On March 9th, Apple declared that they have sold more than 700 million iPhones since 2007. That’s a LOT of gadgets! So one would imagine that gathering the personal user information from this large pool would be quite advantageous for various reasons. Enter the Central Intelligence Agency. As per a leaked document by Edward Snowden, we now know that since 2006 the CIA has been doing some research on Apple’s gadgets, specifically their iPhones and iPads, trying to breach the security on them so that they can quietly install malware. To be precise, they have been targeting the security keys used to encrypt the data on the devices. This comes after a secret event they held, called ‘Jamboree,’ wherein the CIA’s security researchers discussed the possibility of breaching of the gadgets. According to various news reports, they have developed a new version of xCODE. This modified version of xCODE would allow them to install malware which will, in turn, help them in their mission of mass data collection. The CIA’s version of xCODE can steal passwords, text messages, contact info, emails, photos, videos and other personal data stored on the device. And don’t think they’re after only iPhones and iPads… they claim to have breached the security of Apple’s desktops too. They have developed ‘OS X updater,’ which allows them to install a keylogger without the user’s permission or knowledge. While Apple has, as of yet, refused to comment on this issue, it would appear that for the better part of a decade the CIA has been researching to exploit the security of Apple’s products based on sales numbers alone.
Anonymous recommends: Protect your PC & mobile devices from hackers and governments & surf and download anonymously
SOURCE: Leaked document
wow i never thought my own government would spy on me. that is just shocking
Not surprised in the least.
cia can KMA as well.
Not to hate on you, but do you have proof for this? Only speculations…
Is there a way that we can stop this? The fucking CIA and NSA can go fuck themselves
As of current there is no way for us as individuals to stop Apple from selling our info to the governemnt, but we can install VPNs to mobile devices and OS systems to stop apple and the government from knowing what sites and the local services on mobiles.
i just want to say that this is sad, i mean come on they collect and analyze all our data, and they could not even see 9/11 coming, according to edward snowden they dont even understand what they are collecting. im wondering what the fuck they are doing.
i always had a weird felling about apple and its popularity, and if either apple or the government would exploit the devices for personal information collection
To be honest, this article only confirms my suspisions of the government spying on its citizens. Spying and espionage are frowned upon when towards the government, yet when they spy on us , we are supposed to be okay with it. I’ve learned that we the people do not have any natural rights. We have no true freedom of speech, for everything we say is either insulting or some form of treason. Our questionable president is creating alliances with even more questionable countries and wants to take our amendmental right to bear arms. This country is being poisoned by our corrupt government, our vote doesnt matte and now to add to it, nothing we say or do is private. Thank you Anonymous for exposing the truth that our government tries to make us citizens oblivious to.
Hellow Anonymouse jf you good hack me with live transmissons
If everyone would make a stand, no one could stop us.. There are way more of us than there are of them.. The people of this country, or any country for that matter, needs to wake up and stand up for what’s right.. I personally will not be pushed around and stepped on.. COME TOGETHER AS ONE.
We have tried, why do you think it is now illegal to be Anonymous in most if not all states of the USA. we try to make a stand then we get the blame for anything else that happens that starts a physical warfare in streets of towns and cities. and they can stop us from making a stand my mass murder like they have before.
Dear CIA, NSA, FBI and all the other naughty kids, at this moment you know what I am typing, and you think you have control over me. The web is not as it seems, and neither am I. Oh by the way, keep on the lookout for white vans with black windows.