Ghost Squad Hacker group, in conjunction with #OpReverseCaliphate, have released the identities of several members affiliated with the United Cyber Caliphate, the primary hacking branch of the Islamic State. Their names, numbers, Facebook and Twitters have now been made public and the Anonymous Intelligence Agency has delivered the information to the CIA.
Earlier this year, the main branch of branch of the Islamic State’s hacking presence online, the Cyber Caliphate Army joined forces with several other pro-IS hacking groups to form something they now call the United Cyber Caliphate. This group now comprises of the Cyber Caliphate Army (CCA), Sons Caliphate Army (SCA), Kalacnikov.TN (KTN) and AnonGhost Team.
Now, Ghost Squad Hackers (GSH), have made public the identities of some of the hackers affiliated with the ISIS cyber army called United Cyber Caliphate, including leader Mauritania Attacker.
22234656555 Moulaye Ahmed Ould Ahmed Semane
MauritaniaAttacker #OpReverseCaliphate pic.twitter.com/MSQvqc8xpE— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 8, 2016
The face of a United Cyber Caliphate member:
real name: Harith Al-muhajir pic.twitter.com/BUgOsAyOwk— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 7, 2016
UCC (Isis Hacker) member:
Name: Ouali bouziad
HackerName: Extazy07https://t.co/WPxeM5imzw: https://t.co/t06z3dqVCZ pic.twitter.com/zLiqOGNAj2— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 8, 2016
United Cyber Caliphate member exposed by #GhostSquadHackers #OpReverseCaliphate
facebook : https://t.co/X40FNfDHjK pic.twitter.com/Yegtbbuarz— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 7, 2016
Ouali Bouziad
+213551209906 co-founder of UCC In this dox stating he will attack Malaysian Servers for jailing Isishttps://t.co/7caG7g6P2V— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 8, 2016
Another UCC/AG hacker exposed by #GhostsquadHackers
name: Moath Al Dayak#OpReverseCaliphate pic.twitter.com/NGHEPFjktP— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 15, 2016
Dr.Samim of AnonGhost and UCC we found you..
You Isis skids can’t hide from #GhostSquadHackers pic.twitter.com/Gi27OCh3AY— s1ege (@s1ege_) July 15, 2016
Read More About Ghost Squad’s Work Here: http://anonhq.com/?s=ghost+squad
In an interview with Security Affairs News, S1ege – the member of Ghost Squad behind the dox – stated that: “We all know ISIS is not true Islam its fake and we are going to target every hacker inside of ISIS especially the ” United Cyber Caliphate’ which is a conjunction of hackers hacking for ISIS. They are trying to create a quote on quote ‘Cyber Caliphate’ and we intent to prevent that and stop them in their tracks thus we named the operation #OpReverseCaliphate. Islam is not ISIS, ISIS is a gang attacking on Ramadan and they use drugs, rape women and kill innocent children. Their victims are of all religions, in fact, most of their victims are Muslims in Syria & Iraq!”
In statement to AnonHQ News, S1ege claims the group currently has tabs on over 10,000 active ISIS members online.
In his article available Security Affairs, author Aveek Sen reports that Ghost Squad Hackers split from the AnonGhost hacker group when Mauritania Attacker and a few others supported ISIS. Thus, two groups were formed: Ghost Caliphate that joined forces with ISIS, and Ghost Squad Hackers that opposed it.
Ghost Squad Hackers and prior to it, AnonGhost, were considered pro-Muslim hacking groups due to their support for Palestine. On being asked, S1ege replies: “Although we are Muslims Christians and Atheist we have no one religion and we accept all. But (it’s true that) majority of us are Muslims and we believe in true Islam not this fake ISIS shit.”
The war between good and bad Muslims seems to be culminating in the cyber world with indications of victory for the good ones. One hopes to see the war reach the same conclusion soon in Iraq and Syria, as well.
As ISIS loses ground in Syria and Iraq, it will try to move from ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) to IS (Islamic State). But since it doesn’t have any network outside of Iraq and Syria, it will do a quid pro quo deal with Jihadi terrorist groups online. Swear allegiance to IS and IS does free online propaganda.
Hence, IS might expand into cyberspace to create fear disproportional to its on ground terror capabilities.
Source: Security Affairs, S1ege
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hello admin iam Extazy007 from Anonghost And iam not a member of isis this sikd of dane want to expose me becz since a longtime he wanted lick my balls to join ower team he is also juste a photoshop noob that spends time at home with no life here is my payback his id stamped inside
more are coming if you not delete that fake post ur turn will come and this is a serious treat because what you share is no true it is all fake (y)
I think that what he is trying to say is that he is Extazy07 from that article and that he is not affiliated with daesh ? Not sure… lol
its seems you dont lyssen you still not deleting tha fucking fake link ? do you want me fuck down ur wordpress site ! and delete the whole database without mercy dont force me spent my time to do it !
Bro, you’re a n00b, s1ege has you dead to right bro.
s1ege see what i have for you here you are big nooob hahahaha i cant stop laugh !!!!!!!