Hungary was never in the limelight for very much. Unfortunately, its recent actions with regards to the Syrian refugees who seek safe passage through its borders have brought it more attention than it could have ever bargained for.
From a journalist who kicked and tripped a Syrian refugee and a child… to terrible gulag-style detention facilities where refugees are detained as though they were prisoners and get food tossed to them as though they were animals… and even new laws that mean REAL imprisonment for refugees… Hungary has lost any respect I had accorded it for freeing itself from the IMF in 2013.
Now it’s building gigantic fences with razor wire to keep refugees out, with armed guards standing watch.
Doing business with the Hungarian government is proving to be bad publicity, after the above revelations, and some self-respecting human-rights-respecting companies have decided not to do business with it- NOBODY wants to see a refugee hurt by one of their own products… let alone deal with the fallout from having their logo prominently displayed in the front-page photograph of the incident.
In one case, a company that manufactures razor wire turned down a VERY lucrative contract to supply Hungary with 500,000 Euros worth of wire.
“Hungary is misusing the nato wire. Mr. Orban takes it in stride that people could hurt or even die from it. (Razor) wire is designed to prevent criminal acts, like an intrusion, from taking place. Fleeing children and adults are not criminals,” said the owner of the Berlin-based company named Mutanox (catchy). His employees wholeheartedly supported his choice.
The CEO of another German company (under the condition of anonymity) said, “Children, caught in the wire, is a disgrace.” It too had taken the moral high-ground by refusing to supply the dangerous fencing.
It would certainly be nice if larger corporations were to actively boycott certain governments by refusing to serve or sell to them, particularly when the intent is to harm the lives of innocents. Hungary might be the villain of today, but I can certainly imagine how awesome it would be if a certain super power stopped receiving hell-fire missiles because they might be used to massacre civilians…
Who am I kidding? In just as many cases it’s the corporations which are goading governments into human-rights violations… but I digress.
This refugee crisis has brought the ugliest out of people, and I would like to say that it has also shown some of the best. However, every example trotted out before me seems to be an ever-evolving shade of grey; an Egyptian billionaire intends to buy a Mediterranean island to house the refugees… noble, yes? His home country of Egypt continues to provide very poor conditions for the refugees who went that way, “encouraging” them to head towards Europe… the cynic in me tells me that this billionaire could have done something about THAT before buying an entire island in order to export his “troubles” away.
Syrians were one of the nicest people, and accepted the fourth highest number of refugees before their civil war. As I watch the actions of its neighbors, the US and the EU… I feel dismay.
There are those who abuse refugees (Hungary) and build massive razor wire fences to skewer the children, those who officially do not accept so that they can pick out the skilled labor (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) while condemning the old, the young and the sick should make a perilous journey to Europe, those who accept many but call them “guests” rather than refugees so that they do not have to afford the Syrians human rights (Turkey)…
And those who funded the rebels who became ISIS ( Saudi Arabia)… and those who armed them (the US)… and those who allowed ISIS free passage through its borders (Turkey).
This Article (Hungary Builds Massive Razor-wire Fence To Stop Refugees) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
I would just build the great wall of china in a updated 2015 version. So tall that no latter can be used, so smooth that you cant climb it. So massive you cant break it.
Go back home and fight for your own country instead of running from the problems.
are you seriously telling some poor syrian families and their children to fight the US?
I dont see the problem by threatening refugees like criminals – they are criminal by entering a country illegally.
They should be told and treated like they dont belong here and should go home.
Wake up man, we cant hardly keep our own EU countries floading, how the hell should we then safe the whole world from USA, CHINA, RUSSIA – We simply cant!
so would you like to be treated a criminal because you flee from getting bombed/beheaded, seeking for a new place where you (and your family) can at least LIVE in peace? ‘entering illegally’ my ass… this is the place called earth, there are no borders here only artificially created ones, same for laws… why is it that barely anybody thinks about being in the other individuals position.
We save our self or we all go down like the Titanic!
Basic mathematics 101!
Wow, WooWoo, how extremely insensitive of you. This is hardly comparable of the ‘kill or be killed’ scenerio you describe. This is completely different. HungarIan lives would not be jeopardized by helping thesee poor refugees. Are you kidding me, or are you just stupid? It’s called having human compassion. These poor and unfortunate refugees are fleeing for their lives, for their children’s lives…lives that have just as much right to be lived as you or I or anyone one else for that matter!
