France is running into their 12th night of “Nuits Debouts,” or “Rise Up at Night” movement to protest against authorities, as I write this article. It is essentially France’s own occupy movement, with the people tired of unfair labor reforms, which seek to give companies more power to fire people, amidst the high tensions that the Paris terror attacks brought about.
A source in Central France, at the beginning of the movement, spoke of the hefty numbers of people beginning to protest across the country, arm in arm with their fellow neighbors. The police numbers were increased to combat the situation, which has sometimes turned ugly.
France’s #nuitdebout movement shows no signs of stopping after 11 nights of protests. pic.twitter.com/kXkcmDMc3k
— The Local France (@TheLocalFrance) April 11, 2016
But for the most part, gatherings have occurred peacefully at the Place de la Republique, where they sing, drink beer, but also air their grievances since March 31st.
Though it has been the labour reforms threatening workers’ rights that gave rise to the initial protests, the French have suffered multiple assaults against their freedoms since 2015. It was only recently that President Hollande stepped down from his call, to write a permanent state of emergency into the French constitution, which would have given sweeping powers to the police and military, alike. At the same time, he also attempted to pass through a legislation to deport any French National suspected of doing wrong.
Intervention de Samuel Churin place dela République droit au chômage #NuitDebout #NuitDeboutLyon #NuitDeboutPartout— LK (@LeTimiotata) April 10, 2016
Now it seems France’s Occupy Movement is only gaining momentum as citizens try to find answers against Islamophobia, poverty, health, education and workers’ rights – in the middle of keeping their liberty, equality and fraternity.
However, some say it will die out without political demands, others remain disciplined with daily assemblies and the handling of the themes.
Nachts tut sich etwas Neues auf Frankreichs Plätzen: die “Nuits Debout” https://t.co/wCYA5SMDko @ARTEde pic.twitter.com/Lbcx5Fl6y9
— ARTE Journal (@ARTEjournal) April 11, 2016
But the 25 percent unemployed, mostly young adults disagree. Crowds into the thousands are standing in protest every night, dismissive of the government who want the band broken apart. However, riot police have been deployed this weekend, with several hundred people the target of tear gas.
This article (The French take a Stand with Nightly Protests: A New Occupy Movement Looms) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
Somewhat hidden article about this in Sweden, http://www.aftonbladet.se/senastenytt/ttnyheter/utrikes/article22544249.ab
No front page news at all.. :/
The sad truth is that most French people still think cannabis kills brain cells. Forget a billion Euro market a year in cannabis for France that could turn their economy around in a matter of months. French cannabis prohibition is the most stringent in Europe and the fact is most french agree with it. How can anyone take their protests seriously while they stick their heads in the sand??
Stop reading politicians b***** and spreading it, I m French and everybody I know from 20 to 60 years old know the truth about cannabis and want it legalized. ( even people who dont smoke it )
France is not a Democratie anymore, politicians are too much corrupt by big lobby from alcohol, cigarette and pharmacy. One more evident problem with legalization, it would take off the money from thousand dealers who live in poor area.. what do you think all these people will do if it s legalize ? Find a job at 1000 euro/month ( if they find one .. )? When they do that in less than a day when they deal weed… These bastards will turn to rob and steal more, which means more insecurity…
Even cops knows that cannabis is less dangerous than other drugs… they keeping a false peace.
Dont get me wrong, I m for legalizing cannabis everywhere in the world and I m for kicking all theses liars and fifths out from or government.
But hey, it s nice to dream…
Your logic is ridiculous, your facts are wrong.
“One more evident problem with legalization, it would take off the money from thousand dealers who live in poor area.. what do you think all these people will do if it s legalize ? Find a job at 1000 euro/month ( if they find one .. )? When they do that in less than a day when they deal weed… These bastards will turn to rob and steal more, which means more insecurity…”
Do you have any idea what you are saying? That the status quo that enables gangsters, that forces French youth into dangerous slums, where there lives can be endangered to buy a harmless plant, should be continued in order to keep criminals happy??
“French cannabis prohibition is the most stringent in Europe and the fact is most french agree with it. How can you question this prevailing attitude??
I’ve just had an argument with two Frenchmen, one of them a wine merchant(!), claiming they’ve seen cannabis ruin lives! Sure, a lot of French people understand that it is better to legalize cannabis, but most French are very opposed to the facts.
Politicians a buying a false peace by keeping prohibition and that is a fact. Go and talk to some street dealers .. you will see what they will answer. I dont say it s the right way, just saying that all these people will turn to rob, burgle and steal, more than now, so yes, it s a false peace.
Second, off course there some people against legalization, like every country there is some ignorant people, does your country/state have 100% people voting yes ?
The majority in France want to legalize weed.
