Anonymous Galactic, a branch of Anonymous, is calling on support to bombard the Twitter and Facebook hashtag #G20 and #G20Brisbane with comments to communicate that the summit’s endeavors will not be ignored.
“Over the G20 weekend, the hashtag #G20 will be smashed by the Media and on both Twitter and Facebook. We have done this before. Let’s hijack the hashtag online and show the world the truth.”
Anonymous calls upon those willing, to show their support and assist in the online protest against the summit that has dominated the financial and political agendas since the Asian and Global Financial Crisis’. It is a forum for governments and central bank authorities from twenty leading economies to investigate and instigate international coordination of economic policy.
Link: Protect your PC and mobile devices from hackers & governments and surf anonymously
How can I help. All I have is my iPhone. I’m not sure i can do anything from here. Thank you.
Will there be any protesting this weekend in Brisbane for our rights and freedom of speak
oui merci pour la NASA .est je ne jamais imagine que la NASA va volé mes document soi des robots soi de les System de traversé l espace .a les longue planète.mes la NASA single puisque il on perdu les System climatique .est les autre secrète de le monde espace .je sais pas maintenant je suis au forme d un politicien .est mon véritable position .la science est la technologies .pour poussé le monde a les révolution économique .est a des document humanitaire .qui va poussé le monde a son dynamique activités .plain des énergies .mieux que les création de les vengeance. est le monde en dangereux période .est besoin de nous comme des responsable .fiche le quant pour l argent est fiche le quant pour la starets .je vous demande de réparés le problème c est mauvaise pour vous .vous avez les milliards des Etudiant traversé le temps pour son future .vous avez les milliards des population attendries les occasion pour des jobs vous avez boucaus des payé son son taire touché de les changement climatique .est vous des responsable au première catégories .puisque vous sociétés te cadre pour c est fonctions .c est pas pour volé les document a les autre .mes amie moi un généreux homme en technique .mes stratégies très dangereux si je le fonctions .je faits le monde flammé.est c est pour ce la je vous en prix .ne faite pas les bêtise avec moi rentrés directe chez moi .pour une bonne humanités son racisme pour une bonne planète son pauvretés .merci
on a rien compris cousin, essaye une autre langue.
si les anglophones copie/colle ton texte dans un traducteur cela ne donne rien.
I also want to help and also want to learn how you hack a site.
I would like to support and like to how how to do it
I wish to support the movement anyway possible
i wish to help but i would also like more information on the issue
I would love to help spread the movement.
Let me know where to start.
Somebody please investigate this Anonymous Galactic. They are not who they say they are. Look at their Facebook page and under their notes. Tell me what you see. Anonymous Galactic and and it’s affiliates in Australia are a disgrace. they are CENSORSHIP SPECIALISTS WITH NO RESPECT FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH they fabricate some dirt on a fellow anon to make themselves feel good and important/cool…………
You dont know anything mate
Somebody please investigate this Anonymous Galactic. They are not who they say they are. Look at their Facebook page and under their notes. Tell me what you see. Anonymous Galactic and and it’s affiliates in Australia are a disgrace. they are CENSORSHIP SPECIALISTS WITH NO RESPECT FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH they fabricate some dirt on a fellow anon to make themselves feel good and important/cool…………
Soooo … According to the picture, it’s the protest of the fattys dressed in
“made in china” clothes (and made in china masks) … interesting
” I can’t protest, I gotta go to work ’cause I got bills to pay.
The “revolution” will have to wait ’til I finished to pay
the loan for my brand new BMW. ”
” Can I help the revolution with my iPhone ? ”
” Can I be anonymous with my brand new iPhone 32go ? ”
This is not about becoming an Anonymous member <— written in frontpage, but barely read.
everytime I come here, I read the comments and I gotta laugh with all those
kiddy/hipsters trying to postulate for the "anonymous association" (!!!),
'cause you know, it's trendy to say you're an anon'.
Please kiddy/hipsters from the US, help the cause,
buy yourself a gun, put it on your face and pull the trigger !!!
There you go …. you helped !
Now let the punk attitude be with you, let's listen to avril lavigne. (with your iphones)