And the previous commenter is absolutely right..
we are all entitled to live in this world anywhere we desire! No one ‘owns’ land, this is God’s land and it is our God given right to live here on this earth. Borders arw manufacturered by politicians, but it doesn’t make it right!!! Refugees should be allowed to flee anywhere in the world they so desire and shouldn’t have to be faced with such hardship and atrocities!!! They have a right to live happy, just as the rest of the world does!!!
You should be so ashamed of yourself, Woowoo!!! You ooze with evil!! You are a disgrace to humanity!
I can only hope thst one day you wake up and realize…we are all human..we are all the same…we just speak different languages, that’s all. BUT we are all the same. We all just want the best for our children and our lives and we all deserve to live life to our fullest potential with the utmost happiness.
I am almost sure with a heart like yours…you have long ago reserved a nice cozy spot in Hell.
@Jeannette like you know. if u would live here in hongarian you know to shut te fuck up. this is not like some bigass rich land. 75% of the people here ARE starving. the difference between rich and poor is HUGE. get a job over here is like dreaming of having a ferrari or something. it is luxe we can not get. just because some terrorist just happen to cross te border and we dont want their shit in our country and not their selfish way of life. they rape girls, womans, kid,.. everything they can get their stick in.
They even are, as we speak, smuggling wapons and explosives in to the EU. over OUR borders!!!
and those who say it is shit, that i’m lyin. come over here and see for yourself before u speak.
I life in Boedapest, i see everything UNDER MY NOSE!
best thing, the rapes, the wapons, the explosives…. not on the news.
not even in de local newspaper! nothing.
like the gouverment does not want the normal people to know we ARE dealing with terrorist.
Some people who do say something happen to disapear for some reason. they are on “vacation” or something.
oh, and so you know. i’m not hearthless. i realy think we need to help the people who are fleeing from the war.
but fortune seekers, terrorists and criminals… just hit them. and send them back. we dont need those people in hongarian or any other EU country.
EU is weak right now. verry weak. the Euro is not doing well, there is pressure from Russia (economical and millitair) and now the storm of refugees…
i dont know how long the EU will still exist.
personal, i think country’s like in the east of europe (inclusive hongaria) will join russia in time. and the west of europe wil become the BENELUX like old days or BEDUNELUX or something. (germany included, unlike old days).
AMEN for this text. i’am not used to this.
@None…are you sure you’re not Satan? For you to call all these poor refugees, rapists and terrorists is just pure evil. You are racist amd you are stereotyping! How can you look in the faves of these children and families and call them rapists! Eveything country has rapists…doesn’t mean the while country are rapists and terrorists. You are exactly the epitome of the problem.
With a mentality like yours…I guess it’s safe for me to call every Hungarian evil then?? Is that fair, is that right???
Why don’t you evil hearted people just let them pass then?? They don’t want to stay in your shit hole country anyway…they just want to pass to a country less fucked up than their own and yours!!! Let these poor people pass!!! Why do you have to make life even more difficult for them than it already is??? Can’t you see they are desperate to live, they are desperate for the lives of their children???
How can you be such a heartless piece of shit!!!
Fuck off with your evil heart.
You got your name right- none-
Because you are a nothing.
funny you say ” How can you look in the faves of these children and families and call them rapists! Eveything country has rapists”
….. because i am not seeing al lot of families….
yeah, on all the pictures, on al the little short movies.
but NOT here in Boedapest.
now and then one child, some women. a lot of camera people followin’ them, just looking to make a sad picture.
and jeannette, pleas… look down the numbers.
Brad under here is more complete then your praying for mercy for them. -.-
no i’m absolutly not satan. when people need help, they need help. only like 10% or so REALY need help.
Hongaria is just realistic. of you want to come in a country you need a passport. no passport? no access. simple as that.
They stil want to enter? human rights and stuff?
sure, no problem. we build a fance, make a gate and they can enter via the gate. so there is order!
sure, now the refugees see hongarian as a BAD country.
they “just want to pass”….
lets check some other numbers them. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, norway, UK, ….
ALL of the great countries they want to go.
becaus there is a “future”.
65 to 85% of the normal people dont want them over there.
they want them out, they see refugees as a treath.
and see what happens? criminals all over in germany and also the other counties. refugees going to fight each other!?
Raids from the police in refugees camps, finding weapons. from nifes to AK’s.
Sure,Jeannette. “poor refugees”? dont think so. you are the 45 to 15% of the normale people that stil believes this is going to end well.