Look a one of several poll
4 poll out of 5 got the same results. +55% vote for yes…
Stop reading politicians b***** and spreading it, I m French and everybody I know from 20 to 60 years old know the truth about cannabis and want it legalized. ( even people who dont smoke it )
France is not a Democratie anymore, politicians are too much corrupt by big lobby from alcohol, cigarette and pharmacy. One more evident problem with legalization, it would take off the money from thousand dealers who live in poor area.. what do you think all these people will do if it s legalize ? Find a job at 1000 euro/month ( if they find one .. )? When they do that in less than a day when they deal weed… These bastards will turn to rob and steal more, which means more insecurity…
Even cops knows that cannabis is less dangerous than other drugs… they keeping a false peace.
Dont get me wrong, I m for legalizing cannabis everywhere in the world and I m for kicking all theses liars and fifths out from or government.
But hey, it s nice to dream…
Sure America, lets VOTE 4 more of This
(allows millions of $ from corporate
interest to pour into the political process
to fund campaigns by SuperPACs)
(hillary advocated/lobbied for big
cuts towards the needy & homeless
in ’96 to reduce gov.spending. Military
spending increased by 9 billion afterwords)
DOMA ………………………………….VOTED FOR IT
(Defense Of Marriage Act, prevented
equal rights for alternative marriage)
(hillary advocated/lobbied for it,
resulted in lost U.S jobs by
companies out sourcing for
cheaper labor abroad)
(hillary advocated hard lobbying
up many votes on capital hill for the
“Crime Control & Law Enf. Act of ’94”
amping up Reagan’s ‘War On Drugs’
black/hispanic hoods turned into police
states by random stops/searches in these
hoods sparking the mass incarceration
we see today. till this day hillary’s against
lighter sentencing for non-violent offenders
like marijuana users, Prison Donors fund HRC)
(will result in emanate domain,
taking lands from citizens so Oil
Companies can profit, hillary has
recently flipped on this issue for
political convenience)
(to avoid another “too big to fail”
fallout scenario like in ’08 Crash.
millions of lost jobs, lost homes,
401K’s, Billions lost in tax-payer $.
hillary says trust ‘Dodd Frank Act’
to police Big Banks into doing the
right thing on Wall St…. basically
saying if they crash it again there’ll
be penalties……..Really?)
(lost more U.S jobs… companies
profit on cheep labor by out
sourcing more american jobs)
(along w/ relaxed provisions and
regulations so oil companies can
save $ by drilling on the cheep,
resulting in the gulf of mexico
oil spill of 2010… fracking has
resulted in minor quakes,
property damage, water pollution,
suspected in derailment of trains
because changing ground levels
due to fracking)
UNIONS…………………………………….. AGAINST IT
(while on the Walmart board of
directors, hillary did not support
her employees efforts to unionize
for livable wages & equal wages
for women)
(made it harder to fix & get good
credit, big banks & credit card
companies rake in record profits
by keeping customers in the “Red”
longer to pay high penalty fees
& high interest rates)
(regulation passed by FDR to
prevent another great depression,
deregulated by the Clintons in ’99.
would have prevented the ’08 Wall
St.Crash.. today hillary defends the
banks by claiming there’s no need
for glass steagall because ‘Dodd
Frank Act’ will police the big banks
into doing the right thing…”Trust the
Banks Again!?” ….Really?)
(cost the tax payers 1.7trillion,
destabilized the middle east,
leading to ISIS today.. 700,000
esti. arabs dead, 4500 alley u.s.
soldiers dead, countless more
dismembered or suffering from
postpartum war symptoms,
Corporations like halliburton
make $Billions off Iraq War)
(as if Iraq wasn’t enough,
sec.of state hillary backed
overthrows in Libya, Yemen,
Egypt, & now Syria furthering
mass chaos in middle east)
(bi-partisan free-trade agreement
expanded tax-loophole havens
where $ can be hidden to
avoid paying taxes …also resulted
in more out sourcing of american
jobs as in other free-trade deals)
(the taking over of gov. funded
Genetically Modified Organism
companies in the farming sector
pushing out family farmers,
the non labeling of GMO’s
in packaged foods in stores)
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether,
a chemical used by Big Oil &
Gas discovered to be toxic to
the environment & local water
supplies causing cancer)
(Hillary was a “Goldwater Girl”
worked for the Barry Goldwater
campaign which was anti-new deal,
anti-welfare, anti-unions,anti-gay rights,
anti-abortion, pro mass deportation..
Goldwater voted against
The Civil Rights Act of ’64)
^google it/ yahoo it/ wikipedia it/ youtube it…
these are facts easily found all over the internet
Bernie Sanders Was On The Opposite Side Of
a “Short-List” of HILLARY $PEECHE$
click on this pic/link below, then click on pic to expand
“The Hillary Victory Fund” google it /yahoo it /wikapidia it. it’s a SuperPAC setup w/ in the DNC to lure super delegates to support Hillary through a joint fundraising committee that receives thousands of dollars in donations from wealthy and corporate interests…. the Super D’s have all taken OR been promised $ to help thier re-election through this fund …. EXPOSE the Takers, Call them out, VOTE Them out.
Thank you for your extensive research and for sharing it. I’m copying and pasting it and will do whatever I can with it to help others to learn the truth about HRC. Each country with corrupt government needs to rise up and find their own Bernie Sanders. Surely others exist.
Your post is off-topic here.