he should get a talk and be told how to use his knowledge for good, even bill gates hacked his school system to put himself with mostly girls class, now imagine him getting charged and scared for life from touch a computer, that’s so stupid. every computer geek started with similar stuff to test his abilities. that’s so fucking stupid.

  2. Could you explain to me why a picture of two men kissing could be considered inappropriate. I’m sorry that kinda pissed me off.

    • I was thinking the same thing. Like it would be inappropriate if a man and a woman kissed.
      Nobody Mentions anything about the schools security. Did he really hack the system or do they use abd123 as passwords? MEH

  3. I got threatened with felony charges when I was in high school for sending net send messages. They told me they would drop the charges if I helped prevent it from happening again. It’s called a prank people need to calm down.

    • LOL, we used to do that back in the 90’s.. and use spreadsheet macro’s to open up programs to bluescreen people.. I’ll never forget blue screening some kid doing his presentation on the projector and the teacher crying out “THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE, WE ARE BEING TARGETED FROM THE INTERNET!”

      We were doin it for the lulz before the lulz was a thing. :p

  4. If i was gonna hack my school it would to delete everything I did on the web because they keep us transparent like the government ! They can hack our Gmail accounts and Facebook and invade our privacy ! Myself love the work but kept transparent to the school is against my rights I don’t give a 99% to the people that do what the government does ! They Will Expect A DDoS Attack And They Will Expect Our Legion !

  5. The kid did a prank gets jailed
    But in America you can shoot people who break into your house, but pulling a prank HighSchool is sooooo serious. What the fuck is wrong with fucking USA get your shit together USA…

  6. I don’t see what’s innapropiate at a picture of two men kissing? Wouldn’t it be the same with one man and one woman? Why don’t you say: two persons. And why is that innapropiate? It’s not a picture of *two persons* having sex.


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