These 22 maps are way better than the ones they showed you at school, giving a you real understanding of how the world functions, offering you info-graphical view of the world, revealing interesting facts and helping you redefine your outlook…
1. The World As Seen By Americans
2. Europe As Perceived By Americans
3. The Way The Americans Look At Asia
4. Countries That Don’t Use The Metric System
5. The 22 Countries Europe Couldn’t Invade
6. Pangea, The Super-continent, With Modern Borders
7. The Happiest Countries
8. Countries With Paid Maternity Leave
9. The Most Common Surnames In Europe
10. Left or Right: Driving on Roads
11. Antarctica’s Time Zones
12. World’s Busiest Air Traffic Routes
13. Countries Where Google Street View Is Available
14. Highest Paid Public Employees In USA
15. Population Density
16. Most Used Web Browser World Map (2012)
17. Daily Internet Usage Across The World
18. Hottest Women By Country
19. The Best And Worst Places To Be Born
20. Birthright Citizenship Around The World
21. Cigarettes Smoked Per Person Across The World
22. World’s Most Popular Countries
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americans use internet explorer? no wonder they are crying about their low connection ^^
Thats what I said xD I for one use Google Chrome or Firefox.
I’m from America, and everyone uses IE. Ofcourse “everyone” is daft.
Great informations…Thank you :3
And how the hell did the makers of #18 measure “hotness” of each country’s women? Some of these maps are very interesting, but I call bullshit on #18.
Well, come to Latvia and see for your self 😉
Says it’s better to be born in the USA than France or UK.
Mumei, even if presented by anonymous, dont believe all media. I wonder who made these maps and with what information the based it off.
Map No.5 is bullshit. How can Europe conquer itself? Who is being considered European here? As far as I know Belarus, Sweden and all the other countries listed in Europe are part of Europe… Besides many of the countries listed for example in Africa and America (in this case South and Central America) were invaded by europeans, otherwise they wouldn’t be talking in Spanish and French (african countries) today.
I’ve actually seen this map in both my Geography and History classes in school and my teachers confirmed that it is in fact a map showing which countries Britain has invaded, colonised or defeated, the white countries being those Britain has not conquered. E.G. England defeated France multiple times, so France is red, Scotland defeated the Romans so Italy is red and once the two countries united they invaded; India, also red, and colonised USA, once again, in red. Britain has never conquered Luxembourg or Sweden so these are marked as white. The map’s caption is incorrect.
It meant Britain.
XD why would anyone use internet explorer?
Great collection! thx I smile!
It was indeed funny n informative..!! 🙂
no.10 in philippines the driver seat is on the left side not in the rightside
Great post BUT why so small resolution 🙁
Im sorry but i wanna say something
Its good to born in indonesia and you say its worse
its true there is so many population in here but its good for children to born here im born in indonesia
And thats is good no problen
The people in here is good people we are good people
btw i like anonymous the good hacker
Only hack the bad corrupt and bad people
We do not forgive we do not forget expect us
What? S-East Asia’s countries are BAD places to be born! Are you kidding me?
asian women are sexiest? according to who? i don’t even think asian ladies are all that attractive. give me a hot american scene chick. or hell, even a black chick that looks like astrid from fringe. but asian chicks? they don’t shave down there…
Fuck amaricans……u r the sexist,rapist and people who born there are the real losers…..may isis destroy whole fuckin amaricans…..fuck u amarica….
you mad?
Just for saying that here we can have your account destroyed. Not all of us are like this. Only a large percentage.
Map No.13 is wrong in Germany Street View is only available in bigger cities like Berlin, Munich or Cologne.
Inaccurate information.
Was this made by americans?
Ofcause, just racism maps.
Looks like I’m moving to Columbia ;D
Yeah, my surname is Novak, btw. SECOND most common in Croatia, just after Horvat.
And also Google Street View is not available in Bosnia and Hercegovina!