Pro-Islamic State hackers recently defaced the website of Hobart International Airport by publishing pro-ISIS messages supporting the jihadist group. The ISIS supporters targeted the web host used by the Hobart International Airport in Tasmania and not the facility itself, forcing the website to go offline for a long duration.
“A message placed on the site contained a statement supporting ISIS. Tasmania Police have been monitoring activity at the airport premises, and there has been no suggestion of targeted activities on-site. The group claiming responsibility for the hacking appear to indiscriminately target organizations who use web hosts such as the one used by Hobart International Airport”, Tasmanian police said in a statement.
The threatening message read: “I am Muslim & I love jihad/ I love ISIS. Islamic State will restore dignity for Muslims, Will purge the land of the Muslims from the “hypocrites infidels”. The message went on to threaten “to equip you to dwell in cemeteries”. At the bottom of the message, written in red letters, was “F**k USA & Israel”. Australia is involved in the US-led coalition against ISIS in Iraq.
The website’s owners managed to eventually replace the menacing post with an apology for the website being down, and recommending that passengers check the websites of individual airlines for flight information. Later, the website was restored and running normally.
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What the hell is going on in this god forsaken world… These ISIS radicals are realy starting to get on my nerves. There evil and totally barbaric… ok so you could say the goverments of our world arent much better!!! but where do you draw theline. someone has to stand up and put value back into human life cause as it stands it seems rather worthless to me!
I agree Chris and particularly with your comment about governments not being much better. They’re much worse. Every main stream ‘Muslim’ terrorist group has it’s beginnings in US funding, arming, and training, on-going support.
Depending on your perspective our saviors are ISIS. They are a reaction to the US invasion and annihilation of a number of sovereign states. Unfortunately they see us as the infidel dogs so not much hope there. And as you have already pointed out, our governments are the ones perpetrating the evil so no help there either.
I guess that just leaves you and me. So thanks for already standing up Chris and know that I am standing with you.
420 and its still all about the money cash rules everything around me but only the one percent gets the bills we pay they bills y’all but what do I know I’m the dummy my life’s the only thing they can take from I been done gave god my soul you assholes who make like you have that pose no better than the rest ask yourselves have you really passed the test on this quest as children starve and get molested around the globe while you sit in your homes pretending they not watching your favorite shows and the news that only shows what’s been chose by the ones paying for it to go grow lies you’ve been molded to believe or should I say deceived to achieve but not for you nor me you see for wars overseas terrorism the reason protecting you and I but by the hand of a cop we’re more likely to die those who are also protecting us with greed and disgust if we discuss doing different you been hearing it but this is your deliverance from fear or interference but not from ignorance because people we all been living it now I’m just Htliven this my lyrics and if you hear me or you don’t and it was lil Wayne and them you bought are maybe rap isn’t your thing trust me I would sing it if I could sing THE MA$K anonymous having nothing to do with my name I will never hide my face when its we the people the united states that’s the disgrace to the whole human race
So, cutting people’s heads of, to try to change the minds of others into believing in the same thing as you , is dignified? You want to restore the rights of Muslims…who are already dead? If you’re not smoking crack, I highly suggest doing so. At least then you will have an excuse for your idiocy.
In Islam we believe that a man will come by the name of Imam Mahdi when he nations of the Earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry people going to sit at a table full of food. This will occur when the Muslims are large in number, but “like the foam of the sea”.
Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression.” (Abu Dawood)
And then after that Jesus (Isa) will return and fight alongside Imam Mahdi and Jesus will kill the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) and the world will be in total peace for as long as Jesus is alive.
After that Judgement Day will begin, and all the people who made this world worse and filled it with corruption will be judged accordingly.
i live in hobart im with AMCF i am anonymous member i stand up against this shit the world is going to crap,what is society coming to? isis lolz fuck em all even if ya aint isis pro islamic whatever even these so called wanna be peace keepers called muslims still believe in the karahn and alah? so wtf? i dont trust any of em,im a true active digital activist for anonymous tasmania i blew out when i heard this,thank fuck they did hack the sub domain or whatever it was i went for a drive all loaded up ready for them fuckers and if ya think they will take aussie ya got another thing coming cuz it will be worse than crunalla riots in sydney wel just kick every muslim out of australia! yet we are suppose to trust them wearing burkahs and have this praying mosks and stuff in our city…there fkn taking over the world and we aint doin shit….theyl take over soon if we dont fkn make a stand or a real fight and end them all now they will make a world attack one day,i dont even want to raise my kid knowing isis will take over….just dont trust them anymore even near me,,,even the muslims with burkahs on,,,,im not racist i have a clour tv @ home… 😉 WE ARE LEGION EXPECT US!