Austria is doing it different, the people are now patrolling for themself. and not to be nice to the refugees 😉
come here, come close to the refugees like i am.
and it will change your mind. I am SURE of that.
jeannette is completely right
as far as i know syrian people are religious people and such would never commit the crimes you listed
maybe you should get to know a religious person before judging the shit out of them
im prett sure the people you mentioned are local criminals and that just goes to show where your mentality is coming from
Exactly, little king. They are probably local criminals. ‘None’ is seriously drawing a distorted picture that these poor refugees are fleeing, fleeing to the oceans- nearly drowning to death, trying to save their lIves and their children from drowning – with buk missiles strapped to their backs. Really, none?
These are poor innocent people just trying to live! Where the hell is your compassion???
They are not rapists or terrorists!!! They are human beings, trying to survive!!!
Syrians arw not terrorists. They are very nice people with hearts of gold.
It would probably do you you a bit of good to get to know them- they could probably teach you a thing or two about humanity and human compassion.
What you aren’t shown is that about 80% of the people flooding Europe are mature males. About 80% are not from Syria. So – they are not necessarily poor war refugees.
Read that woman’s story from Hungary i think – she could speak Arabic, having lived there for 5 years – and the group of men who boarded their train were discussing using the 5 nationals on that train car as hostages, and the blond woman was discussed as a rape victim because she obviously needed a “real man”.
Germany does not report the huge number of rapes by these men. Nobody seems to pay attention to the Swedes and how more than 90% of their rapes are by muslim men. Italians are not happy with crowds of rock-throwing muslims demanding benefits. The muslims in Denmark are MUCH more violent than the rest of the population – “One factor does, however, hold explanatory power: If the crime index of all people living in Denmark is 100, then a composite of people coming from ten mostly non-Muslim countries (Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Great Britain, Norway, Iceland, USA, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, China and Thailand) produce a crime index of 76.6. A composite of ten mostly Muslim countries (Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Morocco, Iraq Pakistan, Lebanon, Iran and Afghanistan) give a crime index of 192.9.
Morocco 255, Lebanon 243, Yugoslavia 242, Somalia 227, Iraq 129, Iran 186, and Afghanistan 116.”
We don’t need fake refugees causing problems. These are some of the same scum who comprise ISIS – killing for the CIA and Israel.
Brad, first of all, I don’t even give credit to your “witness” on the train, as this eyewitness account is coming from the same country that produced the camera woman tripping and kicking poor innocent people/child. So give absolute zero credit to the woman on the trains story.
Second, I highly recommend you stop pulling statistics out of your ass. While your there and should go ahead and fish your head out too.
ok…first of all, i’m from Hungary.
the so called refugees constantly attacking our police and military forces with home made bombs and molotow coctails.
they burn their tents what we gave them, just to make their point.
they THROW their children through our borders fences which are ~3m high, and expech sypathy and that the children’s family will get a pass tru the borders.
the so called refugees dont have their passports, coz they RIP THEM APART before arriving to our borders.
in the middle east you CAN NOT cross a border without a passport coz they just shoot you on the spot…but we have so called “human rights”, so we can’t.
without their passports they CAN NOT be identified.
in the borders, and checkpoints they lie abouth their birthdays, coz more than half of them are born january 1st.
they all have their mobile phones.
there are individuals with megaphones who instigates the others.
the ones that got inside are battering property.
so before you judge us….think.
if you are a refugee why are you lieing about your birthday, country name ?
if you are a refugee why are you acting like an animal, attacking police forces and damaging propertyes ?
if you are a refugee why are you rip your passport before arriving the borders ?
if you are a refugee why are you burning your own tents, and other thing you got from the country who you are expecting to help you and give you shelter ?
if i were a refugee i were thankful humble and friendly…dot a raging idiot who threatens the society.
i bet you don’t get infos like this from the media…..
never assume anything, always think and gather more knowledge.
and…do not trust every word from the corporate media.
for the record. i’m not a racist. i do not have problems with syrians.
i have problems with people who act like animals. i have problems with agression, harshness and incendiarism. and i can’t tolerate these things.
P.S.: maybe if the world resolves the problems what makes them want to leave and become refugees…there would be no need to be refugees.
i can’t belive that the US and NATO haven’t got enough resources to deal with the problem. they would do something good at least. ohh..are there oil in Syria ? o.O
hope i helped a bit.
sorry for the occasional bad english.
sorry if i offended anyone.
peace out.
Hungary is the only Eastern-European country that opens its doors to Syrian refugees